Arithmetic/Integer: Difference between revisions

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Line 881:
console writeLine:a:" % ":b:" = ":(a mod:b). // matches sign of first operand
<lang Elixir>
# Function to remove line breaks and convert string to int
to_int = fn n -> n |> String.replace(~r/\n/,"") |> String.to_integer() end
# Get user input
a = IO.gets("Enter your first integer: ") |> to_int.()
b = IO.gets("Enter your second integer: ") |> to_int.()
IO.puts "Elixir Integer Arithmetic:\n"
IO.puts "Sum: #{a + b}"
IO.puts "Difference: #{a - b}"
IO.puts "Product: #{a * b}"
IO.puts "True Division: #{a/b}" # Float
IO.puts "Division: #{div(a,b)}" # Truncated Towards 0
IO.puts "Remainder: #{rem(a,b)}" # Sign from first digit
IO.puts "Exponent: #{:math.pow(a,b)}" # Float, using Erlang's :math