Arithmetic coding/As a generalized change of radix: Difference between revisions

added python
(added python)
Line 469:
DABDDB => 251 * 10^2
DABDDBBDDBA => 167351 * 10^6
ABRACADABRA => 7954170 * 10^4
TOBEORNOTTOBEORTOBEORNOT => 1150764267498783364 * 10^15
{{works with|Python|3.1+}}
<lang python>from collections import Counter
def cumulative_freq(freq):
cf = {}
total = 0
for b in range(256):
if b in freq:
cf[b] = total
total += freq[b]
return cf
def arithmethic_coding(bytes, radix):
# The frequency characters
freq = Counter(bytes)
# The cumulative frequency table
cf = cumulative_freq(freq)
# Limit and base
lim = len(bytes)-1
base = lim+1
# Lower bound
lower = 0
# Product of all frequencies
pf = 1
# Each term is multiplied by the product of the
# frequencies of all previously occurring symbols
for i in range(base):
x = cf[bytes[i]] * base**(lim-i)
lower += x*pf
pf *= freq[bytes[i]]
# Upper bound
upper = lower+pf
pow = 0
while True:
pf //= radix
if pf==0: break
pow += 1
enc = (upper-1) // radix**pow
return enc, pow, freq
def arithmethic_decoding(enc, radix, pow, freq):
# Multiply enc by radix^pow
enc *= radix**pow;
base = 0
for v in freq.values():
base += v
# Create the cumulative frequency table
cf = cumulative_freq(freq)
# Create the dictionary
dict = {}
for k,v in cf.items():
dict[v] = k
# Fill the gaps in the dictionary
lchar = None
for i in range(base):
if i in dict:
lchar = dict[i]
elif lchar is not None:
dict[i] = lchar
# Decode the input number
decoded = bytearray()
for i in range(base-1, -1, -1):
pow = base**i
div = enc//pow
c = dict[div]
fv = freq[c]
cv = cf[c]
rem = (enc - pow*cv) // fv
enc = rem
# Return the decoded output
return bytes(decoded)
radix = 10 # can be any integer greater or equal with 2
enc, pow, freq = arithmethic_coding(str, radix)
dec = arithmethic_decoding(enc, radix, pow, freq)
print("%-25s=> %19s * %d^%s" % (str, enc, radix, pow))
if str != dec:
raise Exception("\tHowever that is incorrect!")</lang>
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