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ocamlopt -pp camlp4o -o arith_eval.opt
ocamlopt -pp camlp4o -o arith_eval.opt

<lang ooRexx>
expressions = .array~of("2+3", "2+3/4", "2*3-4", "2*(3+4)+5/6", "2 * (3 + (4 * 5 + (6 * 7) * 8) - 9) * 10", "2*-3--4+-.25")
loop input over expressions
expression = createExpression(input)
if expression \= .nil then
say 'Expression "'input'" parses to "'expression~string'" and evaluates to "'expression~evaluate'"'

-- create an executable expression from the input, printing out any
-- errors if they are raised.
::routine createExpression
use arg inputString
-- signal on syntax
return .ExpressionParser~parseExpression(inputString)

condition = condition('o')
say condition~errorText
say condition~message
return .nil

-- a base class for tree nodes in the tree
-- all nodes return some sort of value. This can be constant,
-- or the result of additional evaluations
::class evaluatornode
-- all evaluation is done here
::method evaluate abstract

-- node for numeric values in the tree
::class constant
::method init
expose value
use arg value

::method evaluate
expose value
return value

::method string
expose value
return value

-- node for a parenthetical group on the tree
::class parens
::method init
expose subexpression
use arg subexpression

::method evaluate
expose subexpression
return subexpression~evaluate

::method string
expose subexpression
return "("subexpression~string")"

-- base class for binary operators
::class binaryoperator
::method init
expose left right
-- the left and right sides are set after the left and right sides have
-- been resolved.
left = .nil
right = .nil

-- base operation
::method evaluate
expose left right
return self~operation(left~evaluate, right~evaluate)

-- the actual operation of the node
::method operation abstract
::method symbol abstract
::method precedence abstract

-- display an operator as a string value
::method string
expose left right
return '('left~string self~symbol right~string')'

::attribute left
::attribute right

::class addoperator subclass binaryoperator
::method operation
use arg left, right
return left + right

::method symbol
return "+"

::method precedence
return 1

::class subtractoperator subclass binaryoperator
::method operation
use arg left, right
return left - right

::method symbol
return "-"

::method precedence
return 1

::class multiplyoperator subclass binaryoperator
::method operation
use arg left, right
return left * right

::method symbol
return "*"

::method precedence
return 2

::class divideoperator subclass binaryoperator
::method operation
use arg left, right
return left / right

::method symbol
return "/"

::method precedence
return 2

-- a class to parse the expression and build an evaluation tree
::class expressionParser
-- create a resolved operand from an operator instance and the top
-- two entries on the operand stack.
::method createNewOperand class
use strict arg operator, operands
-- the operands are a stack, so they are in inverse order current
operator~right = operands~pull
operator~left = operands~pull
-- this goes on the top of the stack now

::method parseExpression class
use strict arg inputString
-- stacks for managing the operands and pending operators
operands = .queue~new
operators = .queue~new
-- this flags what sort of item we expect to find at the current
-- location
afterOperand = .false

loop currentIndex = 1 to inputString~length
char = inputString~subChar(currentIndex)
-- skip over whitespace
if char == ' ' then iterate currentIndex
-- If the last thing we parsed was an operand, then
-- we expect to see either a closing paren or an
-- operator to appear here
if afterOperand then do
if char == ')' then do
loop while \operators~isempty
operator = operators~pull
-- if we find the opening paren, replace the
-- top operand with a paren group wrapper
-- and stop popping items
if operator == '(' then do
-- collapse the operator stack a bit
self~createNewOperand(operator, operands)
-- done with this character
iterate currentIndex
afterOperand = .false
operator = .nil
if char == "+" then operator = .addoperator~new
else if char == "-" then operator = .subtractoperator~new
else if char == "*" then operator = .multiplyoperator~new
else if char == "/" then operator = .divideoperator~new
if operator \= .nil then do
loop while \operators~isEmpty
top = operators~peek
-- start of a paren group stops the popping
if top == '(' then leave
-- or the top operator has a lower precedence
if top~precedence < operator~precedence then leave
-- process this pending one
self~createNewOperand(operators~pull, operands)
-- this new operator is now top of the stack
-- and back to the top
iterate currentIndex
raise syntax 98.900 array("Invalid expression character" char)
-- if we've hit an open paren, add this to the operator stack
-- as a phony operator
if char == '(' then do
iterate currentIndex
-- not an operator, so we have an operand of some type
afterOperand = .true
startindex = currentIndex
-- allow a leading minus sign on this
if inputString~subchar(currentIndex) == '-' then
currentIndex += 1
-- now scan for the end of numbers
loop while currentIndex <= inputString~length
-- exit for any non-numeric value
if \inputString~matchChar(currentIndex, "0123456789.") then leave
currentIndex += 1
-- extract the string value
operand = inputString~substr(startIndex, currentIndex - startIndex)
if \operand~datatype('Number') then
raise syntax 98.900 array("Invalid numeric operand '"operand"'")
-- back this up to the last valid character
currentIndex -= 1
-- add this to the operand stack as a tree element that returns a constant

loop while \operators~isEmpty
operator = operators~pull
if operator == '(' then
raise syntax 98.900 array("Missing closing ')' in expression")
self~createNewOperand(operator, operands)
-- our entire expression should be the top of the expression tree
expression = operands~pull
if \operands~isEmpty then
raise syntax 98.900 array("Invalid expression")
return expression
Expression "2+3" parses to "(2 + 3)" and evaluates to "5"
Expression "2+3/4" parses to "(2 + (3 / 4))" and evaluates to "2.75"
Expression "2*3-4" parses to "((2 * 3) - 4)" and evaluates to "2"
Expression "2*(3+4)+5/6" parses to "((2 * ((3 + 4))) + (5 / 6))" and evaluates to "14.8333333"
Expression "2 * (3 + (4 * 5 + (6 * 7) * 8) - 9) * 10" parses to "((2 * (((3 + (((4 * 5) + (((6 * 7)) * 8)))) - 9))) * 10)" and evaluates to 7000"
Expression "2*-3--4+-.25" parses to "(((2 * -3) - -4) + -.25)" and evaluates to "-2.25"
We can create a simple, but slow parser using logic programming.
We can create a simple, but slow parser using logic programming.