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A program which parses and evaluates arithmetic expressions. Requirements: an AST for the expression must be created from parsing the input, the AST must be used in evaluation also, so no calling eval or similar if the language has such a thing. The expression will be a string or list of symbols like "(1+3)*7". + - * / as binary operators must be supported including precedence levels, as well as parentheses.
A program which parses and evaluates arithmetic expressions. Requirements: an abstract-syntax tree (AST) for the expression must be created from parsing the input. The AST must be used in evaluation, also, so no calling eval or similar if the language has such a thing. The expression will be a string or list of symbols like "(1+3)*7". The four symbols + - * / must be supported as binary operators, including precedence levels. Precedence-control parentheses must also be supported.

For those who don't remember, mathematical precedence is as follows:
For those who don't remember, mathematical precedence is as follows:

Revision as of 22:17, 22 January 2008

Arithmetic evaluation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A program which parses and evaluates arithmetic expressions. Requirements: an abstract-syntax tree (AST) for the expression must be created from parsing the input. The AST must be used in evaluation, also, so no calling eval or similar if the language has such a thing. The expression will be a string or list of symbols like "(1+3)*7". The four symbols + - * / must be supported as binary operators, including precedence levels. Precedence-control parentheses must also be supported.

For those who don't remember, mathematical precedence is as follows:

  • Parentheses
  • Exponents (not in this program)
  • Multiplication/Division (left to right)
  • Addition/Subtraction (left to right)


module test;
import std.stdio;

int calculate(string expr)
  string take(int count)
    auto res = expr[0 .. count];
    expr = expr[count .. $];
    return res;
  string peek(int count)
    if (expr.length < count) count = expr.length;
    return expr [0 .. count];
  int delegate(int level) descent;
  // grab the next number from the input expression
  int getNumber()
    int res;
    // if our "number" is a parantheses-wrapped expression, evaluate it
    if (peek(1) == "(") { take(1); return descent(0); }
    while (expr.length)
      auto next = peek(1)[0];
      // if the next character is a digit ...
      if (next >= '0' && next <= '9')
        res = res * 10 + (next-'0');
      } else return res;
    return res;
  // descent evaluates a level-l expression (1: multiplication and division, 0: also addition and subtraction)
  descent = (int l) {
    auto num = getNumber; // get the first number of our expression
    while (expr.length)
      auto op = take(1)[0];
      if (op == ')') return num; // expression end
      if (op == '*') num *= getNumber;
      if (op == '/') num /= getNumber;
      if (l == 1) return num;
      if (op == '+') num += descent(1);
      if (op == '-') num -= descent(1);
    return num;
  return descent(0);

void main()
  writefln(calculate("(3+50)*7-9"), ", ", (3+50)*7-9);


import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr

data Exp = Num Int
         | Add Exp Exp
         | Sub Exp Exp
         | Mul Exp Exp
         | Div Exp Exp

expr = buildExpressionParser table factor

table = [[op "*" (Mul) AssocLeft, op "/" (Div) AssocLeft]
        ,[op "+" (Add) AssocLeft, op "-" (Sub) AssocLeft]]
        where op s f assoc = Infix (do string s; return f) assoc

factor =  do char '(' ; x <- expr ; char ')'
             return x 
      <|> do ds <- many1 digit
             return $ Num (read ds)

evaluate (Num x) = fromIntegral x
evaluate (Add a b) = (evaluate a)   +   (evaluate b)
evaluate (Sub a b) = (evaluate a)   -   (evaluate b)
evaluate (Mul a b) = (evaluate a)   *   (evaluate b)
evaluate (Div a b) = (evaluate a) `div` (evaluate b)

solution exp = case parse expr [] exp of
                 Right expr -> evaluate expr
                 Left _ -> error "Did not parse"


% Lexer
numeric(X) :- 48 =< X, X =< 57.
not_numeric(X) :- 48 > X ; X > 57.

lex1([], []).
lex1([40|Xs], ['('|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([41|Xs], [')'|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([43|Xs], ['+'|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([45|Xs], ['-'|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([42|Xs], ['*'|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([47|Xs], ['/'|Ys]) :- lex1(Xs, Ys).
lex1([X|Xs], [N|Ys]) :- numeric(X), N is X - 48, lex1(Xs, Ys).

lex2([], []).
lex2([X], [X]).
lex2([Xa,Xb|Xs], [Xa|Ys]) :- atom(Xa), lex2([Xb|Xs], Ys).
lex2([Xa,Xb|Xs], [Xa|Ys]) :- number(Xa), atom(Xb), lex2([Xb|Xs], Ys).
lex2([Xa,Xb|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :- number(Xa), number(Xb), N is Xa * 10 + Xb, lex2([N|Xs], [Y|Ys]).

% Parser
oper(1, *, X, Y, X * Y). oper(1, /, X, Y, X / Y).
oper(2, +, X, Y, X + Y). oper(2, -, X, Y, X - Y).

num(D) --> [D], {number(D)}.

expr(0, Z) --> num(Z).
expr(0, Z) --> {Z = (X)}, ['('], expr(2, X), [')'].

expr(N, Z) --> {succ(N0, N)}, {oper(N, Op, X, Y, Z)}, expr(N0, X), [Op], expr(N, Y).
expr(N, Z) --> {succ(N0, N)}, expr(N0, Z).

parse(Tokens, Expr) :- expr(2, Expr, Tokens, []).

% Evaluator
evaluate(E, E) :- number(E).
evaluate(A + B, E) :- evaluate(A, Ae), evaluate(B, Be), E is Ae + Be.
evaluate(A - B, E) :- evaluate(A, Ae), evaluate(B, Be), E is Ae - Be.
evaluate(A * B, E) :- evaluate(A, Ae), evaluate(B, Be), E is Ae * Be.
evaluate(A / B, E) :- evaluate(A, Ae), evaluate(B, Be), E is Ae / Be.

% Solution
calculator(String, Value) :-
   lex1(String, Tokens1),
   lex2(Tokens1, Tokens2),
   parse(Tokens2, Expression),
   evaluate(Expression, Value).

% Example use
% calculator("(3+50)*7-9", X).