Assertions: Difference between revisions

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<lang d>import std.exception: enforce;

int foo(in bool condition) pure nothrow
<lang d>import std.string;
in {
void main() {
// Assertions are used in contract programming.
int a = readln().chomp().atoi();
assert(a == 42, "You did not input 42!");
} out(result) {
assert(result > 0);
} body {
if (condition)
return 42;

// assert(false) is never stripped from the code, it generates an
// error in debug builds, and it becomes a HALT instruction in
// -release mode.
// It's used as a mark by the D type system. If you remove this
// line the compiles gives an error:
// Error: function no return exp;
// or assert(0); at end of function
assert(false, "This can't happen.");

void main() pure {
int x = foo(true);

// A regular assertion, it throws an error.
// Use -release to disable it.
// It can be used in nothrow functions.
assert(x == 42, "x is not 42");

// This throws an exception and it can't be disabled.
// There are some different versions of this lazy function.
enforce(x == 42, "x is not 42");