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m Grammar
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sums (letters I. (~. reduced))} 26 # 0 NB. Alphabetize the sums, then return.
same task, open a text file and compute letter frequency
<ocaml>let () =
let ic = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in
let base = int_of_char 'a' in
let arr = Array.make 26 0 in
try while true do
let c = Char.lowercase(input_char ic) in
let ndx = int_of_char c - base in
if ndx < 26 && ndx >= 0 then
arr.(ndx) <- succ arr.(ndx)
with End_of_file ->
close_in ic;
for i=0 to 25 do
Printf.printf "%c -> %d\n" (char_of_int(i + base)) arr.(i)
==Computational metrics==