Arrays: Difference between revisions

5,232 bytes added ,  2 years ago
→‎{{header|Diego}}: added Diego entry
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ShowMessage(StaticArrayText + #13#10 + DynamicArrayText);
<lang diego>set_ns(rosettacode);
// Create a new dynamic array with length zero, variant and/or mixed datatypes
// Create a new dynamic array with length zero, of integers with no mixed datatypes
add_array({int}, myIntegerArray);
// Create a new fixed-length array with length 5
add_array(myFiveArray)_len(5)_base(0); // The value base '_base(0)' is usually defaulted to zero, depends upon thing.
// Create an array with 2 members (length is 2)
add_ary(myStringArray)_value(Item1,Item2); // '_array' can be shortened to '_ary'
// Assign a value to member [2]
with_ary(myChangeArray)_at(2)_v(5); // '_value' can be shortened to '_v'
// Add a member to an array with the push function (defaulted at end), length increased by one
[myExpandedArray]_push()_v(9); // 'with_ary(...)' can be shortened to '[...]'
// Add a member to an array with the push function (at a location), length increased by one
// Remove a member to an array with the pop function (defaulted at end), length reduced by one
// Remove a member to an array with the pop function (at a location), length reduced by one
// Swap a member to an array with the swap function
[myExpandedArray]_swap(2, 6);
// Rectiline a member in an array
[MyCaterpillarArray]_rectilup(4, 2);
[MyCaterpillarArray]_rectildown(5, 3);
// Null a member to an array with the pluck function (defaulted at end)
// Null a member to an array with the pluck function (at a location)
// Get size of array
[mySizableArray]_size(); // '_len()' can also be used
// Retrieve an element of an array
[myArray]_first(); // Retrieve first element in an array
[myArray]_last(); // Retrieve last element in an array
// More transformations of arrays (like append, union, intersection) are available
// For multi-dimensional array use the 'matrix' object
set_matrixorder(row-major); // set major order as row- or column-major order depends on the thing
set_handrule(right); // set hand-rule, most things will use right hand-rule
// Create a new dynamic two-dimensional array with length zero, variant and/or mixed datatypes
// Create a new dynamic three-dimensional array with length zero, of integers with no mixed datatypes
add_matrix({int}, my3DEmptyMatrix)_dim(3);
// Convert an array to a matrix by adding a new dimension with length zero, variant and/or mixed datatypes
with_array(MyConvertedArray)_dim(); // Should now use '_matrix' object rather than '_array'
with_array(MyConvertedArray)_dim(3); // Add three dimensions to array, should now use '_matrix' object rather than '_array'
// Create a new fixed-length traditional (2D) matrix with 5 rows and 4 columns
add_matirx(myMatrix)_subs(5, 4); // check or set major order first
// Create a new fixed-length mutil-dimensional matrix with 5 rows, 4 columns, 6 subscripts, and 8 subscripts
add_mat(myMatrix)_subs(5, 4, 6, 8); // check or set major order first, '_matrix' can be shortened to 'mat'
// Create a 4 x 4 identiy matrix:
add_mat(myIdentityMatrix)_subs(4, 4)_identity; // ...or...
add_mat(myMorphedMatrix)_subs(4, 4)
with_mat(myMorphedMatrix)_trans(morph)_identity(); // More transformations available
// Assign a value to member [2,4]
with_mat(myMatrix)_row(2)_col(4)_value(5); // ...or...
with_mat(myMatrix)_at(2, 4)_v(5); // check or set major order first
// Add a member(s) to a matrix using push functions is available
// Remove a member(s) from a matrix with the pop functions is available
// Swap a member(s) in a matrix with the swap functions is available
// Rectiline a single member in a three-dimensional matrix
[MyWobbleMatrix]_rectilat()_row(3)_col(3)_sub(3)_rectilto()_row(-1)_col(1)_sub(0); // ...or...
[MyWobbleMatrix]_rectilat(3, 3, 3)_rectilto(-1, 1, 0); // check or set major order first, ...or...
[MyWobbleMatrix]_rectilat(3, 3, 3)_rectilleft(1)_rectilup(1); / check or set hand-rule, ...or...
// Also 'crab', 'elevate', 'slide' and 'pump' movements are available
// Also 'row', 'pitch', and 'yaw' movements are available
// Also, quaternions calculations are available
// Null a member in a matrix using pluck functions is available
// Get size of a matrix
mat(mySizableMatrix)_size(); // will return an array of the size()
[myMultidimensialArray]_len(); // '_len()' can also be used
// Retrieve an element of a matrix
[myMatrix]_at(3, 2);
[myArray]_first()_atsub(2); // Retrieve first element of a row/column/subscript of a matrix
[myArray]_last()_atsub(2); // Retrieve last element of a row/column/subscript of a matrix
[myArray]_origin(); // Retrieve first element in a matrix
[myArray]_end(); // Retrieve last element in a matrix