< Arithmetic | Rational
Arithmetic/Rational/Tcl is part of Rational Arithmetic. You may find other members of Rational Arithmetic at Category:Rational Arithmetic.
Code to find factors of a number not shown:
namespace eval rat {}
proc rat::new {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
set args {0}
lassign [split {*}$args] n d
if {$d == 0} {
error "divide by zero"
if {$d < 0} {
set n [expr {-1 * $n}]
set d [expr {abs($d)}]
return [normalize $n $d]
proc rat::split {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
lassign [::split $args /] n d
if {$d eq ""} {
set d 1
} else {
lassign $args n d
return [list $n $d]
proc rat::join {rat} {
lassign $rat n d
if {$n == 0} {
return 0
} elseif {$d == 1} {
return $n
} else {
return $n/$d
proc rat::normalize {n d} {
set gcd [gcd $n $d]
return [join [list [expr {$n/$gcd}] [expr {$d/$gcd}]]]
proc rat::gcd {a b} {
while {$b != 0} {
lassign [list $b [expr {$a % $b}]] a b
return $a
proc rat::abs {rat} {
lassign [split $rat] n d
return [join [list [expr {abs($n)}] $d]]
proc rat::inv {rat} {
lassign [split $rat] n d
return [normalize $d $n]
proc rat::+ {args} {
set n 0
set d 1
foreach arg $args {
lassign [split $arg] an ad
set n [expr {$n*$ad + $an*$d}]
set d [expr {$d * $ad}]
return [normalize $n $d]
proc rat::- {args} {
lassign [split [lindex $args 0]] n d
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
return [join [list [expr {-1 * $n}] $d]]
foreach arg [lrange $args 1 end] {
lassign [split $arg] an ad
set n [expr {$n*$ad - $an*$d}]
set d [expr {$d * $ad}]
return [normalize $n $d]
proc rat::* {args} {
set n 1
set d 1
foreach arg $args {
lassign [split $arg] an ad
set n [expr {$n * $an}]
set d [expr {$d * $ad}]
return [normalize $n $d]
proc rat::/ {a b} {
set r [* $a [inv $b]]
if {[string match */0 $r]} {
error "divide by zero"
return $r
proc rat::== {a b} {
return [expr {[- $a $b] == 0}]
proc rat::!= {a b} {
return [expr { ! [== $a $b]}]
proc rat::< {a b} {
lassign [split [- $a $b]] n d
return [expr {$n < 0}]
proc rat::> {a b} {
lassign [split [- $a $b]] n d
return [expr {$n > 0}]
proc rat::<= {a b} {
return [expr { ! [> $a $b]}]
proc rat::>= {a b} {
return [expr { ! [< $a $b]}]
proc is_perfect {num} {
set sum [rat::new 0]
foreach factor [all_factors $num] {
set sum [rat::+ $sum [rat::new 1/$factor]]
# note, all_factors includes 1, so sum should be 2
return [rat::== $sum 2]
proc get_perfect_numbers {} {
set t [clock seconds]
set limit [expr 2**19]
for {set num 2} {$num < $limit} {incr num} {
if {[is_perfect $num]} {
puts "perfect: $num"
puts "elapsed: [expr {[clock seconds] - $t}] seconds"
set num [expr {2**12 * (2**13 - 1)}] ;# 5th perfect number
if {[is_perfect $num]} {
puts "perfect: $num"
source primes.tcl
- Output:
perfect: 6 perfect: 28 perfect: 496 perfect: 8128 elapsed: 477 seconds perfect: 33550336