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{{task|Arithmetic operations}}
{{task}}An '''imaginary number''' is a number which can be written as "a + b*i" (sometimes shown as "b + a*i") where a and b are real numbers and i is the square root of -1. Typically, imaginary numbers are represented as a pair of real numbers called the "imaginary part" and "real part", where the imaginary part is the number to be multiplied by i.
A   '''[[wp:Complex number|complex number]]'''   is a number which can be written as:
Show addition, multiplication, negation, and inversion of imaginary numbers in separate functions (subtraction and division operations can be made with pairs of these operations).
<big><math>a + b \times i</math></big>
(sometimes shown as:
<big><math>b + a \times i</math></big>
where &nbsp; <big><math>a</math></big> &nbsp; and &nbsp; <big><math>b</math></big>&nbsp; are real numbers, &nbsp; and &nbsp; [[wp:Imaginary_unit|<big><math>i</math></big>]] &nbsp; is &nbsp; <big>&radic;{{overline|&nbsp;-1&nbsp;}}</big>
Some languages have imaginary number libraries available. If your language does, show the operations. If your language does not, also show the definition of this type (print functions are not necessary).
Typically, complex numbers are represented as a pair of real numbers called the "imaginary part" and "real part", &nbsp; where the imaginary part is the number to be multiplied by <big><math>i</math></big>.
* Show addition, multiplication, negation, and inversion of complex numbers in separate functions. (Subtraction and division operations can be made with pairs of these operations.)
* Print the results for each operation tested.
* ''Optional:'' Show complex conjugation.
By definition, the &nbsp; [[wp:complex conjugate|complex conjugate]] &nbsp; of
<big><math>a + bi</math></big>
<big><math>a - bi</math></big>
Some languages have complex number libraries available. &nbsp; If your language does, show the operations. &nbsp; If your language does not, also show the definition of this type.
<syntaxhighlight lang="11l">V z1 = 1.5 + 3i
V z2 = 1.5 + 1.5i
print(z1 + z2)
print(z1 - z2)
print(z1 * z2)
print(z1 / z2)
print(z1 ^ z2)
{{libheader|Action! Tool Kit}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="action!">INCLUDE "D2:REAL.ACT" ;from the Action! Tool Kit
DEFINE R_="+0"
DEFINE I_="+6"
TYPE Complex=[CARD cr1,cr2,cr3,ci1,ci2,ci3]
IF (tmp(0)&$80)=$00 THEN
PROC PrintComplex(Complex POINTER x)
PrintR(x R_)
IF Positive(x I_) THEN
PrintR(x I_) Put('i)
PROC PrintComplexXYZ(Complex POINTER x,y,z CHAR ARRAY s)
Print("(") PrintComplex(x)
Print(") ") Print(s)
Print(" (") PrintComplex(y)
Print(") = ") PrintComplex(z)
PROC PrintComplexXY(Complex POINTER x,y CHAR ARRAY s)
Print("(") PrintComplex(x)
Print(") = ") PrintComplex(y)
PROC ComplexAdd(Complex POINTER x,y,res)
RealAdd(x R_,y R_,res R_) ;res.r=x.r+y.r
RealAdd(x I_,y I_,res I_) ;res.i=x.i+y.i
PROC ComplexSub(Complex POINTER x,y,res)
RealSub(x R_,y R_,res R_) ;res.r=x.r-y.r
RealSub(x I_,y I_,res I_) ;res.i=x.i-y.i
PROC ComplexMult(Complex POINTER x,y,res)
REAL tmp1,tmp2
RealMult(x R_,y R_,tmp1) ;tmp1=x.r*y.r
RealMult(x I_,y I_,tmp2) ;tmp2=x.i*y.i
RealSub(tmp1,tmp2,res R_) ;res.r=x.r*y.r-x.i*y.i
RealMult(x R_,y I_,tmp1) ;tmp1=x.r*y.i
RealMult(x I_,y R_,tmp2) ;tmp2=x.i*y.r
RealAdd(tmp1,tmp2,res I_) ;res.i=x.r*y.i+x.i*y.r
PROC ComplexDiv(Complex POINTER x,y,res)
REAL tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4
RealMult(x R_,y R_,tmp1) ;tmp1=x.r*y.r
RealMult(x I_,y I_,tmp2) ;tmp2=x.i*y.i
RealAdd(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3) ;tmp3=x.r*y.r+x.i*y.i
RealMult(y R_,y R_,tmp1) ;tmp1=y.r^2
RealMult(y I_,y I_,tmp2) ;tmp2=y.i^2
RealAdd(tmp1,tmp2,tmp4) ;tmp4=y.r^2+y.i^2
RealDiv(tmp3,tmp4,res R_) ;res.r=(x.r*y.r+x.i*y.i)/(y.r^2+y.i^2)
RealMult(x I_,y R_,tmp1) ;tmp1=x.i*y.r
RealMult(x R_,y I_,tmp2) ;tmp2=x.r*y.i
RealSub(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3) ;tmp3=x.i*y.r-x.r*y.i
RealDiv(tmp3,tmp4,res I_) ;res.i=(x.i*y.r-x.r*y.i)/(y.r^2+y.i^2)
PROC ComplexNeg(Complex POINTER x,res)
REAL neg
ValR("-1",neg) ;neg=-1
RealMult(x R_,neg,res R_) ;res.r=-x.r
RealMult(x I_,neg,res I_) ;res.r=-x.r
PROC ComplexInv(Complex POINTER x,res)
REAL tmp1,tmp2,tmp3
RealMult(x R_,x R_,tmp1) ;tmp1=x.r^2
RealMult(x I_,x I_,tmp2) ;tmp2=x.i^2
RealAdd(tmp1,tmp2,tmp3) ;tmp3=x.r^2+x.i^2
RealDiv(x R_,tmp3,res R_) ;res.r=x.r/(x.r^2+x.i^2)
ValR("-1",tmp1) ;tmp1=-1
RealMult(x I_,tmp1,tmp2) ;tmp2=-x.i
RealDiv(tmp2,tmp3,res I_) ;res.i=-x.i/(x.r^2+x.i^2)
PROC ComplexConj(Complex POINTER x,res)
REAL neg
ValR("-1",neg) ;neg=-1
RealAssign(x R_,res R_) ;res.r=x.r
RealMult(x I_,neg,res I_) ;res.i=-x.i
PROC Main()
Complex x,y,res
IntToReal(5,x R_) IntToReal(3,x I_)
IntToReal(4,y R_) ValR("-3",y I_)
Put(125) PutE() ;clear screen
PrintComplexXY(y,res," -")
PrintComplexXY(y,res," 1 / ")
PrintComplexXY(y,res," conj")
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
(5+3i) + (4-3i) = 9+0i
(5+3i) - (4-3i) = 1+6i
(5+3i) * (4-3i) = 29-3i
(5+3i) / (4-3i) = .44+1.08i
-(4-3i) = -4+3i
1 / (4-3i) = .16+.12i
conj(4-3i) = 4+3i
<syntaxhighlight lang="ada">with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
with Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO;
procedure Complex_Operations is
-- Ada provides a pre-defined generic package for complex types
-- That package contains definitions for composition,
-- negation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
-- conjugation, exponentiation, and absolute value, as well as
-- basic comparison operations.
-- Ada provides a second pre-defined package for sin, cos, tan, cot,
-- arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, and the hyperbolic versions of
-- those trigonometric functions.
-- The package Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types requires definition
-- with the real type to be used in the complex type definition.
package Complex_Types is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types (Long_Float);
use Complex_Types;
package Complex_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO (Complex_Types);
use Complex_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;
A : Complex := Compose_From_Cartesian (Re => 1.0, Im => 1.0);
B : Complex := Compose_From_Polar (Modulus => 1.0, Argument => 3.14159);
C : Complex;
-- Addition
C := A + B;
Put("A + B = "); Put(C);
-- Multiplication
C := A * B;
Put("A * B = "); Put(C);
-- Inversion
C := 1.0 / A;
Put("1.0 / A = "); Put(C);
-- Negation
C := -A;
Put("-A = "); Put(C);
-- Conjugation
Put("Conjugate(-A) = ");
C := Conjugate (C); Put(C);
end Complex_Operations;</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{works with|ALGOL 68|Revision 1 - no extensions to language used}}
{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release [ 1.18.0-9h.tiny]}}
{{wont work with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release [ 1.8-8d] - due to extensive use of FORMATted transput}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">main:(
FORMAT compl fmt = $g(-7,5)"⊥"g(-7,5)$;
PROC compl operations = VOID: (
LONG COMPL a = 1.0 ⊥ 1.0;
LONG COMPL b = 3.14159 ⊥ 1.2;
printf(($x"a="f(compl fmt)l$,a));
printf(($x"b="f(compl fmt)l$,b));
# addition #
c := a + b;
printf(($x"a+b="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
# multiplication #
c := a * b;
printf(($x"a*b="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
# inversion #
c := 1.0 / a;
printf(($x"1/c="f(compl fmt)l$,c));
# negation #
c := -a;
printf(($x"-a="f(compl fmt)l$,c))
compl operations
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
Complex is a built-in type in Algol W.
<syntaxhighlight lang="algolw">begin
% show some complex arithmetic %
% returns c + d, using the builtin complex + operator %
complex procedure cAdd ( complex value c, d ) ; c + d;
% returns c * d, using the builtin complex * operator %
complex procedure cMul ( complex value c, d ) ; c * d;
% returns the negation of c, using the builtin complex unary - operator %
complex procedure cNeg ( complex value c ) ; - c;
% returns the inverse of c, using the builtin complex / operatror %
complex procedure cInv ( complex value c ) ; 1 / c;
% returns the conjugate of c %
complex procedure cConj ( complex value c ) ; realpart( c ) - imag( imagpart( c ) );
complex c, d;
c := 1 + 2i;
d := 3 + 4i;
% set I/O format for real aand complex numbers %
r_format := "A"; s_w := 0; r_w := 6; r_d := 2;
write( "c : ", c );
write( "d : ", d );
write( "c + d : ", cAdd( c, d ) );
write( "c * d : ", cMul( c, d ) );
write( "-c : ", cNeg( c ) );
write( "1/c : ", cInv( c ) );
write( "conj c : ", cConj( c ) )
c : 1.00 2.00I
d : 3.00 4.00I
c + d : 4.00 6.00I
c * d : -5.00 10.00I
-c : -1.00 -2.00I
1/c : 0.20 -0.40I
conj c : 1.00 -2.00I
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
x←1j1 ⍝assignment
x+y ⍝addition
x×y ⍝multiplication
⌹x ⍝inversion
-x ⍝negation
=={{header|App Inventor}}==
App Inventor has native support for complex numbers.<br>
The linked image gives a few examples of complex arithmetic and a custom complex conjugate function.<br>
[ View the blocks and app screen...]
<syntaxhighlight lang="rebol">a: to :complex [1 1]
b: to :complex @[pi 1.2]
print ["a:" a]
print ["b:" b]
print ["a + b:" a + b]
print ["a * b:" a * b]
print ["1 / a:" 1 / a]
print ["neg a:" neg a]
print ["conj a:" conj a]</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>a: 1.0+1.0i
b: 3.141592653589793+1.2i
a + b: 4.141592653589793+2.2i
a * b: 1.941592653589793+4.341592653589793i
1 / a: 0.5-0.5i
neg a: -1.0-1.0i
conj a: 1.0-1.0i</pre>
contributed by Laszlo on the ahk [ forum]
<syntaxhighlight lang="autohotkey">Cset(C,1,1)
MsgBox % Cstr(C) ; 1 + i*1
MsgBox % Cstr(C) ; -1 - i*1
MsgBox % Cstr(C) ; -2 - i*2
MsgBox % Cstr(D) ; -0.25 + 0.25*i
MsgBox % Cstr(C) ; 1 + i*0
Cset(ByRef C, re, im) {
Cre(ByRef C) {
Return NumGet(C,0,"double")
Cim(ByRef C) {
Return NumGet(C,8,"double")
Cstr(ByRef C) {
Return Cre(C) ((i:=Cim(C))<0 ? " - i*" . -i : " + i*" . i)
Cadd(ByRef C, ByRef A, ByRef B) {
Cmul(ByRef C, ByRef A, ByRef B) {
t := Cre(A)*Cim(B)+Cim(A)*Cre(B)
NumPut(t,C,8,"double") ; A or B can be C!
Cneg(ByRef C, ByRef A) {
Cinv(ByRef C, ByRef A) {
d := Cre(A)**2 + Cim(A)**2
NumPut( Cre(A)/d,C,0,"double")
contributed by af
<syntaxhighlight lang="awk"># simulate a struct using associative arrays
function complex(arr, re, im) {
arr["re"] = re
arr["im"] = im
function re(cmplx) {
return cmplx["re"]
function im(cmplx) {
return cmplx["im"]
function printComplex(cmplx) {
print re(cmplx), im(cmplx)
function abs2(cmplx) {
return re(cmplx) * re(cmplx) + im(cmplx) * im(cmplx)
function abs(cmplx) {
return sqrt(abs2(cmplx))
function add(res, cmplx1, cmplx2) {
complex(res, re(cmplx1) + re(cmplx2), im(cmplx1) + im(cmplx2))
function mult(res, cmplx1, cmplx2) {
complex(res, re(cmplx1) * re(cmplx2) - im(cmplx1) * im(cmplx2), re(cmplx1) * im(cmplx2) + im(cmplx1) * re(cmplx2))
function scale(res, cmplx, scalar) {
complex(res, re(cmplx) * scalar, im(cmplx) * scalar)
function negate(res, cmplx) {
scale(res, cmplx, -1)
function conjugate(res, cmplx) {
complex(res, re(cmplx), -im(cmplx))
function invert(res, cmplx) {
conjugate(res, cmplx)
scale(res, res, 1 / abs(cmplx))
complex(i, 0, 1)
mult(i, i, i)
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">TYPE complex
DECLARE SUB suma (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
DECLARE SUB rest (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
DECLARE SUB mult (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
DECLARE SUB divi (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
DECLARE SUB neg (a AS complex, b AS complex)
DECLARE SUB inv (a AS complex, b AS complex)
DECLARE SUB conj (a AS complex, b AS complex)
DIM x AS complex
DIM y AS complex
DIM z AS complex
x.real = 1
x.imag = 1
y.real = 2
y.imag = 2
PRINT "Siendo x = "; x.real; "+"; x.imag; "i"
PRINT " e y = "; y.real; "+"; y.imag; "i"
CALL suma(x, y, z)
PRINT "x + y = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL rest(x, y, z)
PRINT "x - y = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL mult(x, y, z)
PRINT "x * y = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL divi(x, y, z)
PRINT "x / y = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL neg(x, z)
PRINT " -x = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL inv(x, z)
PRINT "1 / x = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
CALL conj(x, z)
PRINT " x* = "; z.real; "+"; z.imag; "i"
SUB suma (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
c.real = a.real + b.real
c.imag = a.imag + b.imag
SUB inv (a AS complex, b AS complex)
denom = a.real ^ 2 + a.imag ^ 2
b.real = a.real / denom
b.imag = -a.imag / denom
SUB mult (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
c.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag
c.imag = a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real
SUB neg (a AS complex, b AS complex)
b.real = -a.real
b.imag = -a.imag
SUB conj (a AS complex, b AS complex)
b.real = a.real
b.imag = -a.imag
SUB divi (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
c.real = ((a.real * b.real + b.imag * a.imag) / (b.real ^ 2 + b.imag ^ 2))
c.imag = ((a.imag * b.real - a.real * b.imag) / (b.real ^ 2 + b.imag ^ 2))
SUB rest (a AS complex, b AS complex, c AS complex)
c.real = a.real - b.real
c.imag = a.imag - b.imag
<pre>Siendo x = 1+ 3i
e y = 5+ 2i
x + y = 6 + 5 i
x - y = -4 + 1 i
x * y = -1 + 17 i
x / y = .3793103448275862 + .4482758620689655 i
-x = -1 +-3 i
1 / x = .1 +-.3 i
x* = 1 +-3 i</pre>
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
{{works with|BBC BASIC for Windows}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bbcbasic"> DIM Complex{r, i}
DIM a{} = Complex{} : a.r = 1.0 : a.i = 1.0
DIM b{} = Complex{} : b.r = PI# : b.i = 1.2
DIM o{} = Complex{}
PROCcomplexadd(o{}, a{}, b{})
PRINT "Result of addition is " FNcomplexshow(o{})
PROCcomplexmul(o{}, a{}, b{})
PRINT "Result of multiplication is " ; FNcomplexshow(o{})
PROCcomplexneg(o{}, a{})
PRINT "Result of negation is " ; FNcomplexshow(o{})
PROCcomplexinv(o{}, a{})
PRINT "Result of inversion is " ; FNcomplexshow(o{})
DEF PROCcomplexadd(dst{}, one{}, two{})
dst.r = one.r + two.r
dst.i = one.i + two.i
DEF PROCcomplexmul(dst{}, one{}, two{})
dst.r = one.r*two.r - one.i*two.i
dst.i = one.i*two.r + one.r*two.i
DEF PROCcomplexneg(dst{}, src{})
dst.r = -src.r
dst.i = -src.i
DEF PROCcomplexinv(dst{}, src{})
LOCAL denom : denom = src.r^2 + src.i^ 2
dst.r = src.r / denom
dst.i = -src.i / denom
DEF FNcomplexshow(src{})
IF src.i >= 0 THEN = STR$(src.r) + " + " +STR$(src.i) + "i"
= STR$(src.r) + " - " + STR$(-src.i) + "i"</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Result of addition is 4.14159265 + 2.2i
Result of multiplication is 1.94159265 + 4.34159265i
Result of negation is -1 - 1i
Result of inversion is 0.5 - 0.5i</pre>
Bracmat recognizes the symbol <code>i</code> as the square root of <code>-1</code>. The results of the functions below are not necessarily of the form <code>a+b*i</code>, but as the last example shows, Bracmat nevertheless can work out that two different representations of the same mathematical object, when subtracted from each other, give zero. You may wonder why in the functions <code>multiply</code> and <code>negate</code> there are terms <code>1</code> and <code>-1</code>. These terms are a trick to force Bracmat to expand the products. As it is more costly to factorize a sum than to expand a product into a sum, Bracmat retains isolated products. However, when in combination with a non-zero term, the product is expanded.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bracmat"> (add=a b.!arg:(?a,?b)&!a+!b)
& ( multiply
= a b.!arg:(?a,?b)&1+!a*!b+-1
& (negate=.1+-1*!arg+-1)
& ( conjugate
= a b
. !arg:i&-i
| !arg:-i&i
| !arg:?a_?b&(conjugate$!a)_(conjugate$!b)
| !arg
& ( invert
= conjugated
. conjugate$!arg:?conjugated
& multiply$(!arg,!conjugated)^-1*!conjugated
& out$("(a+i*b)+(a+i*b) =" add$(a+i*b,a+i*b))
& out$("(a+i*b)+(a+-i*b) =" add$(a+i*b,a+-i*b))
& out$("(a+i*b)*(a+i*b) =" multiply$(a+i*b,a+i*b))
& out$("(a+i*b)*(a+-i*b) =" multiply$(a+i*b,a+-i*b))
& out$("-1*(a+i*b) =" negate$(a+i*b))
& out$("-1*(a+-i*b) =" negate$(a+-i*b))
& out$("sin$x = " sin$x)
& out$("conjugate sin$x =" conjugate$(sin$x))
& out
$ ("sin$x minus conjugate sin$x =" sin$x+negate$(conjugate$(sin$x)))
& done;</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>(a+i*b)+(a+i*b) = 2*a+2*i*b
(a+i*b)+(a+-i*b) = 2*a
(a+i*b)*(a+i*b) = a^2+-1*b^2+2*i*a*b
(a+i*b)*(a+-i*b) = a^2+b^2
-1*(a+i*b) = -1*a+-i*b
-1*(a+-i*b) = -1*a+i*b
sin$x = i*(-1/2*e^(i*x)+1/2*e^(-i*x))
conjugate sin$x = -i*(1/2*e^(i*x)+-1/2*e^(-i*x))
sin$x minus conjugate sin$x = 0</pre>
{{works with|C99}}
The more recent [[C99]] standard has built-in complex number primitive types, which can be declared with float, double, or long double precision. To use these types and their associated library functions, you must include the <complex.h> header. (Note: this is a ''different'' header than the <complex> templates that are defined by [[C++]].) [] []
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#include <complex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void cprint(double complex c)
printf("%f%+fI", creal(c), cimag(c));
void complex_operations() {
double complex a = 1.0 + 1.0I;
double complex b = 3.14159 + 1.2I;
double complex c;
printf("\na="); cprint(a);
printf("\nb="); cprint(b);
// addition
c = a + b;
printf("\na+b="); cprint(c);
// multiplication
c = a * b;
printf("\na*b="); cprint(c);
// inversion
c = 1.0 / a;
printf("\n1/c="); cprint(c);
// negation
c = -a;
printf("\n-a="); cprint(c);
// conjugate
c = conj(a);
printf("\nconj a="); cprint(c); printf("\n");
{{works with|C89}}
User-defined type:
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">typedef struct{
double real;
double imag;
} Complex;
Complex add(Complex a, Complex b){
Complex ans;
ans.real = a.real + b.real;
ans.imag = a.imag + b.imag;
return ans;
Complex mult(Complex a, Complex b){
Complex ans;
ans.real = a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag;
ans.imag = a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real;
return ans;
/* it's arguable that things could be better handled if either
a.real or a.imag is +/-inf, but that's much work */
Complex inv(Complex a){
Complex ans;
double denom = a.real * a.real + a.imag * a.imag;
ans.real = a.real / denom;
ans.imag = -a.imag / denom;
return ans;
Complex neg(Complex a){
Complex ans;
ans.real = -a.real;
ans.imag = -a.imag;
return ans;
Complex conj(Complex a){
Complex ans;
ans.real = a.real;
ans.imag = -a.imag;
return ans;
void put(Complex c)
printf("%lf%+lfI", c.real, c.imag);
void complex_ops(void)
Complex a = { 1.0, 1.0 };
Complex b = { 3.14159, 1.2 };
printf("\na="); put(a);
printf("\nb="); put(b);
printf("\na+b="); put(add(a,b));
printf("\na*b="); put(mult(a,b));
printf("\n1/a="); put(inv(a));
printf("\n-a="); put(neg(a));
printf("\nconj a="); put(conj(a)); printf("\n");
=={{header|C sharp|C#}}==
{{works with|C sharp|C#|4.0}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">namespace RosettaCode.Arithmetic.Complex
using System;
using System.Numerics;
internal static class Program
private static void Main()
var number = Complex.ImaginaryOne;
foreach (var result in new[] { number + number, number * number, -number, 1 / number, Complex.Conjugate(number) })
{{works with|C sharp|C#|1.2}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="csharp">using System;
public struct ComplexNumber
public static readonly ComplexNumber i = new ComplexNumber(0.0, 1.0);
public static readonly ComplexNumber Zero = new ComplexNumber(0.0, 0.0);
public double Re;
public double Im;
public ComplexNumber(double re)
this.Re = re;
this.Im = 0;
public ComplexNumber(double re, double im)
this.Re = re;
this.Im = im;
public static ComplexNumber operator *(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumber(n1.Re * n2.Re - n1.Im * n2.Im,
n1.Im * n2.Re + n1.Re * n2.Im);
public static ComplexNumber operator *(double n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumber(n1 * n2.Re, n1 * n2.Im);
public static ComplexNumber operator /(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
double n2Norm = n2.Re * n2.Re + n2.Im * n2.Im;
return new ComplexNumber((n1.Re * n2.Re + n1.Im * n2.Im) / n2Norm,
(n1.Im * n2.Re - n1.Re * n2.Im) / n2Norm);
public static ComplexNumber operator /(ComplexNumber n1, double n2)
return new ComplexNumber(n1.Re / n2, n1.Im / n2);
public static ComplexNumber operator +(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumber(n1.Re + n2.Re, n1.Im + n2.Im);
public static ComplexNumber operator -(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumber(n1.Re - n2.Re, n1.Im - n2.Im);
public static ComplexNumber operator -(ComplexNumber n)
return new ComplexNumber(-n.Re, -n.Im);
public static implicit operator ComplexNumber(double n)
return new ComplexNumber(n, 0.0);
public static explicit operator double(ComplexNumber n)
return n.Re;
public static bool operator ==(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return n1.Re == n2.Re && n1.Im == n2.Im;
public static bool operator !=(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return n1.Re != n2.Re || n1.Im != n2.Im;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return this == (ComplexNumber)obj;
public override int GetHashCode()
return Re.GetHashCode() ^ Im.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0}+{1}*i", Re, Im);
public static class ComplexMath
public static double Abs(ComplexNumber a)
return Math.Sqrt(Norm(a));
public static double Norm(ComplexNumber a)
return a.Re * a.Re + a.Im * a.Im;
public static double Arg(ComplexNumber a)
return Math.Atan2(a.Im, a.Re);
public static ComplexNumber Inverse(ComplexNumber a)
double norm = Norm(a);
return new ComplexNumber(a.Re / norm, -a.Im / norm);
public static ComplexNumber Conjugate(ComplexNumber a)
return new ComplexNumber(a.Re, -a.Im);
public static ComplexNumber Exp(ComplexNumber a)
double e = Math.Exp(a.Re);
return new ComplexNumber(e * Math.Cos(a.Im), e * Math.Sin(a.Im));
public static ComplexNumber Log(ComplexNumber a)
return new ComplexNumber(0.5 * Math.Log(Norm(a)), Arg(a));
public static ComplexNumber Power(ComplexNumber a, ComplexNumber power)
return Exp(power * Log(a));
public static ComplexNumber Power(ComplexNumber a, int power)
bool inverse = false;
if (power < 0)
inverse = true; power = -power;
ComplexNumber result = 1.0;
ComplexNumber multiplier = a;
while (power > 0)
if ((power & 1) != 0) result *= multiplier;
multiplier *= multiplier;
power >>= 1;
if (inverse)
return Inverse(result);
return result;
public static ComplexNumber Sqrt(ComplexNumber a)
return Exp(0.5 * Log(a));
public static ComplexNumber Sin(ComplexNumber a)
return Sinh(ComplexNumber.i * a) / ComplexNumber.i;
public static ComplexNumber Cos(ComplexNumber a)
return Cosh(ComplexNumber.i * a);
public static ComplexNumber Sinh(ComplexNumber a)
return 0.5 * (Exp(a) - Exp(-a));
public static ComplexNumber Cosh(ComplexNumber a)
return 0.5 * (Exp(a) + Exp(-a));
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// usage
ComplexNumber i = 2;
ComplexNumber j = new ComplexNumber(1, -2);
Console.WriteLine(i * j);
Console.WriteLine(ComplexMath.Power(j, 2));
Console.WriteLine((double)ComplexMath.Sin(i) + " vs " + Math.Sin(2));
Console.WriteLine(ComplexMath.Power(j, 0) == 1.0);
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
using std::complex;
void complex_operations() {
complex<double> a(1.0, 1.0);
complex<double> b(3.14159, 1.25);
// addition
std::cout << a + b << std::endl;
// multiplication
std::cout << a * b << std::endl;
// inversion
std::cout << 1.0 / a << std::endl;
// negation
std::cout << -a << std::endl;
// conjugate
std::cout << std::conj(a) << std::endl;
Clojure on the JVM has no native support for Complex numbers.
Therefore, we use defrecord and the multimethods in
clojure.algo.generic.arithmetic to make a Complex number type.
<syntaxhighlight lang="clojure">(ns rosettacode.arithmetic.cmplx
(:require [clojure.algo.generic.arithmetic :as ga])
(:import [java.lang Number]))
(defrecord Complex [^Number r ^Number i]
(toString [{:keys [r i]}]
(apply str
(zero? r) [(if (= i 1) "" i) "i"]
(zero? i) [r]
:else [r (if (neg? i) "-" "+") i "i"]))))
(defmethod ga/+ [Complex Complex]
[x y] (map->Complex (merge-with + x y)))
(defmethod ga/+ [Complex Number] ; reals become y + 0i
[{:keys [r i]} y] (->Complex (+ r y) i))
(defmethod ga/- Complex
[x] (->> x vals (map -) (apply ->Complex)))
(defmethod ga/* [Complex Complex]
[x y] (map->Complex (merge-with * x y)))
(defmethod ga/* [Complex Number]
[{:keys [r i]} y] (->Complex (* r y) (* i y)))
(ga/defmethod* ga / Complex
[x] (->> x vals (map /) (apply ->Complex)))
(defn conj [^Complex {:keys [r i]}]
(->Complex r (- i)))
(defn inv [^Complex {:keys [r i]}]
(let [m (+ (* r r) (* i i))]
(->Complex (/ r m) (- (/ i m)))))
The following is in the Managed COBOL dialect.
{{works with|Visual COBOL}}
===.NET Complex class===
<syntaxhighlight lang="cobolfree"> $SET SOURCEFORMAT "FREE"
$SET ILUSING "System.Numerics"
class-id Prog.
method-id. Main static.
procedure division.
declare num as type Complex = type Complex::ImaginaryOne()
declare results as type Complex occurs any
set content of results to ((num + num), (num * num), (- num), (1 / num), type Complex::Conjugate(num))
perform varying result as type Complex thru results
display result
end method.
end class.</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cobolfree"> $SET SOURCEFORMAT "FREE"
class-id Prog.
method-id. Main static.
procedure division.
declare a as type Complex = new Complex(1, 1)
declare b as type Complex = new Complex(3.14159, 1.25)
display "a = " a
display "b = " b
display space
declare result as type Complex = a + b
display "a + b = " result
move (a - b) to result
display "a - b = " result
move (a * b) to result
display "a * b = " result
move (a / b) to result
display "a / b = " result
move (- b) to result
display "-b = " result
display space
display "Inverse of b: " type Complex::Inverse(b)
display "Conjugate of b: " type Complex::Conjugate(b)
end method.
end class.
class-id Complex.
01 Real float-long property.
01 Imag float-long property.
method-id new.
set Real, Imag to 0
end method.
method-id new.
procedure division using value real-val as float-long, imag-val as float-long.
set Real to real-val
set Imag to imag-val
end method.
method-id Norm static.
procedure division using value a as type Complex returning ret as float-long.
compute ret = a::Real ** 2 + a::Imag ** 2
end method.
method-id Inverse static.
procedure division using value a as type Complex returning ret as type Complex.
declare norm as float-long = type Complex::Norm(a)
set ret to new Complex(a::Real / norm, (0 - a::Imag) / norm)
end method.
method-id Conjugate static.
procedure division using value a as type Complex returning c as type Complex.
set c to new Complex(a::Real, 0 - a::Imag)
end method.
method-id ToString override.
procedure division returning str as string.
set str to type String::Format("{0}{1:+#0;-#}i", Real, Imag)
end method.
operator-id + .
procedure division using value a as type Complex, b as type Complex
returning c as type Complex.
set c to new Complex(a::Real + b::Real, a::Imag + b::Imag)
end operator.
operator-id - .
procedure division using value a as type Complex, b as type Complex
returning c as type Complex.
set c to new Complex(a::Real - b::Real, a::Imag - b::Imag)
end operator.
operator-id * .
procedure division using value a as type Complex, b as type Complex
returning c as type Complex.
set c to new Complex(a::Real * b::Real - a::Imag * b::Imag,
a::Real * b::Imag + a::Imag * b::Real)
end operator.
operator-id / .
procedure division using value a as type Complex, b as type Complex
returning c as type Complex.
set c to new Complex()
declare b-norm as float-long = type Complex::Norm(b)
compute c::Real = (a::Real * b::Real + a::Imag * b::Imag) / b-norm
compute c::Imag = (a::Imag * b::Real - a::Real * b::Imag) / b-norm
end operator.
operator-id - .
procedure division using value a as type Complex returning ret as type Complex.
set ret to new Complex(- a::Real, 0 - a::Imag)
end operator.
end class.</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="coffeescript">
# create an immutable Complex type
class Complex
constructor: (@r=0, @i=0) ->
@magnitude = @r*@r + @i*@i
plus: (c2) ->
new Complex(
@r + c2.r,
@i + c2.i
times: (c2) ->
new Complex(
@r*c2.r - @i*c2.i,
@r*c2.i + @i*c2.r
negation: ->
new Complex(
-1 * @r,
-1 * @i
inverse: ->
throw Error "no inverse" if @magnitude is 0
new Complex(
@r / @magnitude,
-1 * @i / @magnitude
toString: ->
return "#{@r}" if @i == 0
return "#{@i}i" if @r == 0
if @i > 0
"#{@r} + #{@i}i"
"#{@r} - #{-1 * @i}i"
# test
do ->
a = new Complex(5, 3)
b = new Complex(4, -3)
sum = b
console.log "(#{a}) + (#{b}) = #{sum}"
product = a.times b
console.log "(#{a}) * (#{b}) = #{product}"
negation = b.negation()
console.log "-1 * (#{b}) = #{negation}"
diff = negation
console.log "(#{a}) - (#{b}) = #{diff}"
inverse = b.inverse()
console.log "1 / (#{b}) = #{inverse}"
quotient = product.times inverse
console.log "(#{product}) / (#{b}) = #{quotient}"
> coffee
(5 + 3i) + (4 - 3i) = 9
(5 + 3i) * (4 - 3i) = 29 - 3i
-1 * (4 - 3i) = -4 + 3i
(5 + 3i) - (4 - 3i) = 1 + 6i
1 / (4 - 3i) = 0.16 + 0.12i
(29 - 3i) / (4 - 3i) = 5 + 3i
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Complex numbers are a built-in numeric type in Common Lisp. The literal syntax for a complex number is <tt>#C(<var>real</var> <var>imaginary</var>)</tt>. The components of a complex number may be integers, ratios, or floating-point. Arithmetic operations automatically return complex (or real) numbers when appropriate:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">> (sqrt -1)
#C(0.0 1.0)
> (expt #c(0 1) 2)
Here are some arithmetic operations on complex numbers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">> (+ #c(0 1) #c(1 0))
#C(1 1)
> (* #c(1 1) 2)
#C(2 2)
> (* #c(1 1) #c(0 2))
#C(-2 2)
> (- #c(1 1))
#C(-1 -1)
> (/ #c(0 2))
#C(0 -1/2)
> (conjugate #c(1 1))
#C(1 -1)</syntaxhighlight>
Complex numbers can be constructed from real and imaginary parts using the <tt>complex</tt> function, and taken apart using the <tt>realpart</tt> and <tt>imagpart</tt> functions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">> (complex 64 (/ 3 4))
#C(64 3/4)
> (realpart #c(5 5))
> (imagpart (complex 0 pi))
=={{header|Component Pascal}}==
BlackBox Component Builder
<syntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">
MODULE Complex;
Complex* = POINTER TO ComplexDesc;
ComplexDesc = RECORD
r-,i-: REAL;
r,x,y: Complex;
PROCEDURE New(x,y: REAL): Complex;
r: Complex;
NEW(r);r.r := x;r.i := y;
END New;
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Add*(y: Complex): Complex,NEW;
RETURN New(x.r + y.r,x.i + y.i)
END Add;
PROCEDURE ( x: Complex) Sub*( y: Complex): Complex, NEW;
RETURN New(x.r - y.r,x.i - y.i)
END Sub;
PROCEDURE ( x: Complex) Mul*( y: Complex): Complex, NEW;
RETURN New(x.r*y.r - x.i*y.i,x.r*y.i + x.i*y.r)
END Mul;
PROCEDURE ( x: Complex) Div*( y: Complex): Complex, NEW;
d: REAL;
d := y.r * y.r + y.i * y.i;
RETURN New((x.r*y.r + x.i*y.i)/d,(x.i*y.r - x.r*y.i)/d)
END Div;
(* Reciprocal *)
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Rec*(): Complex,NEW;
d: REAL;
d := x.r * x.r + x.i * x.i;
RETURN New(x.r/d,(-1.0 * x.i)/d);
END Rec;
(* Conjugate *)
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Con*(): Complex,NEW;
RETURN New(x.r, (-1.0) * x.i);
END Con;
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Out(),NEW;
StdLog.String("i );")
END Out;
x := New(1.5,3);
y := New(1.0,1.0);
StdLog.String("x: ");x.Out();StdLog.Ln;
StdLog.String("y: ");y.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := x.Add(y);
StdLog.String("x + y: ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := x.Sub(y);
StdLog.String("x - y: ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := x.Mul(y);
StdLog.String("x * y: ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := x.Div(y);
StdLog.String("x / y: ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := y.Rec();
StdLog.String("1 / y: ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
r := x.Con();
StdLog.String("x': ");r.Out();StdLog.Ln;
END Complex.
Execute: ^Q Complex.Do<br/>
x: Complex( 1.5, 3.0i );
y: Complex( 1.0, 1.0i );
x + y: Complex( 2.5, 4.0i );
x - y: Complex( 0.5, 2.0i );
x * y: Complex( -1.5, 4.5i );
x / y: Complex( 2.25, 0.75i );
1 / y: Complex( 0.5, -0.5i );
x': Complex( 1.5, -3.0i );
Built-in complex numbers are now deprecated in D, to simplify the language.
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio, std.complex;
void main() {
auto x = complex(1, 1); // complex of doubles on default
auto y = complex(3.14159, 1.2);
writeln(x + y); // addition
writeln(x * y); // multiplication
writeln(1.0 / x); // inversion
writeln(-x); // negation
<syntaxhighlight lang="dart">
class complex {
num real=0;
num imag=0;
complex(num r,num i){
complex add(complex b){
return new complex(this.real + b.real, this.imag + b.imag);
complex mult(complex b){
//FOIL of (a+bi)(c+di) with i*i = -1
return new complex(this.real * b.real - this.imag * b.imag, this.real * b.imag + this.imag * b.real);
complex inv(){
//1/(a+bi) * (a-bi)/(a-bi) = 1/(a+bi) but it's more workable
num denom = real * real + imag * imag;
double r =real/denom;
double i= -imag/denom;
return new complex( r,-i);
complex neg(){
return new complex(-real, -imag);
complex conj(){
return new complex(real, -imag);
String toString(){
return this.real.toString()+' + '+ this.imag.toString()+'*i';
void main() {
var cl= new complex(1,2);
var cl2= new complex(3,-1);
{{libheader| System.SysUtils}}
{{libheader| System.VarCmplx}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
program Arithmetic_Complex;
a, b: Variant;
a := VarComplexCreate(5, 3);
b := VarComplexCreate(0.5, 6.0);
writeln(format('(%s) + (%s) = %s',[a,b, a+b]));
writeln(format('(%s) * (%s) = %s',[a,b, a*b]));
writeln(format('-(%s) = %s',[a,- a]));
writeln(format('1/(%s) = %s',[a,1/a]));
writeln(format('conj(%s) = %s',[a,VarComplexConjugate(a)]));
<pre>(5 + 3i) + (0,5 + 6i) = 5,5 + 9i
(5 + 3i) * (0,5 + 6i) = -15,5 + 31,5i
-(5 + 3i) = -5 - 3i
1/(5 + 3i) = 0,147058823529412 - 0,0882352941176471i
conj(5 + 3i) = 5 - 3i</pre>
Complex numbers are part of the language. No special library is needed.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(define a 42+666i) → a
(define b 1+i) → b
(- a) → -42-666i ; negate
(+ a b) → 43+667i ; add
(* a b) → -624+708i ; multiply
(/ b) → 0.5-0.5i ; invert
(conjugate b) → 1-i
(angle b) → 0.7853981633974483 ; = PI/4
(magnitude b) → 1.4142135623730951 ; = sqrt(2)
(exp (* I PI)) → -1+0i ; Euler = e^(I*PI) = -1
<syntaxhighlight lang="elixir">defmodule Complex do
import Kernel, except: [abs: 1, div: 2]
defstruct real: 0, imag: 0
def new(real, imag) do
%__MODULE__{real: real, imag: imag}
def add(a, b) do
{a, b} = convert(a, b)
new(a.real + b.real, a.imag + b.imag)
def sub(a, b) do
{a, b} = convert(a, b)
new(a.real - b.real, a.imag - b.imag)
def mul(a, b) do
{a, b} = convert(a, b)
new(a.real*b.real - a.imag*b.imag, a.imag*b.real + a.real*b.imag)
def div(a, b) do
{a, b} = convert(a, b)
divisor = abs2(b)
new((a.real*b.real + a.imag*b.imag) / divisor,
(a.imag*b.real - a.real*b.imag) / divisor)
def neg(a) do
a = convert(a)
new(-a.real, -a.imag)
def inv(a) do
a = convert(a)
divisor = abs2(a)
new(a.real / divisor, -a.imag / divisor)
def conj(a) do
a = convert(a)
new(a.real, -a.imag)
def abs(a) do
defp abs2(a) do
a = convert(a)
a.real*a.real + a.imag*a.imag
defp convert(a) when is_number(a), do: new(a, 0)
defp convert(%__MODULE__{} = a), do: a
defp convert(a, b), do: {convert(a), convert(b)}
def task do
a = new(1, 3)
b = new(5, 2)
IO.puts "a = #{a}"
IO.puts "b = #{b}"
IO.puts "add(a,b): #{add(a, b)}"
IO.puts "sub(a,b): #{sub(a, b)}"
IO.puts "mul(a,b): #{mul(a, b)}"
IO.puts "div(a,b): #{div(a, b)}"
IO.puts "div(b,a): #{div(b, a)}"
IO.puts "neg(a) : #{neg(a)}"
IO.puts "inv(a) : #{inv(a)}"
IO.puts "conj(a) : #{conj(a)}"
defimpl String.Chars, for: Complex do
def to_string(%Complex{real: real, imag: imag}) do
if imag >= 0, do: "#{real}+#{imag}j",
else: "#{real}#{imag}j"
a = 1+3j
b = 5+2j
add(a,b): 6+5j
sub(a,b): -4+1j
mul(a,b): -1+17j
div(a,b): 0.3793103448275862+0.4482758620689655j
div(b,a): 1.1-1.3j
neg(a) : -1-3j
inv(a) : 0.1-0.3j
conj(a) : 1-3j
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">%% Task: Complex Arithmetic
%% Author: Abhay Jain
-record(complex, {real, img}).
calculate() ->
A = #complex{real=1, img=3},
B = #complex{real=5, img=2},
Sum = add (A, B),
print (Sum),
Product = multiply (A, B),
print (Product),
Negation = negation (A),
print (Negation),
Inversion = inverse (A),
print (Inversion),
Conjugate = conjugate (A),
print (Conjugate).
add (A, B) ->
RealPart = A#complex.real + B#complex.real,
ImgPart = A#complex.img + B#complex.img,
#complex{real=RealPart, img=ImgPart}.
multiply (A, B) ->
RealPart = (A#complex.real * B#complex.real) - (A#complex.img * B#complex.img),
ImgPart = (A#complex.real * B#complex.img) + (B#complex.real * A#complex.img),
#complex{real=RealPart, img=ImgPart}.
negation (A) ->
#complex{real=-A#complex.real, img=-A#complex.img}.
inverse (A) ->
C = conjugate (A),
Mod = (A#complex.real * A#complex.real) + (A#complex.img * A#complex.img),
RealPart = C#complex.real / Mod,
ImgPart = C#complex.img / Mod,
#complex{real=RealPart, img=ImgPart}.
conjugate (A) ->
RealPart = A#complex.real,
ImgPart = -A#complex.img,
#complex{real=RealPart, img=ImgPart}.
print (A) ->
if A#complex.img < 0 ->
io:format("Ans = ~p~pi~n", [A#complex.real, A#complex.img]);
true ->
io:format("Ans = ~p+~pi~n", [A#complex.real, A#complex.img])
end. </syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="erlang">Ans = 6+5i
Ans = -1+17i
Ans = -1-3i
Ans = 0.1-0.3i
Ans = 1-3i</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
! complex arithmetic routines
PRINT(Z.REAL#;" + ";Z.IMAG#;"i")
PRINT(Z.REAL#;" + ";Z.IMAG#;"i")
PRINT(Z.REAL#;" + ";Z.IMAG#;"i")
PRINT(Z.REAL#;" + ";Z.IMAG#;"i")
Note: Adapted from QuickBasic source code
<pre> 3 + 3 i
0 + 4 i
.5 +-.5 i
-1 +-1 i</pre>
=={{header|Euler Math Toolbox}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="euler math toolbox">
>a=1+4i; b=5-3i;
>fraction a/b
<syntaxhighlight lang="euphoria">constant REAL = 1, IMAG = 2
type complex(sequence s)
return length(s) = 2 and atom(s[REAL]) and atom(s[IMAG])
end type
function add(complex a, complex b)
return a + b
end function
function mult(complex a, complex b)
return {a[REAL] * b[REAL] - a[IMAG] * b[IMAG],
a[REAL] * b[IMAG] + a[IMAG] * b[REAL]}
end function
function inv(complex a)
atom denom
denom = a[REAL] * a[REAL] + a[IMAG] * a[IMAG]
return {a[REAL] / denom, -a[IMAG] / denom}
end function
function neg(complex a)
return -a
end function
function scomplex(complex a)
sequence s
if a[REAL] != 0 then
s = sprintf("%g",a)
s = {}
end if
if a[IMAG] != 0 then
if a[IMAG] = 1 then
s &= "+i"
elsif a[IMAG] = -1 then
s &= "-i"
s &= sprintf("%+gi",a[IMAG])
end if
end if
if length(s) = 0 then
return "0"
return s
end if
end function
complex a, b
a = { 1.0, 1.0 }
b = { 3.14159, 1.2 }
printf(1,"a = %s\n",{scomplex(a)})
printf(1,"b = %s\n",{scomplex(b)})
printf(1,"a+b = %s\n",{scomplex(add(a,b))})
printf(1,"a*b = %s\n",{scomplex(mult(a,b))})
printf(1,"1/a = %s\n",{scomplex(inv(a))})
printf(1,"-a = %s\n",{scomplex(neg(a))})</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>a = 1+i
b = 3.14159+1.2i
a+b = 4.14159+2.2i
a*b = 1.94159+4.34159i
1/a = 0.5-0.5i
-a = -1-i</pre>
Take 7 cells, say A1 to G1. Type in :
<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
<syntaxhighlight lang="excel">
E1 will have the negation of D1's value
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
1+2i 3+5i 4+7i -7+11i 7-11i 0,0411764705882353+0,0647058823529412i 4-7i
=={{header|F Sharp|F#}}==
Entered into an interactive session to show the results:
<syntaxhighlight lang="fsharp">
> open Microsoft.FSharp.Math;;
> let a = complex 1.0 1.0;;
val a : complex = 1r+1i
> let b = complex 3.14159 1.25;;
val b : complex = 3.14159r+1.25i
> a + b;;
val it : Complex = 4.14159r+2.25i {Conjugate = 4.14159r-2.25i;
ImaginaryPart = 2.25;
Magnitude = 4.713307515;
Phase = 0.497661247;
RealPart = 4.14159;
i = 2.25;
r = 4.14159;}
> a * b;;
val it : Complex = 1.89159r+4.39159i {Conjugate = 1.89159r-4.39159i;
ImaginaryPart = 4.39159;
Magnitude = 4.781649868;
Phase = 1.164082262;
RealPart = 1.89159;
i = 4.39159;
r = 1.89159;}
> a / b;;
val it : Complex =
{Conjugate = 0.384145932435901r-0.165463215905043i;
ImaginaryPart = 0.1654632159;
Magnitude = 0.418265673;
Phase = 0.4067140652;
RealPart = 0.3841459324;
i = 0.1654632159;
r = 0.3841459324;}
> -a;;
val it : complex = -1r-1i {Conjugate = -1r+1i;
ImaginaryPart = -1.0;
Magnitude = 1.414213562;
Phase = -2.35619449;
RealPart = -1.0;
i = -1.0;
r = -1.0;}
<syntaxhighlight lang="factor">USING: combinators kernel math math.functions prettyprint ;
C{ 1 2 } C{ 0.9 -2.78 } {
[ + . ] ! addition
[ - . ] ! subtraction
[ * . ] ! multiplication
[ / . ] ! division
[ ^ . ] ! power
} 2cleave
C{ 1 2 } {
[ neg . ] ! negation
[ recip . ] ! multiplicative inverse
[ conjugate . ] ! complex conjugate
[ sin . ] ! sine
[ log . ] ! natural logarithm
[ sqrt . ] ! square root
} cleave</syntaxhighlight>
{{libheader|Forth Scientific Library}}
Historically, there was no standard syntax or mechanism for complex numbers and several implementations suitable for different uses were provided. However later a wordset ''was'' standardised as "Algorithm #60".
<syntaxhighlight lang="forth">S" fsl-util.fs" REQUIRED
S" complex.fs" REQUIRED
zvariable x
zvariable y
1e 1e x z!
pi 1.2e y z!
x z@ y z@ z+ z.
x z@ y z@ z* z.
1e 0e zconstant 1+0i
1+0i x z@ z/ z.
x z@ znegate z.</syntaxhighlight>
In ANSI FORTRAN 66 or later, COMPLEX is a built-in data type with full access to intrinsic arithmetic operations. Putting each native operation in a function is horribly inefficient, so I will simply demonstrate the operations. This example shows usage for Fortran 90 or later:
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program cdemo
complex :: a = (5,3), b = (0.5, 6.0) ! complex initializer
complex :: absum, abprod, aneg, ainv
absum = a + b
abprod = a * b
aneg = -a
ainv = 1.0 / a
end program cdemo</syntaxhighlight>
And, although you did not ask, here are demonstrations of some other common complex number operations
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">program cdemo2
complex :: a = (5,3), b = (0.5, 6) ! complex initializer
real, parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793 ! The constant "pi"
complex, parameter :: i = (0, 1) ! the imaginary unit "i" (sqrt(-1))
complex :: abdiff, abquot, abpow, aconj, p2cart, newc
real :: areal, aimag, anorm, rho = 10, theta = pi / 3.0, x = 2.3, y = 3.0
integer, parameter :: n = 50
integer :: j
complex, dimension(0:n-1) :: unit_circle
abdiff = a - b
abquot = a / b
abpow = a ** b
areal = real(a) ! Real part
aimag = imag(a) ! Imaginary part. Function imag(a) is possibly not recognised. Use aimag(a) if so.
newc = cmplx(x,y) ! Creating a complex on the fly from two reals intrinsically
! (initializer only works in declarations)
newc = x + y*i ! Creating a complex on the fly from two reals arithmetically
anorm = abs(a) ! Complex norm (or "modulus" or "absolute value")
! (use CABS before Fortran 90)
aconj = conjg(a) ! Complex conjugate (same as real(a) - i*imag(a))
p2cart = rho * exp(i * theta) ! Euler's polar complex notation to cartesian complex notation
! conversion (use CEXP before Fortran 90)
! The following creates an array of N evenly spaced points around the complex unit circle
! useful for FFT calculations, among other things
unit_circle = exp(2*i*pi/n * (/ (j, j=0, n-1) /) )
end program cdemo2</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="freebasic">' FB 1.05.0 Win64
Type Complex
As Double real, imag
Declare Constructor(real As Double, imag As Double)
Declare Function invert() As Complex
Declare Function conjugate() As Complex
Declare Operator cast() As String
End Type
Constructor Complex(real As Double, imag As Double)
This.real = real
This.imag = imag
End Constructor
Function Complex.invert() As Complex
Dim denom As Double = real * real + imag * imag
Return Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom)
End Function
Function Complex.conjugate() As Complex
Return Complex(real, -imag)
End Function
Operator Complex.Cast() As String
If imag >= 0 Then
Return Str(real) + "+" + Str(imag) + "j"
End If
Return Str(real) + Str(imag) + "j"
End Operator
Operator - (c As Complex) As Complex
Return Complex(-c.real, -c.imag)
End Operator
Operator + (c1 As Complex, c2 As Complex) As Complex
Return Complex(c1.real + c2.real, c1.imag + c2.imag)
End Operator
Operator - (c1 As Complex, c2 As Complex) As Complex
Return c1 + (-c2)
End Operator
Operator * (c1 As Complex, c2 As Complex) As Complex
Return Complex(c1.real * c2.real - c1.imag * c2.imag, c1.real * c2.imag + c2.real * c1.imag)
End Operator
Operator / (c1 As Complex, c2 As Complex) As Complex
Return c1 * c2.invert
End Operator
Var x = Complex(1, 3)
Var y = Complex(5, 2)
Print "x = "; x
Print "y = "; y
Print "x + y = "; x + y
Print "x - y = "; x - y
Print "x * y = "; x * y
Print "x / y = "; x / y
Print "-x = "; -x
Print "1 / x = "; x.invert
Print "x* = "; x.conjugate
Print "Press any key to quit"
x = 1+3j
y = 5+2j
x + y = 6+5j
x - y = -4+1j
x * y = -1+17j
x / y = 0.3793103448275862+0.4482758620689655j
-x = -1-3j
1 / x = 0.1-0.3j
x* = 1-3j
=={{header|Free Pascal}}==
FreePascal has a complex units. Example of usage:
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">Program ComplexDemo;
a, b, absum, abprod, aneg, ainv, acong: complex;
function complex(const re, im: real): ucomplex.complex; overload;
begin := re; := im;
a := complex(5, 3);
b := complex(0.5, 6.0);
absum := a + b;
writeln ('(5 + i3) + (0.5 + i6.0): ',, ' + i',;
abprod := a * b;
writeln ('(5 + i3) * (0.5 + i6.0): ',, ' + i',;
aneg := -a;
writeln ('-(5 + i3): ',, ' + i',;
ainv := 1.0 / a;
writeln ('1/(5 + i3): ',, ' + i',;
acong := cong(a);
writeln ('conj(5 + i3): ',, ' + i',;
Frink's operations handle complex numbers naturally. The real and imaginary parts of complex numbers can be arbitrary-sized integers, arbitrary-sized rational numbers, or arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="frink">
add[x,y] := x + y
multiply[x,y] := x * y
negate[x] := -x
invert[x] := 1/x // Could also use inv[x] or recip[x]
conjugate[x] := Re[x] - Im[x] i
a = 3 + 2.5i
b = 7.3 - 10i
println["$a + $b = " + add[a,b]]
println["$a * $b = " + multiply[a,b]]
println["-$a = " + negate[a]]
println["1/$a = " + invert[a]]
println["conjugate[$a] = " + conjugate[a]]
( 3 + 2.5 i ) + ( 7.3 - 10 i ) = ( 10.3 - 7.5 i )
( 3 + 2.5 i ) * ( 7.3 - 10 i ) = ( 46.9 - 11.75 i )
-( 3 + 2.5 i ) = ( -3 - 2.5 i )
1/( 3 + 2.5 i ) = ( 0.19672131147540983607 - 0.16393442622950819672 i )
conjugate[( 3 + 2.5 i )] = ( 3 - 2.5 i )
{{incorrect|Futhark|Futhark's syntax has changed, so "fun" should be "let"}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="futhark">
type complex = (f64,f64)
fun complexAdd((a,b): complex) ((c,d): complex): complex =
(a + c,
b + d)
fun complexMult((a,b): complex) ((c,d): complex): complex =
(a*c - b * d,
a*d + b * c)
fun complexInv((r,i): complex): complex =
let denom = r*r + i * i
in (r / denom,
-i / denom)
fun complexNeg((r,i): complex): complex =
(-r, -i)
fun complexConj((r,i): complex): complex =
(r, -i)
fun main (o: int) (a: complex) (b: complex): complex =
if o == 0 then complexAdd a b
else if o == 1 then complexMult a b
else if o == 2 then complexInv a
else if o == 3 then complexNeg a
else complexConj a
<syntaxhighlight lang="gap"># GAP knows gaussian integers, gaussian rationals (i.e. Q[i]), and cyclotomic fields. Here are some examples.
# E(n) is an nth primitive root of 1
i := Sqrt(-1);
# E(4)
(3 + 2*i)*(5 - 7*i);
# 29-11*E(4)
# -E(4)
# E(3)-E(3)^2
i in GaussianIntegers;
# true
i/2 in GaussianIntegers;
# false
i/2 in GaussianRationals;
# true
Sqrt(-3) in Cyclotomics;
# true</syntaxhighlight>
Go has complex numbers built in, with the complex conjugate in the standard library.
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">package main
import (
func main() {
a := 1 + 1i
b := 3.14159 + 1.25i
fmt.Println("a: ", a)
fmt.Println("b: ", b)
fmt.Println("a + b: ", a+b)
fmt.Println("a * b: ", a*b)
fmt.Println("-a: ", -a)
fmt.Println("1 / a: ", 1/a)
fmt.Println("a̅: ", cmplx.Conj(a))
a: (1+1i)
b: (3.14159+1.25i)
a + b: (4.14159+2.25i)
a * b: (1.8915899999999999+4.39159i)
-a: (-1-1i)
1 / a: (0.5-0.5i)
a̅: (1-1i)
Groovy does not provide any built-in facility for complex arithmetic. However, it does support arithmetic operator overloading. Thus it is not too hard to build a fairly robust, complete, and intuitive complex number class, such as the following:
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">class Complex {
final Number real, imag
static final Complex i = [0,1] as Complex
Complex(Number r, Number i = 0) { (real, imag) = [r, i] }
Complex(Map that) { (real, imag) = [that.real ?: 0, that.imag ?: 0] }
Complex plus (Complex c) { [real + c.real, imag + c.imag] as Complex }
Complex plus (Number n) { [real + n, imag] as Complex }
Complex minus (Complex c) { [real - c.real, imag - c.imag] as Complex }
Complex minus (Number n) { [real - n, imag] as Complex }
Complex multiply (Complex c) { [real*c.real - imag*c.imag , imag*c.real + real*c.imag] as Complex }
Complex multiply (Number n) { [real*n , imag*n] as Complex }
Complex div (Complex c) { this * c.recip() }
Complex div (Number n) { this * (1/n) }
Complex negative () { [-real, -imag] as Complex }
/** the complex conjugate of this complex number. Overloads the bitwise complement (~) operator. */
Complex bitwiseNegate () { [real, -imag] as Complex }
/** the magnitude of this complex number. */
// could also use Math.sqrt( (this * (~this)).real )
Number getAbs() { Math.sqrt( real*real + imag*imag ) }
/** the magnitude of this complex number. */
Number abs() { this.abs }
/** the reciprocal of this complex number. */
Complex getRecip() { (~this) / (ρ**2) }
/** the reciprocal of this complex number. */
Complex recip() { this.recip }
/** derived polar angle θ (theta) for polar form. Normalized to 0 ≤ θ < 2π. */
Number getTheta() {
def θ = Math.atan2(imag,real)
θ = θ < 0 ? θ + 2 * Math.PI : θ
/** derived polar angle θ (theta) for polar form. Normalized to 0 ≤ θ < 2π. */
Number getΘ() { this.theta } // this is greek uppercase theta
/** derived polar magnitude ρ (rho) for polar form. */
Number getRho() { this.abs }
/** derived polar magnitude ρ (rho) for polar form. */
Number getΡ() { this.abs } // this is greek uppercase rho, not roman P
/** Runs Euler's polar-to-Cartesian complex conversion,
* converting [ρ, θ] inputs into a [real, imag]-based complex number */
static Complex fromPolar(Number ρ, Number θ) {
[ρ * Math.cos(θ), ρ * Math.sin(θ)] as Complex
/** Creates new complex with same magnitude ρ, but different angle θ */
Complex withTheta(Number θ) { fromPolar(this.rho, θ) }
/** Creates new complex with same magnitude ρ, but different angle θ */
Complex withΘ(Number θ) { fromPolar(this.rho, θ) }
/** Creates new complex with same angle θ, but different magnitude ρ */
Complex withRho(Number ρ) { fromPolar(ρ, this.θ) }
/** Creates new complex with same angle θ, but different magnitude ρ */
Complex withΡ(Number ρ) { fromPolar(ρ, this.θ) } // this is greek uppercase rho, not roman P
static Complex exp(Complex c) { fromPolar(Math.exp(c.real), c.imag) }
static Complex log(Complex c) { [Math.log(c.rho), c.theta] as Complex }
Complex power(Complex c) {
def zero = [0] as Complex
(this == zero && c != zero) \
? zero \
: c == 1 \
? this \
: exp( log(this) * c )
Complex power(Number n) { this ** ([n, 0] as Complex) }
boolean equals(that) {
that != null && (that instanceof Complex \
? [this.real, this.imag] == [that.real, that.imag] \
: that instanceof Number && [this.real, this.imag] == [that, 0])
int hashCode() { [real, imag].hashCode() }
String toString() {
def realPart = "${real}"
def imagPart = imag.abs() == 1 ? "i" : "${imag.abs()}i"
real == 0 && imag == 0 \
? "0" \
: real == 0 \
? (imag > 0 ? '' : "-") + imagPart \
: imag == 0 \
? realPart \
: realPart + (imag > 0 ? " + " : " - ") + imagPart
The following ''ComplexCategory'' class allows for modification of regular ''Number'' behavior when interacting with ''Complex''.
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
class ComplexCategory {
static Complex getI (Number a) { [0, a] as Complex }
static Complex plus (Number a, Complex b) { b + a }
static Complex minus (Number a, Complex b) { -b + a }
static Complex multiply (Number a, Complex b) { b * a }
static Complex div (Number a, Complex b) { ([a] as Complex) / b }
static Complex power (Number a, Complex b) { ([a] as Complex) ** b }
static <N extends Number,T> T asType (N a, Class<T> type) {
type == Complex \
? [a as Number] as Complex
: DefaultGroovyMethods.asType(a, type)
Notice also that this solution takes liberal advantage of Groovy's full Unicode support, including support for non-English alphabets used in identifiers.
Test Program (mixes the ComplexCategory methods into the Number class):
<syntaxhighlight lang="groovy">import static Complex.*
Number.metaClass.mixin ComplexCategory
Integer.metaClass.mixin ComplexCategory
def ε = 0.000000001 // tolerance (epsilon): acceptable "wrongness" to account for rounding error
println 'Demo 1: functionality as requested'
def a = [5,3] as Complex
def a1 = [real:5, imag:3] as Complex
def a2 = 5 + 3.i
def a3 = 5 + 3*i
assert a == a1 && a == a2 && a == a3
println 'a == ' + a
def b = [0.5,6] as Complex
println 'b == ' + b
println "a + b == (${a}) + (${b}) == " + (a + b)
println "a * b == (${a}) * (${b}) == " + (a * b)
assert a + (-a) == 0
println "-a == -(${a}) == " + (-a)
assert (a * a.recip - 1).abs < ε
println "1/a == (${a}).recip == " + (a.recip)
println "a * 1/a == " + (a * a.recip)
println 'Demo 2: other functionality not requested, but important for completeness'
def c = 10
def d = 10 as Complex
assert d instanceof Complex && c instanceof Number && d == c
assert a + c == c + a
println "a + 10 == 10 + a == " + (c + a)
assert c - a == -(a - c)
println "10 - a == -(a - 10) == " + (c - a)
println "a - b == (${a}) - (${b}) == " + (a - b)
assert c * a == a * c
println "10 * a == a * 10 == " + (c * a)
assert (c / a - (a / c).recip).abs < ε
println "10 / a == 1 / (a / 10) == " + (c / a)
println "a / b == (${a}) / (${b}) == " + (a / b)
assert (a ** 2 - a * a).abs < ε
println "a ** 2 == a * a == " + (a ** 2)
println "0.9 ** b == " + (0.9 ** b)
println "a ** b == (${a}) ** (${b}) == " + (a ** b)
println 'a.real == ' + a.real
println 'a.imag == ' + a.imag
println '|a| == ' + a.abs
println 'a.rho == ' + a.rho
println 'a.ρ == ' + a.ρ
println 'a.theta == ' + a.theta
println 'a.θ == ' + a.θ
println '~a (conjugate) == ' + ~a
def ρ = 10
def π = Math.PI
def n = 3
def θ = π / n
def fromPolar1 = fromPolar(ρ, θ) // direct polar-to-cartesian conversion
def fromPolar2 = exp(θ.i) * ρ // Euler's equation
println "ρ*cos(θ) + i*ρ*sin(θ) == ${ρ}*cos(π/${n}) + i*${ρ}*sin(π/${n})"
println " == 10*0.5 + i*10*√(3/4) == " + fromPolar1
println "ρ*exp(i*θ) == ${ρ}*exp(i*π/${n}) == " + fromPolar2
assert (fromPolar1 - fromPolar2).abs < ε</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Demo 1: functionality as requested
a == 5 + 3i
b == 0.5 + 6i
a + b == (5 + 3i) + (0.5 + 6i) == 5.5 + 9i
a * b == (5 + 3i) * (0.5 + 6i) == -15.5 + 31.5i
-a == -(5 + 3i) == -5 - 3i
1/a == (5 + 3i).recip == 0.1470588235 - 0.0882352941i
a * 1/a == 0.9999999998
Demo 2: other functionality not requested, but important for completeness
a + 10 == 10 + a == 15 + 3i
10 - a == -(a - 10) == 5 - 3i
a - b == (5 + 3i) - (0.5 + 6i) == 4.5 - 3i
10 * a == a * 10 == 50 + 30i
10 / a == 1 / (a / 10) == 1.4705882350 - 0.8823529410i
a / b == (5 + 3i) / (0.5 + 6i) == 0.5655172413793104 - 0.7862068965517242i
a ** 2 == a * a == 16.000000000000004 + 30.000000000000007i
0.9 ** b == 0.7653514303676113 - 0.5605686291920475i
a ** b == (5 + 3i) ** (0.5 + 6i) == -0.013750112198456853 - 0.09332524760169052i
a.real == 5
a.imag == 3
|a| == 5.830951894845301
a.rho == 5.830951894845301
a.ρ == 5.830951894845301
a.theta == 0.5404195002705842
a.θ == 0.5404195002705842
~a (conjugate) == 5 - 3i
ρ*cos(θ) + i*ρ*sin(θ) == 10*cos(π/3) + i*10*sin(π/3)
== 10*0.5 + i*10*√(3/4) == 5.000000000000001 + 8.660254037844386i
ρ*exp(i*θ) == 10*exp(i*π/3) == 5.000000000000001 + 8.660254037844386i</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="hare">use fmt;
use math::complex::{c128,addc128,mulc128,divc128,negc128,conjc128};
export fn main() void = {
let x: c128 = (1.0, 1.0);
let y: c128 = (3.14159265, 1.2);
// addition
let (re, im) = addc128(x, y);
fmt::printfln("{} + {}i", re, im)!;
// multiplication
let (re, im) = mulc128(x, y);
fmt::printfln("{} + {}i", re, im)!;
// inversion
let (re, im) = divc128((1.0, 0.0), x);
fmt::printfln("{} + {}i", re, im)!;
// negation
let (re, im) = negc128(x);
fmt::printfln("{} + {}i", re, im)!;
// conjugate
let (re, im) = conjc128(x);
fmt::printfln("{} + {}i", re, im)!;
Complex numbers are parameterized in their base type, so you can
have ''Complex Integer'' for the Gaussian Integers, ''Complex Float'', ''Complex Double'', etc. The operations are just the usual overloaded numeric operations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="haskell">import Data.Complex
main = do
let a = 1.0 :+ 2.0 -- complex number 1+2i
let b = 4 -- complex number 4+0i
-- 'b' is inferred to be complex because it's used in
-- arithmetic with 'a' below.
putStrLn $ "Add: " ++ show (a + b)
putStrLn $ "Subtract: " ++ show (a - b)
putStrLn $ "Multiply: " ++ show (a * b)
putStrLn $ "Divide: " ++ show (a / b)
putStrLn $ "Negate: " ++ show (-a)
putStrLn $ "Inverse: " ++ show (recip a)
putStrLn $ "Conjugate:" ++ show (conjugate a)</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>*Main> main
Add: 5.0 :+ 2.0
Subtract: (-3.0) :+ 2.0
Multiply: 4.0 :+ 8.0
Divide: 0.25 :+ 0.5
Negate: (-1.0) :+ (-2.0)
Inverse: 0.2 :+ (-0.4)
Conjugate:1.0 :+ (-2.0)</pre>
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
Icon doesn't provide native support for complex numbers. Support is included in the IPL.
Note: see the [[Arithmetic/Complex#Unicon|Unicon]] section below for a Unicon-specific solution.
<syntaxhighlight lang="icon">procedure main()
a := complex(1,2)
b := complex(3,4)
c := complex(&pi,1.5)
d := complex(1)
e := complex(,1)
every v := !"abcde" do write(v," := ",cpxstr(variable(v)))
write("a+b := ", cpxstr(cpxadd(a,b)))
write("a-b := ", cpxstr(cpxsub(a,b)))
write("a*b := ", cpxstr(cpxmul(a,b)))
write("a/b := ", cpxstr(cpxdiv(a,b)))
write("neg(a) := ", cpxstr(cpxneg(a)))
write("inv(a) := ", cpxstr(cpxinv(a)))
write("conj(a) := ", cpxstr(cpxconj(a)))
write("abs(a) := ", cpxabs(a))
write("neg(1) := ", cpxstr(cpxneg(1)))
Icon doesn't allow for operator overloading but procedures can be overloaded as was done here to allow 'complex' to behave more robustly.
{{libheader|Icon Programming Library}}
[ provides complex number support] supplemented by the code below.
<syntaxhighlight lang="icon">
link complex # for complex number support
procedure SetupComplex() #: used to setup safe complex
COMPLEX() # replace complex record constructor
SetupComplex := 1 # never call here again
procedure COMPLEX(rpart,ipart) #: new safe record constructor and coercion
initial complex :=: COMPLEX # get in front of record constructor
return if /ipart & (type(rpart) == "complex")
then rpart # already complex
else COMPLEX( real(\rpart | 0.0), real(\ipart|0) ) # create a new complex number
procedure cpxneg(z) #: negate z
z := complex(z) # coerce
return complex( -z.rpart, -z.ipart)
procedure cpxinv(z) #: inverse of z
local denom
z := complex(z) # coerce
denom := z.rpart ^ 2 + z.ipart ^ 2
return complex(z.rpart / denom, z.ipart / denom)
To take full advantage of the overloaded 'complex' procedure,
the other cpxxxx procedures would need to be rewritten or overloaded.
a := (1.0+2.0i)
b := (3.0+4.0i)
c := (3.141592653589793+1.5i)
d := (1.0+0.0i)
e := (0.0+1.0i)
a+b := (4.0+6.0i)
a-b := (-2.0-2.0i)
a*b := (-5.0+10.0i)
a/b := (0.44+0.08i)
neg(a) := (-1.0-2.0i)
inv(a) := (0.2+0.4i)
conj(a) := (1.0-2.0i)
abs(a) := 2.23606797749979
neg(1) := (-1.0+0.0i)</pre>
<tt>complex</tt> (and <tt>dcomplex</tt> for double-precision) is a built-in data type in IDL:
<syntaxhighlight lang="idl">x=complex(1,1)
( 4.14159, 2.20000)
( 1.94159, 4.34159)
( -1.00000, -1.00000)
( 0.500000, -0.500000)</syntaxhighlight>
Complex numbers are a native numeric data type in J. Although the examples shown here are performed on scalars, all numeric operations naturally apply to arrays of complex numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="j"> x=: 1j1
y=: 3.14159j1.2
x+y NB. addition
x*y NB. multiplication
%x NB. inversion
-x NB. negation
+x NB. (complex) conjugation
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">public class ImagComplex {
public final double real;
public final double imag;
public Complex() {
this(0, 0);
public Complex(double r, double i) {
real = r;
imag = i;
public Complex add(Complex b) {
return new Complex(this.real + b.real, this.imag + b.imag);
public Complex mult(Complex b) {
// FOIL of (a+bi)(c+di) with i*i = -1
return new Complex(this.real * b.real - this.imag * b.imag,
this.real * b.imag + this.imag * b.real);
public Complex inv() {
// 1/(a+bi) * (a-bi)/(a-bi) = 1/(a+bi) but it's more workable
double denom = real * real + imag * imag;
return new Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom);
public Complex neg() {
return new Complex(-real, -imag);
public Complex conj() {
return new Complex(real, -imag);
public String toString() {
return real + " + " + imag + " * i";
public static void main(String[] args) {
Complex a = new Complex(Math.PI, -5); //just some numbers
Complex b = new Complex(-1, 2.5);
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">function Complex(r, i) {
this.r = r;
this.i = i;
Complex.add = function() {
var num = arguments[0];
for(var i = 1, ilim = arguments.length; i < ilim; i += 1){
num.r += arguments[i].r;
num.i += arguments[i].i;
return num;
Complex.multiply = function() {
var num = arguments[0];
for(var i = 1, ilim = arguments.length; i < ilim; i += 1){
num.r = (num.r * arguments[i].r) - (num.i * arguments[i].i);
num.i = (num.i * arguments[i].r) - (num.r * arguments[i].i);
return num;
Complex.negate = function (z) {
return new Complex(-1*z.r, -1*z.i);
Complex.invert = function(z) {
var denom = Math.pow(z.r,2) + Math.pow(z.i,2);
return new Complex(z.r/denom, -1*z.i/denom);
Complex.conjugate = function(z) {
return new Complex(z.r, -1*z.i);
Complex.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.r === 0 && this.i === 0
? "0"
: (this.r !== 0 ? this.r : "")
+ ((this.r !== 0 || this.i < 0) && this.i !== 0
? (this.i > 0 ? "+" : "-")
: "" ) + ( this.i !== 0 ? Math.abs(this.i) + "i" : "" );
Complex.prototype.getMod = function() {
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.r,2) , Math.pow(this.i,2) )
For speed and for conformance with the complex plane interpretation, x+iy is represented as [x,y]; for flexibility, all the functions defined here will accept both real and complex numbers; and for uniformity, they are implemented as functions that ignore their input.
Recent versions of jq support modules, so these functions could all be placed in a module to avoid name conflicts, and thus no special prefix is used here.<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">def real(z): if (z|type) == "number" then z else z[0] end;
def imag(z): if (z|type) == "number" then 0 else z[1] end;
def plus(x; y):
if (x|type) == "number" then
if (y|type) == "number" then [ x+y, 0 ]
else [ x + y[0], y[1]]
elif (y|type) == "number" then plus(y;x)
else [ x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1] ]
def multiply(x; y):
if (x|type) == "number" then
if (y|type) == "number" then [ x*y, 0 ]
else [x * y[0], x * y[1]]
elif (y|type) == "number" then multiply(y;x)
else [ x[0] * y[0] - x[1] * y[1],
x[0] * y[1] + x[1] * y[0]]
def multiply: reduce .[] as $x (1; multiply(.; $x));
def negate(x): multiply(-1; x);
def minus(x; y): plus(x; multiply(-1; y));
def conjugate(z):
if (z|type) == "number" then [z, 0]
else [z[0], -(z[1]) ]
def invert(z):
if (z|type) == "number" then [1/z, 0]
( (z[0] * z[0]) + (z[1] * z[1]) ) as $d
# use "0 + ." to convert -0 back to 0
| [ z[0]/$d, (0 + -(z[1]) / $d)]
def divide(x;y): multiply(x; invert(y));
def exp(z):
def expi(x): [ (x|cos), (x|sin) ];
if (z|type) == "number" then z|exp
elif z[0] == 0 then expi(z[1]) # for efficiency
else multiply( (z[0]|exp); expi(z[1]) )
end ;
def test(x;y):
"x = \( x )",
"y = \( y )",
"x+y: \( plus(x;y))",
"x*y: \( multiply(x;y))",
"-x: \( negate(x))",
"1/x: \( invert(x))",
"conj(x): \( conjugate(x))",
"(x/y)*y: \( multiply( divide(x;y) ; y) )",
"e^iπ: \( exp( [0, 4 * (1|atan) ] ) )"
test( [1,1]; [0,1] )</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">$ jq -n -f complex.jq
"x = [1,1]"
"y = [0,1]"
"x+y: [1,2]"
"x*y: [-1,1]"
"-x: [-1,-1]"
"1/x: [0.5,-0.5]"
"conj(x): [1,-1]"
"(x/y)*y: [1,1]"
"e^iπ: [-1,1.2246467991473532e-16]"</syntaxhighlight>
Julia has built-in support for complex arithmetic with arbitrary real types.
<syntaxhighlight lang="julia">julia> z1 = 1.5 + 3im
julia> z2 = 1.5 + 1.5im
julia> z1 + z2
3.0 + 4.5im
julia> z1 - z2
0.0 + 1.5im
julia> z1 * z2
-2.25 + 6.75im
julia> z1 / z2
1.5 + 0.5im
julia> - z1
-1.5 - 3.0im
julia> conj(z1), z1' # two ways to conjugate
(1.5 - 3.0im,1.5 - 3.0im)
julia> abs(z1)
julia> z1^z2
-1.102482955327779 - 0.38306415117199305im
julia> real(z1)
julia> imag(z1)
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">class Complex(private val real: Double, private val imag: Double) {
operator fun plus(other: Complex) = Complex(real + other.real, imag + other.imag)
operator fun times(other: Complex) = Complex(
real * other.real - imag * other.imag,
real * other.imag + imag * other.real
fun inv(): Complex {
val denom = real * real + imag * imag
return Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom)
operator fun unaryMinus() = Complex(-real, -imag)
operator fun minus(other: Complex) = this + (-other)
operator fun div(other: Complex) = this * other.inv()
fun conj() = Complex(real, -imag)
override fun toString() =
if (imag >= 0.0) "$real + ${imag}i"
else "$real - ${-imag}i"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = Complex(1.0, 3.0)
val y = Complex(5.0, 2.0)
println("x = $x")
println("y = $y")
println("x + y = ${x + y}")
println("x - y = ${x - y}")
println("x * y = ${x * y}")
println("x / y = ${x / y}")
println("-x = ${-x}")
println("1 / x = ${x.inv()}")
println("x* = ${x.conj()}")
x = 1.0 + 3.0i
y = 5.0 + 2.0i
x + y = 6.0 + 5.0i
x - y = -4.0 + 1.0i
x * y = -1.0 + 17.0i
x / y = 0.3793103448275862 + 0.4482758620689655i
-x = -1.0 - 3.0i
1 / x = 0.1 - 0.3i
x* = 1.0 - 3.0i
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
{require lib_complex}
{def z1 { 1 1}}
-> z1 = (1 1)
{C.x {z1}} -> 1
{C.y {z1}} -> 1
{C.mod {z1}} -> 1.4142135623730951
{C.arg {z1}} -> 0.7853981633974483 // 45°
{C.conj {z1}} -> (1 -1)
{C.negat {z1}} -> (-1 -1)
{C.invert {z1}} -> (0.5 -0.4999999999999999)
{C.sqrt {z1}} -> (1.0986841134678098 0.45508986056222733)
{C.exp {z1}} -> (1.4686939399158851 2.2873552871788423)
{C.log {z1}} -> (0.3465735902799727 0.7853981633974483)
{def z2 { 1.5 1.5}}
-> z2 = (1.5 1.5)
{C.add {z1} {z2}} -> (2.5 2.5)
{C.sub {z1} {z2}} -> (-0.5 -0.5)
{C.mul {z1} {z2}} -> (0 3)
{C.div {z1} {z2}} -> (0.6666666666666667 0)
<syntaxhighlight lang="lang">
fp.cprint = ($z) -> fn.printf(%.3f%+.3fi%n, fn.creal($z), fn.cimag($z))
$a = fn.complex(1.5, 3)
$b = fn.complex(1.5, 1.5)
fn.print(a =\s)
fn.print(b =\s)
# Addition
fn.print(a + b =\s)
fp.cprint(fn.cadd($a, $b))
# Multiplication
fn.print(a * b =\s)
fp.cprint(fn.cmul($a, $b))
# Inversion
fn.print(1/a =\s)
fp.cprint(fn.cdiv(fn.complex(1, 0), $a))
# Negation
fn.print(-a =\s)
# Conjugate
fn.print(conj(a) =\s)
a = 1.500+3.000i
b = 1.500+1.500i
a + b = 3.000+4.500i
a * b = -2.250+6.750i
1/a = 0.133-0.267i
-a = -1.500-3.000i
conj(a) = 1.500-3.000i
There is no native support for complex numbers in either LFE or Erlang. As such, this example shows how to implement complex support. There is, however, an LFE library that offers a complex number data type and many mathematical functions which support this data type: [ complex].
A convenient data structure for a complex number is the record:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defrecord complex
Here are the required functions:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun add
(((match-complex real r1 img i1)
(match-complex real r2 img i2))
(new (+ r1 r2) (+ i1 i2))))
(defun mult
(((match-complex real r1 img i1)
(match-complex real r2 img i2))
(new (- (* r1 r2) (* i1 i2))
(+ (* r1 i2) (* r2 i1)))))
(defun neg
(((match-complex real r img i))
(new (* -1 r) (* -1 i))))
(defun inv (cmplx)
(div (conj cmplx) (modulus cmplx)))
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun conj
(((match-complex real r img i))
(new r (* -1 i))))
The functions above are built using the following supporting functions:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun new (r i)
(make-complex real r img i))
(defun modulus (cmplx)
(mult cmplx (conj cmplx)))
(defun div (c1 c2)
(let* ((denom (complex-real (modulus c2)))
(c3 (mult c1 (conj c2))))
(new (/ (complex-real c3) denom)
(/ (complex-img c3) denom)))))
Finally, we have some functions for use in the conversion and display of our complex number data structure:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun ->str
(((match-complex real r img i)) (when (>= i 0))
(->str r i "+"))
(((match-complex real r img i))
(->str r i "")))
(defun ->str (r i pos)
(io_lib:format "~p ~s~pi" `(,r ,pos ,i)))
(defun print (cmplx)
(io:format (++ (->str cmplx) "~n")))
Usage is as follows:
> (set ans1 (add c1 c2))
#(complex 2.5 4.0)
> (set ans2 (mult c1 c2))
#(complex -1.5 4.5)
> (set ans3 (inv c2))
#(complex 0.5 -0.5)
> (set ans4 (conj c1))
#(complex 1.5 -3.0)
These can be printed in the following manner:
> (progn (lists:map #'print/1 `(,ans1 ,ans2 ,ans3 ,ans4)) 'ok)
2.5 +4.0i
-1.5 +4.5i
0.5 -0.5i
1.5 -3.0i
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lb">mainwin 50 10
print " Adding"
call cprint cadd$( complex$( 1, 1), complex$( 3.14159265, 1.2))
print " Multiplying"
call cprint cmulti$( complex$( 1, 1), complex$( 3.14159265, 1.2))
print " Inverting"
call cprint cinv$( complex$( 1, 1))
print " Negating"
call cprint cneg$( complex$( 1, 1))
sub cprint cx$
print "( "; word$( cx$, 1); " + i *"; word$( cx$, 2); ")"
end sub
function complex$( a , bj )
''complex number string-object constructor
complex$ = str$( a ) ; " " ; str$( bj )
end function
function cadd$( a$ , b$ )
ar = val( word$( a$ , 1 ) )
ai = val( word$( a$ , 2 ) )
br = val( word$( b$ , 1 ) )
bi = val( word$( b$ , 2 ) )
cadd$ = complex$( ar + br , ai + bi )
end function
function cmulti$( a$ , b$ )
ar = val( word$( a$ , 1 ) )
ai = val( word$( a$ , 2 ) )
br = val( word$( b$ , 1 ) )
bi = val( word$( b$ , 2 ) )
cmulti$ = complex$( ar * br - ai * bi _
, ar * bi + ai * br )
end function
function cneg$( a$)
ar = val( word$( a$ , 1 ) )
ai = val( word$( a$ , 2 ) )
cneg$ =complex$( 0 -ar, 0 -ai)
end function
function cinv$( a$)
ar = val( word$( a$ , 1 ) )
ai = val( word$( a$ , 2 ) )
D =ar^2 +ai^2
cinv$ =complex$( ar /D , 0 -ai /D )
end function</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
--defines addition, subtraction, negation, multiplication, division, conjugation, norms, and a conversion to strgs.
complex = setmetatable({
__add = function(u, v) return complex(u.real + v.real, u.imag + v.imag) end,
__sub = function(u, v) return complex(u.real - v.real, u.imag - v.imag) end,
__mul = function(u, v) return complex(u.real * v.real - u.imag * v.imag, u.real * v.imag + u.imag * v.real) end,
__div = function(u, v) return u * complex(v.real / v.norm, -v.imag / v.norm) end,
__unm = function(u) return complex(-u.real, -u.imag) end,
__concat = function(u, v)
if type(u) == "table" then return u.real .. " + " .. u.imag .. "i" .. v
elseif type(u) == "string" or type(u) == "number" then return u .. v.real .. " + " .. v.imag .. "i"
end end,
__index = function(u, index)
local operations = {
norm = function(u) return u.real ^ 2 + u.imag ^ 2 end,
conj = function(u) return complex(u.real, -u.imag) end,
return operations[index] and operations[index](u)
__newindex = function() error() end
}, {
__call = function(z, realpart, imagpart) return setmetatable({real = realpart, imag = imagpart}, complex) end
} )
local i, j = complex(2, 3), complex(1, 1)
print(i .. " + " .. j .. " = " .. (i+j))
print(i .. " - " .. j .. " = " .. (i-j))
print(i .. " * " .. j .. " = " .. (i*j))
print(i .. " / " .. j .. " = " .. (i/j))
print("|" .. i .. "| = " .. math.sqrt(i.norm))
print(i .. "* = " .. i.conj)
Maple has <code>I</code> (the square root of -1) built-in. Thus:
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">x := 1+I;
y := Pi+I*1.2;</syntaxhighlight>
By itself, it will perform mathematical operations symbolically, i.e. it will not try to perform computational evaluation unless specifically asked to do so. Thus:
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">x*y;
==> (1 + I) (Pi + 1.2 I)
==> 1.941592654 + 4.341592654 I</syntaxhighlight>
Other than that, the task merely asks for
<syntaxhighlight lang="maple">x+y;
=={{header|Mathematica}} / {{header|Wolfram Language}}==
Mathematica has fully implemented support for complex numbers throughout the software. Addition, subtraction, division, multiplications and powering need no further syntax than for real numbers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">x=1+2I
x+y => 4 + 6 I
x-y => -2 - 2 I
y x => -5 + 10 I
y/x => 11/5 - (2 I)/5
x^3 => -11 - 2 I
y^4 => -527 - 336 I
x^y => (1 + 2 I)^(3 + 4 I)
N[x^y] => 0.12901 + 0.0339241 I</syntaxhighlight>
Powering to a complex power can in general not be written shorter, so Mathematica leaves it unevaluated if the numbers are exact. An approximation can be acquired using the function N.
However Mathematica goes much further, basically all functions can handle complex numbers to arbitrary precision, including (but not limited to!):
<syntaxhighlight lang="mathematica">Exp Log
Sin Cos Tan Csc Sec Cot
ArcSin ArcCos ArcTan ArcCsc ArcSec ArcCot
Sinh Cosh Tanh Csch Sech Coth
ArcSinh ArcCosh ArcTanh ArcCsch ArcSech ArcCoth
Haversine InverseHaversine
Factorial Gamma PolyGamma LogGamma
Erf BarnesG Hyperfactorial Zeta ProductLog RamanujanTauL</syntaxhighlight>
and many many more. The documentation states:
''Mathematica has fundamental support for both explicit complex numbers and symbolic complex variables. All applicable mathematical functions support arbitrary-precision evaluation for complex values of all parameters, and symbolic operations automatically treat complex variables with full generality.''
Complex numbers are a primitive data type in MATLAB. All the typical complex operations can be performed. There are two keywords that specify a number as complex: "i" and "j".
<syntaxhighlight lang="matlab">>> a = 1+i
a =
1.000000000000000 + 1.000000000000000i
>> b = 3+7i
b =
3.000000000000000 + 7.000000000000000i
>> a+b
ans =
4.000000000000000 + 8.000000000000000i
>> a-b
ans =
-2.000000000000000 - 6.000000000000000i
>> a*b
ans =
-4.000000000000000 +10.000000000000000i
>> a/b
ans =
0.172413793103448 - 0.068965517241379i
>> -a
ans =
-1.000000000000000 - 1.000000000000000i
>> a'
ans =
1.000000000000000 - 1.000000000000000i
>> a^b
ans =
0.000808197112874 - 0.011556516327187i
>> norm(a)
ans =
<syntaxhighlight lang="maxima">z1: 5 + 2 * %i;
z2: 3 - 7 * %i;
rectform(z1 * z2);
z1 + z2;
z1 - z2;
z1 * z2;
z1 * z2, rectform;
z1 / z2;
z1 / z2, rectform;
Z<sub>1</sub> = a + ib; Z<sub>2</sub> = c + id;
a С/П b С/П c С/П d С/П
Division: С/П; multiplication: БП 36 С/П; addition: БП 54 С/П; subtraction: БП 63 С/П.
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">ПA С/П ПB С/П ПC С/П ПD С/П ИПC x^2
ИПD x^2 + П3 ИПA ИПC * ИПB ИПD *
+ ИП3 / П1 ИПB ИПC * ИПA ИПD *
- ИП3 / П2 ИП1 С/П ИПA ИПC * ИПB
П1 С/П</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="modula2">MODULE complex;
VAR z : ARRAY [0..3] OF Complex;
PROCEDURE ShowComplex (str : ARRAY OF CHAR; p : Complex);
InOut.WriteString (str); InOut.WriteString (" = ");
InOut.WriteReal (p.R, 6, 2);
IF p.Im >= 0.0 THEN InOut.WriteString (" + ") ELSE InOut.WriteString (" - ") END;
InOut.WriteReal (ABS (p.Im), 6, 2); InOut.WriteString (" i ");
InOut.WriteLn; InOut.WriteBf
END ShowComplex;
PROCEDURE AddComplex (x1, x2 : Complex; VAR x3 : Complex);
x3.R := x1.R + x2.R;
x3.Im := x1.Im + x2.Im
END AddComplex;
PROCEDURE SubComplex (x1, x2 : Complex; VAR x3 : Complex);
x3.R := x1.R - x2.R;
x3.Im := x1.Im - x2.Im
END SubComplex;
PROCEDURE MulComplex (x1, x2 : Complex; VAR x3 : Complex);
x3.R := x1.R * x2.R - x1.Im * x2.Im;
x3.Im := x1.R * x2.Im + x1.Im * x2.R
END MulComplex;
PROCEDURE InvComplex (x1 : Complex; VAR x2 : Complex);
x2.R := x1.R / (x1.R * x1.R + x1.Im * x1.Im);
x2.Im := -1.0 * x1.Im / (x1.R * x1.R + x1.Im * x1.Im)
END InvComplex;
PROCEDURE NegComplex (x1 : Complex; VAR x2 : Complex);
x2.R := - x1.R; x2.Im := - x1.Im
END NegComplex;
InOut.WriteString ("Enter two complex numbers : ");
InOut.ReadReal (z[0].R); InOut.ReadReal (z[0].Im);
InOut.ReadReal (z[1].R); InOut.ReadReal (z[1].Im);
ShowComplex ("z1", z[0]); ShowComplex ("z2", z[1]);
AddComplex (z[0], z[1], z[2]); ShowComplex ("z1 + z2", z[2]);
SubComplex (z[0], z[1], z[2]); ShowComplex ("z1 - z2", z[2]);
MulComplex (z[0], z[1], z[2]); ShowComplex ("z1 * z2", z[2]);
InvComplex (z[0], z[2]); ShowComplex ("1 / z1", z[2]);
NegComplex (z[0], z[2]); ShowComplex (" - z1", z[2]);
END complex.</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Enter two complex numbers : 5 3 0.5 6
z1 = 5.00 + 3.00 i
z2 = 0.50 + 6.00 i
z1 + z2 = 5.50 + 9.00 i
z1 - z2 = 4.50 - 3.00 i
z1 * z2 = -15.50 + 31.50 i
1 / z1 = 0.15 - 0.09 i
- z1 = -5.00 - 3.00 i</pre>
This is a translation of the Java version, but it uses operator redefinition where possible.
<syntaxhighlight lang="nanoquery">import math
class Complex
declare real
declare imag
def Complex()
real = 0.0
imag = 0.0
def Complex(r, i)
real = double(r)
imag = double(i)
def operator-(b)
return new(Complex, this.real - b.real, this.imag - b.imag)
def operator+(b)
return new(Complex, this.real + b.real, this.imag + b.imag)
def operator*(b)
// FOIL of (a+bi)(c+di) with i*i = -1
return new(Complex, this.real * b.real - this.imag * b.imag,\
this.real * b.imag + this.imag * b.real)
def inv()
// 1/(a+bi) * (a-bi)/(a-bi) = 1/(a+bi) but it's more workable
denom = this.real * this.real + this.imag * this.imag
return new(Complex, real/denom, -imag/denom)
def neg()
return new(Complex, -this.real, -this.imag)
def conj()
return new(Complex, this.real, -this.imag)
def toString()
return this.real + " + " + this.imag + " * i"
a = new(Complex, math.pi, -5)
b = new(Complex, -1, 2.5)
println a.neg()
println a + b
println a.inv()
println a * b
println a.conj()</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nemerle">using System;
using System.Console;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Numerics.Complex;
module RCComplex
PrettyPrint(this c : Complex) : string
mutable sign = '+';
when (c.Imaginary < 0) sign = '-';
$"$(c.Real) $sign $(Math.Abs(c.Imaginary))i"
Main() : void
def complex1 = Complex(1.0, 1.0);
def complex2 = Complex(3.14159, 1.2);
WriteLine(Add(complex1, complex2).PrettyPrint());
WriteLine(Multiply(complex1, complex2).PrettyPrint());
<pre>4.14159 + 2.2i
1.94159 + 4.34159i
-3.14159 - 1.2i
0.277781124787984 - 0.106104663481097i
3.14159 - 1.2i</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="nim">
import complex
var a: Complex = (1.0,1.0)
var b: Complex = (3.1415,1.2)
echo("a : " & $a)
echo("b : " & $b)
echo("a + b: " & $(a + b))
echo("a * b: " & $(a * b))
echo("1/a : " & $(1/a))
echo("-a : " & $(-a))
a : (1.0000000000000000e+00, 1.0000000000000000e+00)
b : (3.1415000000000002e+00, 1.2000000000000000e+00)
a + b: (4.1415000000000006e+00, 2.2000000000000002e+00)
a * b: (1.9415000000000002e+00, 4.3414999999999999e+00)
1/a : (5.0000000000000000e-01, -5.0000000000000000e-01)
-a : (-1.0000000000000000e+00, -1.0000000000000000e+00)
Oxford Oberon Compiler
<syntaxhighlight lang="oberon2">
MODULE Complex;
IMPORT Files,Out;
Complex* = POINTER TO ComplexDesc;
ComplexDesc = RECORD
r-,i-: REAL;
PROCEDURE (CONST x: Complex) Add*(CONST y: Complex): Complex;
RETURN New(x.r + y.r,x.i + y.i)
END Add;
PROCEDURE (CONST x: Complex) Sub*(CONST y: Complex): Complex;
RETURN New(x.r - y.r,x.i - y.i)
END Sub;
PROCEDURE (CONST x: Complex) Mul*(CONST y: Complex): Complex;
RETURN New(x.r*y.r - x.i*y.i,x.r*y.i + x.i*y.r)
END Mul;
PROCEDURE (CONST x: Complex) Div*(CONST y: Complex): Complex;
d: REAL;
d := y.r * y.r + y.i * y.i;
RETURN New((x.r*y.r + x.i*y.i)/d,(x.i*y.r - x.r*y.i)/d)
END Div;
(* Reciprocal *)
PROCEDURE (CONST x: Complex) Rec*(): Complex;
d: REAL;
d := x.r * x.r + y.i * y.i;
RETURN New(x.r/d,(-1.0 * x.i)/d);
END Rec;
(* Conjugate *)
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Con*(): Complex;
RETURN New(x.r, (-1.0) * x.i);
END Con;
PROCEDURE (x: Complex) Out(out : Files.File);
END Out;
PROCEDURE New(x,y: REAL): Complex;
r: Complex;
NEW(r);r.r := x;r.i := y;
END New;
r,x,y: Complex;
x := New(1.5,3);
y := New(1.0,1.0);
Out.String("x: ");x.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
Out.String("y: ");y.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := x.Add(y);
Out.String("x + y: ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := x.Sub(y);
Out.String("x - y: ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := x.Mul(y);
Out.String("x * y: ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := x.Div(y);
Out.String("x / y: ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := y.Rec();
Out.String("1 / y: ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
r := x.Con();
Out.String("x': ");r.Out(Files.stdout);Out.Ln;
END Complex.
x: (1.50000,3.00000i)
y: (1.00000,1.00000i)
x + y: (2.50000,4.00000i)
x - y: (0.500000,2.00000i)
x * y: (-1.50000,4.50000i)
x / y: (2.25000,0.750000i)
1 / y: (0.500000,-0.500000i)
x': (1.50000,-3.00000i)
The [ Complex] module from the standard library provides the functionality of complex numbers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">open Complex
let print_complex z =
Printf.printf "%f + %f i\n"
let () =
let a = { re = 1.0; im = 1.0 }
and b = { re = 3.14159; im = 1.25 } in
print_complex (add a b);
print_complex (mul a b);
print_complex (inv a);
print_complex (neg a);
print_complex (conj a)</syntaxhighlight>
Using [ Delimited Overloading], the syntax can be made closer to the usual one:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ocaml">let () =
let print txt z = Printf.printf "%s = %s\n" txt (to_string z) in
let a = 1 + I
and b = 3 + 7I in
print "a + b" (a + b);
print "a - b" (a - b);
print "a * b" (a * b);
print "a / b" (a / b);
print "-a" (- a);
print "conj a" (conj a);
print "a^b" (a**b);
Printf.printf "norm a = %g\n" (float(abs a));
GNU Octave handles naturally complex numbers:
<syntaxhighlight lang="octave">z1 = 1.5 + 3i;
z2 = 1.5 + 1.5i;
disp(z1 + z2); % 3.0 + 4.5i
disp(z1 - z2); % 0.0 + 1.5i
disp(z1 * z2); % -2.25 + 6.75i
disp(z1 / z2); % 1.5 + 0.5i
disp(-z1); % -1.5 - 3i
disp(z1'); % 1.5 - 3i
disp(abs(z1)); % 3.3541 = sqrt(z1*z1')
disp(z1 ^ z2); % -1.10248 - 0.38306i
disp( exp(z1) ); % -4.43684 + 0.63246i
disp( imag(z1) ); % 3
disp( real(z2) ); % 1.5
<syntaxhighlight lang="oforth">Object Class new: Complex(re, im)
Complex method: re @re ;
Complex method: im @im ;
Complex method: initialize := im := re ;
Complex method: << '(' <<c @re << ',' <<c @im << ')' <<c ;
0 1 Complex new const: I
Complex method: ==(c -- b )
c re @re == c im @im == and ;
Complex method: norm -- f
@re sq @im sq + sqrt ;
Complex method: conj -- c
@re @im neg Complex new ;
Complex method: +(c -- d )
c re @re + c im @im + Complex new ;
Complex method: -(c -- d )
c re @re - c im @im - Complex new ;
Complex method: *(c -- d)
c re @re * c im @im * - c re @im * @re c im * + Complex new ;
Complex method: inv
| n |
@re sq @im sq + >float ->n
@re n / @im neg n / Complex new
Complex method: /( c -- d )
c self inv * ;
Integer method: >complex self 0 Complex new ;
Float method: >complex self 0 Complex new ;</syntaxhighlight>
Usage :
<syntaxhighlight lang="oforth">3.2 >complex I * 2 >complex + .cr
2 3 Complex new 1.2 >complex + .cr
2 3 Complex new 1.2 >complex * .cr
2 >complex 2 3 Complex new / .cr</syntaxhighlight>
Ol supports complex numbers by default. Numbers must be entered manually in form A+Bi without spaces between elements, where A and B - numbers (can be rational), i - imaginary unit; or in functional form using function `complex`.
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">
(define A 0+1i) ; manually entered numbers
(define B 1+0i)
(print (+ A B))
; <== 1+i
(print (- A B))
; <== -1+i
(print (* A B))
; <== 0+i
(print (/ A B))
; <== 0+i
(define C (complex 2/7 -3)) ; functional way
(print "real part of " C " is " (car C))
; <== real part of 2/7-3i is 2/7
(print "imaginary part of " C " is " (cdr C))
; <== imaginary part of 2/7-3i is -3
<syntaxhighlight lang="oorexx">c1 = .complex~new(1, 2)
c2 = .complex~new(3, 4)
r = 7
say "c1 =" c1
say "c2 =" c2
say "r =" r
say "-c1 =" (-c1)
say "c1 + r =" c1 + r
say "c1 + c2 =" c1 + c2
say "c1 - r =" c1 - r
say "c1 - c2 =" c1 - c2
say "c1 * r =" c1 * r
say "c1 * c2 =" c1 * c2
say "inv(c1) =" c1~inv
say "conj(c1) =" c1~conjugate
say "c1 / r =" c1 / r
say "c1 / c2 =" c1 / c2
say "c1 == c1 =" (c1 == c1)
say "c1 == c2 =" (c1 == c2)
::class complex
::method init
expose r i
use strict arg r, i = 0
-- complex instances are immutable, so these are
-- read only attributes
::attribute r GET
::attribute i GET
::method negative
expose r i
return self~class~new(-r, -i)
::method add
expose r i
use strict arg other
if other~isa(.complex) then
return self~class~new(r + other~r, i + other~i)
else return self~class~new(r + other, i)
::method subtract
expose r i
use strict arg other
if other~isa(.complex) then
return self~class~new(r - other~r, i - other~i)
else return self~class~new(r - other, i)
::method times
expose r i
use strict arg other
if other~isa(.complex) then
return self~class~new(r * other~r - i * other~i, r * other~i + i * other~r)
else return self~class~new(r * other, i * other)
::method inv
expose r i
denom = r * r + i * i
return self~class~new(r/denom,-i/denom)
::method conjugate
expose r i
return self~class~new(r, -i)
::method divide
use strict arg other
-- this is easier if everything is a complex number
if \other~isA(.complex) then other = .complex~new(other)
-- division is multiplication with the inversion
return self * other~inv
::method "=="
expose r i
use strict arg other
if \other~isa(.complex) then return .false
-- Note: these are numeric comparisons, so we're using the "="
-- method so those are handled correctly
return r = other~r & i = other~i
::method "\=="
use strict arg other
return \self~"\=="(other)
::method "="
-- this is equivalent of "=="
forward message("==")
::method "\="
-- this is equivalent of "\=="
forward message("\==")
::method "<>"
-- this is equivalent of "\=="
forward message("\==")
::method "><"
-- this is equivalent of "\=="
forward message("\==")
-- some operator overrides -- these only work if the left-hand-side of the
-- subexpression is a quaternion
::method "*"
forward message("TIMES")
::method "/"
forward message("DIVIDE")
::method "-"
-- need to check if this is a prefix minus or a subtract
if arg() == 0 then
forward message("NEGATIVE")
forward message("SUBTRACT")
::method "+"
-- need to check if this is a prefix plus or an addition
if arg() == 0 then
return self -- we can return this copy since it is immutable
forward message("ADD")
::method string
expose r i
return r self~formatnumber(i)"i"
::method formatnumber private
use arg value
if value > 0 then return "+" value
else return "-" value~abs
-- override hashcode for collection class hash uses
::method hashCode
expose r i
return r~hashcode~bitxor(i~hashcode)</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>c1 = 1 + 2i
c2 = 3 + 4i
r = 7
-c1 = -1 - 2i
c1 + r = 8 + 2i
c1 + c2 = 4 + 6i
c1 - r = -6 + 2i
c1 - c2 = -2 - 2i
c1 * r = 7 + 14i
c1 * c2 = -5 + 10i
inv(c1) = 0.2 - 0.4i
conj(c1) = 1 - 2i
c1 / r = 0.142857143 + 0.285714286i
c1 / c2 = 0.44 + 0.08i
c1 == c1 = 1
c1 == c2 = 0</pre>
Implementation of a complex numbers class with arithmetical operations, and powers using DeMoivre's theorem (polar conversion).
<syntaxhighlight lang="oxygenbasic">
type tcomplex double x,y
class Complex
has tcomplex
static sys i,pp
static tcomplex accum[32]
def operands
if pp then
@b=@a+sizeof accum
end if
end def
method "load"()
end method
method "push"()
i+=sizeof accum
end method
method "pop"()
i-=sizeof accum
end method
method "="()
end method
method "+"()
end method
method "-"()
end method
method "*"()
double d
a.x = a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y
a.y = a.y * b.x + d * b.y
end method
method "/"()
double d,v
v=1/(b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y)
a.x = (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y) * v
a.y = (a.y * b.x - d * b.y) * v
end method
method power(double n)
'Using DeMoivre theorem
double r,an,mg
r = hypot(b.x,b.y)
mg = r^n
if b.x=0 then
if b.y<0 then ay=-ay
an = atan(b.y,b.x)
end if
an *= n
a.x = mg * cos(an)
a.y = mg * sin(an)
end method
method show() as string
return str(x,14) ", " str(y,14)
end method
end class
'#recordof complexop
complex z1,z2,z3,z4,z5
z1 <= 0, 0
z2 <= 2, 1
z3 <= -2, 1
z4 <= 2, 4
z5 <= 1, 1
z1 = z2 * z3
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT -5.0, 0
z1 = z3+(z2.power(2))
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT 1.0, 5.0
z1 = z5/z4
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT 0.3, 0.1
z1 = z5/z1
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT 2.0, 4.0
z1 = z2/z4
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT -0.4, -0.3
z1 = z1*z4
print "Z1 = " 'RESULT 2.0, 1.0
To use, type, e.g., inv(3 + 7*I).
<syntaxhighlight lang="parigp">add(a,b)=a+b;
{{works with|Extended Pascal}}
The simple data type <tt>complex</tt> is part of Extended Pascal, ISO standard 10206.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal">program complexDemo(output);
{ I experienced some hiccups with -1.0 using GPC (GNU Pascal Compiler) }
negativeOne = -1.0;
line = string(80);
{ as per task requirements wrap arithmetic operations into separate functions }
function sum(protected x, y: complex): complex;
sum := x + y
function product(protected x, y: complex): complex;
product := x * y
function negative(protected x: complex): complex;
negative := -x
function inverse(protected x: complex): complex;
inverse := x ** negativeOne
{ only this function is not covered by Extended Pascal, ISO 10206 }
function conjugation(protected x: complex): complex;
conjugation := cmplx(re(x), im(x) * negativeOne)
{ --- test suite ------------------------------------------------------------- }
function asString(protected x: complex): line;
totalWidth = 5;
fractionDigits = 2;
result: line;
writeStr(result, '(', re(x):totalWidth:fractionDigits, ', ',
im(x):totalWidth:fractionDigits, ')');
asString := result
{ === MAIN =================================================================== }
x: complex;
{ for demonstration purposes: how to initialize complex variables }
y: complex value cmplx(1.0, 4.0);
z: complex value polar(exp(1.0), 3.14159265358979);
x := cmplx(-3, 2);
writeLn(asString(x), ' + ', asString(y), ' = ', asString(sum(x, y)));
writeLn(asString(x), ' * ', asString(z), ' = ', asString(product(x, z)));
writeLn(' −', asString(z), ' = ', asString(negative(z)));
writeLn(' inverse(', asString(z), ') = ', asString(inverse(z)));
writeLn(' conjugation(', asString(y), ') = ', asString(conjugation(y)));
<pre>(-3.00, 2.00) + ( 1.00, 4.00) = (-2.00, 6.00)
(-3.00, 2.00) * (-2.72, 0.00) = ( 8.15, -5.44)
−(-2.72, 0.00) = ( 2.72, -0.00)
inverse((-2.72, 0.00)) = (-0.37, -0.00)
conjugation(( 1.00, 4.00)) = ( 1.00, -4.00)</pre>
The GPC, GNU Pascal Compiler, supports Extended Pascal’s <tt>complex</tt> data type and operations as shown.
Furthermore, the GPC defines a function <tt>conjugate</tt> so there is no need for writing such a custom function.
The PXSC, Pascal eXtensions for scientific computing, define a standard data type similar to [[#Free Pascal|Free Pascal’s]] <tt>ucomplex</tt> data type.
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
var a := Cplx(1,2);
var b := Cplx(3,4);
Println(a + b);
Println(a - b);
Println(a * b);
Println(a / b);
Println(a ** b);
1 2
The <code>Math::Complex</code> module implements complex arithmetic.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">use Math::Complex;
my $a = 1 + 1*i;
my $b = 3.14159 + 1.25*i;
print "$_\n" foreach
$a + $b, # addition
$a * $b, # multiplication
-$a, # negation
1 / $a, # multiplicative inverse
~$a; # complex conjugate</syntaxhighlight>
<!--<syntaxhighlight lang="phix">(phixonline)-->
<span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- demo\rosetta\ArithComplex.exw</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">with</span> <span style="color: #008080;">javascript_semantics</span>
<span style="color: #008080;">include</span> <span style="color: #004080;">complex</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">.</span><span style="color: #000000;">e</span>
<span style="color: #004080;">complex</span> <span style="color: #000000;">a</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_new</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">),</span> <span style="color: #000080;font-style:italic;">-- (or just {1,1})</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">b</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_new</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">3.14159</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">1.25</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">),</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">c</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_new</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">),</span>
<span style="color: #000000;">d</span> <span style="color: #0000FF;">=</span> <span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_new</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">0</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"b = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">b</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"c = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">c</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"d = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">d</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">)})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"a+b = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_add</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">b</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"a*b = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_mul</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">b</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"1/a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_inv</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"c/a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_div</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">c</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"c-a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sub</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">c</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"d-a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sub</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">d</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"-a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_neg</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
<span style="color: #7060A8;">printf</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">1</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,</span><span style="color: #008000;">"conj a = %s\n"</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">,{</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_sprint</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #7060A8;">complex_conjugate</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">(</span><span style="color: #000000;">a</span><span style="color: #0000FF;">))})</span>
a = 1+i
b = 3.14159+1.25i
c = 1
d = i
a+b = 4.14159+2.25i
a*b = 1.89159+4.39159i
1/a = 0.5-0.5i
c/a = 0.5-0.5i
c-a = -i
d-a = -1
-a = -1-i
conj a = 1-i
<syntaxhighlight lang="picolisp">(load "@lib/math.l")
(de addComplex (A B)
(+ (car A) (car B)) # Real
(+ (cdr A) (cdr B)) ) ) # Imag
(de mulComplex (A B)
(*/ (car A) (car B) 1.0)
(*/ (cdr A) (cdr B) 1.0) )
(*/ (car A) (cdr B) 1.0)
(*/ (cdr A) (car B) 1.0) ) ) )
(de invComplex (A)
(let Denom
(*/ (car A) (car A) 1.0)
(*/ (cdr A) (cdr A) 1.0) )
(*/ (car A) 1.0 Denom)
(- (*/ (cdr A) 1.0 Denom)) ) ) )
(de negComplex (A)
(cons (- (car A)) (- (cdr A))) )
(de fmtComplex (A)
(round (car A) (dec *Scl))
(and (gt0 (cdr A)) "+")
(round (cdr A) (dec *Scl))
"i" ) )
(let (A (1.0 . 1.0) B (cons pi 1.2))
(prinl "A = " (fmtComplex A))
(prinl "B = " (fmtComplex B))
(prinl "A+B = " (fmtComplex (addComplex A B)))
(prinl "A*B = " (fmtComplex (mulComplex A B)))
(prinl "1/A = " (fmtComplex (invComplex A)))
(prinl "-A = " (fmtComplex (negComplex A))) )</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>A = 1.00000+1.00000i
B = 3.14159+1.20000i
A+B = 4.14159+2.20000i
A*B = 1.94159+4.34159i
1/A = 0.50000-0.50000i
-A = -1.00000-1.00000i</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="pli">/* PL/I complex numbers may be integer or floating-point. */
/* In this example, the variables are floating-pint. */
/* For integer variables, change 'float' to 'fixed binary' */
declare (a, b) complex float;
a = 2+5i;
b = 7-6i;
put skip list (a+b);
put skip list (a - b);
put skip list (a*b);
put skip list (a/b);
put skip list (a**b);
put skip list (1/a);
put skip list (conjg(a)); /* gives the conjugate of 'a'. */
/* Functions exist for extracting the real and imaginary parts */
/* of a complex number. */
/* As well, trigonometric functions may be used with complex */
/* numbers, such as SIN, COS, TAN, ATAN, and so on. */</syntaxhighlight>
Complex numbers are a built-in data type in Pop11. Real and
imaginary part of complex numbers can be floating point or
exact (integer or rational) value (both part must be of the same
type). Operations on floating point complex numbers always produce
complex numbers. Operations on exact complex numbers give
real result (integer or rational) if imaginary part of the result
is 0. The '+:' and '-:' operators create complex numbers:
'1 -: 3' is '1 - 3i' in mathematical notation.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pop11">lvars a = 1.0 +: 1.0, b = 2.0 +: 5.0 ;
a+b =>
a*b =>
1/a =>
a-b =>
a-a =>
a/b =>
a/a =>
;;; The same, but using exact values
1 +: 1 -> a;
2 +: 5 -> b;
a+b =>
a*b =>
1/a =>
a-b =>
a-a =>
a/b =>
a/a =></syntaxhighlight>
Complex numbers can be represented as 2 element vectors ( arrays ). Thus, a+bi can be written as [a b] in PostScript.
<syntaxhighlight lang="text">
%Adding two complex numbers
/x exch def
/y exch def
/z [0 0] def
z 0 x 0 get y 0 get add put
z 1 x 1 get y 1 get add put
z pstack
%Subtracting one complex number from another
/x exch def
/y exch def
/z [0 0] def
z 0 x 0 get y 0 get sub put
z 1 x 1 get y 1 get sub put
z pstack
%Multiplying two complex numbers
/x exch def
/y exch def
/z [0 0] def
z 0 x 0 get y 0 get mul x 1 get y 1 get mul sub put
z 1 x 1 get y 0 get mul x 0 get y 1 get mul add put
z pstack
%Negating a complex number
/x exch def
/z [0 0] def
z 0 x 0 get neg put
z 1 x 1 get neg put
z pstack
%Inverting a complex number
/x exch def
/z [0 0] def
z 0 x 0 get x 0 get 2 exp x 1 get 2 exp add div put
z 0 x 1 get neg x 0 get 2 exp x 1 get 2 exp add div put
z pstack
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
class Complex {
Complex() {
$this.x = 0
$this.y = 0
Complex([Double]$x, [Double]$y) {
$this.x = $x
$this.y = $y
[Double]abs2() {return $this.x*$this.x + $this.y*$this.y}
[Double]abs() {return [math]::sqrt($this.abs2())}
static [Complex]add([Complex]$m,[Complex]$n) {return [Complex]::new($m.x+$n.x, $m.y+$n.y)}
static [Complex]mul([Complex]$m,[Complex]$n) {return [Complex]::new($m.x*$n.x - $m.y*$n.y, $m.x*$n.y + $n.x*$m.y)}
[Complex]mul([Double]$k) {return [Complex]::new($k*$this.x, $k*$this.y)}
[Complex]negate() {return $this.mul(-1)}
[Complex]conjugate() {return [Complex]::new($this.x, -$this.y)}
[Complex]inverse() {return $this.conjugate().mul(1/$this.abs2())}
[String]show() {
if(0 -ge $this.y) {
return "$($this.x)+$($this.y)i"
} else {
return "$($this.x)$($this.y)i"
static [String]show([Complex]$other) {
return $
$m = [complex]::new(3, 4)
$n = [complex]::new(7, 6)
"`$m: $($"
"`$n: $($"
"`$m + `$n: $([complex]::show([complex]::add($m,$n)))"
"`$m * `$n: $([complex]::show([complex]::mul($m,$n)))"
"negate `$m: $($m.negate().show())"
"1/`$m: $([complex]::show($m.inverse()))"
"conjugate `$m: $([complex]::show($m.conjugate()))"
$m: 3+4i
$n: 7+6i
$m + $n: 10+10i
$m * $n: -3+46i
negate $m: -3-4i
1/$m: 0.12-0.16i
conjugate $m: 3-4i
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
function show([System.Numerics.Complex]$c) {
if(0 -le $c.Imaginary) {
return "$($c.Real)+$($c.Imaginary)i"
} else {
return "$($c.Real)$($c.Imaginary)i"
$m = [System.Numerics.Complex]::new(3, 4)
$n = [System.Numerics.Complex]::new(7, 6)
"`$m: $(show $m)"
"`$n: $(show $n)"
"`$m + `$n: $(show ([System.Numerics.Complex]::Add($m,$n)))"
"`$m * `$n: $(show ([System.Numerics.Complex]::Multiply($m,$n)))"
"negate `$m: $(show ([System.Numerics.Complex]::Negate($m)))"
"1/`$m: $(show ([System.Numerics.Complex]::Reciprocal($m)))"
"conjugate `$m: $(show ([System.Numerics.Complex]::Conjugate($m)))"
$m: 3+4i
$n: 7+6i
$m + $n: 10+10i
$m * $n: -3+46i
negate $m: -3-4i
1/$m: 0.12-0.16i
conjugate $m: 3-4i
<syntaxhighlight lang="purebasic">Structure Complex
Procedure Add_Complex(*A.Complex, *B.Complex)
Protected *R.Complex=AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Complex))
If *R
ProcedureReturn *R
Procedure Inv_Complex(*A.Complex)
Protected *R.Complex=AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Complex)), denom.d
If *R
denom = *A\real * *A\real + *A\imag * *A\imag
*R\real= *A\real / denom
*R\imag=-*A\imag / denom
ProcedureReturn *R
Procedure Mul_Complex(*A.Complex, *B.Complex)
Protected *R.Complex=AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Complex))
If *R
*R\real=*A\real * *B\real - *A\imag * *B\imag
*R\imag=*A\real * *B\imag + *A\imag * *B\real
ProcedureReturn *R
Procedure Neg_Complex(*A.Complex)
Protected *R.Complex=AllocateMemory(SizeOf(Complex))
If *R
ProcedureReturn *R
Procedure ShowAndFree(Header$, *Complex.Complex)
If *Complex
Protected.d i=*Complex\imag, r=*Complex\real
Print("= "+StrD(r,3))
If i>=0: Print(" + ")
Else: Print(" - ")
If OpenConsole()
Define.Complex a, b, *c
a\real=1.0: a\imag=1.0
b\real=#PI: b\imag=1.2
*c=Add_Complex(a,b): ShowAndFree("a+b", *c)
*c=Mul_Complex(a,b): ShowAndFree("a*b", *c)
*c=Inv_Complex(a): ShowAndFree("Inv(a)", *c)
*c=Neg_Complex(a): ShowAndFree("-a", *c)
Print(#CRLF$+"Press ENTER to exit"):Input()
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">>>> z1 = 1.5 + 3j
>>> z2 = 1.5 + 1.5j
>>> z1 + z2
>>> z1 - z2
>>> z1 * z2
>>> z1 / z2
>>> - z1
>>> z1.conjugate()
>>> abs(z1)
>>> z1 ** z2
>>> z1.real
>>> z1.imag
>>> </syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="rsplus">z1 <- 1.5 + 3i
z2 <- 1.5 + 1.5i
print(z1 + z2) # 3+4.5i
print(z1 - z2) # 0+1.5i
print(z1 * z2) # -2.25+6.75i
print(z1 / z2) # 1.5+0.5i
print(-z1) # -1.5-3i
print(Conj(z1)) # 1.5-3i
print(abs(z1)) # 3.354102
print(z1^z2) # -1.102483-0.383064i
print(exp(z1)) # -4.436839+0.632456i
print(Re(z1)) # 1.5
print(Im(z1)) # 3</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket">
#lang racket
(define a 3+4i)
(define b 8+0i)
(+ a b) ; addition
(- a b) ; subtraction
(/ a b) ; division
(* a b) ; multiplication
(- a) ; negation
(/ 1 a) ; reciprocal
(conjugate a) ; conjugation
(formerly Perl 6)
{{works with|Rakudo|2015.12}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="raku" line>my $a = 1 + i;
my $b = pi + 1.25i;
.say for $a + $b, $a * $b, -$a, 1 / $a, $a.conj;
.say for $a.abs, $a.sqrt, $, $;</syntaxhighlight>
{{out}} (precision varies with different implementations):
The REXX language has no complex type numbers, but most complex arithmetic functions can easily be written.
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">/*REXX program demonstrates how to support some math functions for complex numbers. */
x = '(5,3i)' /*define X ─── can use I i J or j */
y = "( .5, 6j)" /*define Y " " " " " " " */
say ' addition: ' x " + " y ' = ' Cadd(x, y)
say ' subtraction: ' x " - " y ' = ' Csub(x, y)
say 'multiplication: ' x " * " y ' = ' Cmul(x, y)
say ' division: ' x " ÷ " y ' = ' Cdiv(x, y)
say ' inverse: ' x " = " Cinv(x, y)
say ' conjugate of: ' x " = " Conj(x, y)
say ' negation of: ' x " = " Cneg(x, y)
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
Conj: procedure; parse arg a ',' b,c ',' d; call C#; return C$( a , -b )
Cadd: procedure; parse arg a ',' b,c ',' d; call C#; return C$( a+c , b+d )
Csub: procedure; parse arg a ',' b,c ',' d; call C#; return C$( a-c , b-d )
Cmul: procedure; parse arg a ',' b,c ',' d; call C#; return C$( ac-bd , bc+ad)
Cdiv: procedure; parse arg a ',' b,c ',' d; call C#; return C$((ac+bd)/s, (bc-ad)/s)
Cinv: return Cdiv(1, arg(1))
Cneg: return Cmul(arg(1), -1)
C_: return word(translate(arg(1), , '{[(JjIi)]}') 0, 1) /*get # or 0*/
C#: a=C_(a); b=C_(b); c=C_(c); d=C_(d); ac=a*c; ad=a*d; bc=b*c; bd=b*d;s=c*c+d*d; return
C$: parse arg r,c; _='['r; if c\=0 then _=_","c'j'; return _"]" /*uses j */</syntaxhighlight>
addition: (5,3i) + ( .5, 6j) = [5.5,9j]
subtraction: (5,3i) - ( .5, 6j) = [4.5,-3j]
multiplication: (5,3i) * ( .5, 6j) = [-15.5,31.5j]
division: (5,3i) ÷ ( .5, 6j) = [0.565517241,-0.786206897j]
inverse: (5,3i) = [0.147058824,-0.0882352941j]
conjugate of: (5,3i) = [5,-3j]
negation of: (5,3i) = [-5,-3j]
<syntaxhighlight lang="rlab">
>> x = sqrt(-1)
0 + 1i
>> y = 10 + 5i
10 + 5i
>> z = 5*x-y
-10 + 0i
>> isreal(z)
(1.5,3) 'Z1' STO
(1.5,1.5) 'Z2' STO
Z1 Z2 +
Z1 Z2 -
Z1 Z2 *
Z1 Z2 /
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">
# Four ways to write complex numbers:
a = Complex(1, 1) # 1. call Kernel#Complex
i = Complex::I # 2. use Complex::I
b = 3.14159 + 1.25 * i
c = '1/2+3/4i'.to_c # 3. Use the .to_c method from String, result ((1/2)+(3/4)*i)
c = 1.0/2+3/4i # (0.5-(3/4)*i)
# Operations:
puts a + b # addition
puts a * b # multiplication
puts -a # negation
puts 1.quo a # multiplicative inverse
puts a.conjugate # complex conjugate
puts a.conj # alias for complex conjugate</syntaxhighlight>
* All of these operations are safe with other numeric types. For example, <code>42.conjugate</code> returns 42.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby"># Other ways to find the multiplicative inverse:
puts 1.quo a # always works
puts 1.0 / a # works, but forces floating-point math
puts 1 / a # might truncate to integer</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="rust">extern crate num;
use num::complex::Complex;
fn main() {
// two valid forms of definition
let a = Complex {re:-4.0, im: 5.0};
let b = Complex::new(1.0, 1.0);
println!(" a = {}", a);
println!(" b = {}", b);
println!(" a + b = {}", a + b);
println!(" a * b = {}", a * b);
println!(" 1 / a = {}", a.inv());
println!(" -a = {}", -a);
println!("conj(a) = {}", a.conj());
{{works with|Scala|2.8}}
Scala doesn't come with a Complex library, but one can be made:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">package org.rosettacode
package object ArithmeticComplex {
val i = Complex(0, 1)
implicit def fromDouble(d: Double) = Complex(d)
implicit def fromInt(i: Int) = Complex(i.toDouble)
package ArithmeticComplex {
case class Complex(real: Double = 0.0, imag: Double = 0.0) {
def this(s: String) =
this("[\\d.]+(?!i)".r findFirstIn s getOrElse "0" toDouble,
"[\\d.]+(?=i)".r findFirstIn s getOrElse "0" toDouble)
def +(b: Complex) = Complex(real + b.real, imag + b.imag)
def -(b: Complex) = Complex(real - b.real, imag - b.imag)
def *(b: Complex) = Complex(real * b.real - imag * b.imag, real * b.imag + imag * b.real)
def inverse = {
val denom = real * real + imag * imag
Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom)
def /(b: Complex) = this * b.inverse
def unary_- = Complex(-real, -imag)
lazy val abs = math.hypot(real, imag)
override def toString = real + " + " + imag + "i"
def i = { require(imag == 0.0); Complex(imag = real) }
object Complex {
def apply(s: String) = new Complex(s)
def fromPolar(rho:Double, theta:Double) = Complex(rho*math.cos(theta), rho*math.sin(theta))
Usage example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="scala">scala> import org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex._
import org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex._
scala> 1 + i
res0: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 1.0 + 1.0i
scala> 1 + 2 * i
res1: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 1.0 + 2.0i
scala> 2 + 1.i
res2: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 2.0 + 1.0i
scala> res0 + res1
res3: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 2.0 + 3.0i
scala> res1 * res2
res4: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 0.0 + 5.0i
scala> res2 / res0
res5: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 1.5 + -0.5i
scala> res1.inverse
res6: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = 0.2 + -0.4i
scala> -res6
res7: org.rosettacode.ArithmeticComplex.Complex = -0.2 + 0.4i
Scheme implementations are not required to support complex numbers, but if they do, they are required to support complex number literals in one of the following standard formats[]:
* rectangular coordinates: <code>''real''+''imag''i</code> (or <code>''real''-''imag''i</code>), where ''real'' is the real part and ''imag'' is the imaginary part. For a pure-imaginary number, the real part may be omitted but the sign of the imaginary part is mandatory (even if it is "+"): <code>+''imag''i</code> (or <code>-''imag''i</code>). If the imaginary part is 1 or -1, the imaginary part can be omitted, leaving only the <code>+i</code> or <code>-i</code> at the end.
* polar coordinates: <code>''r''@''theta''</code>, where ''r'' is the absolute value (magnitude) and ''theta'' is the angle
<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(define a 1+i)
(define b 3.14159+1.25i)
(define c (+ a b))
(define c (* a b))
(define c (/ 1 a))
(define c (- a))</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="seed7">$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
include "float.s7i";
include "complex.s7i";
const proc: main is func
var complex: a is complex(1.0, 1.0);
var complex: b is complex(3.14159, 1.2);
writeln("a=" <& a digits 5);
writeln("b=" <& b digits 5);
# addition
writeln("a+b=" <& a + b digits 5);
# multiplication
writeln("a*b=" <& a * b digits 5);
# inversion
writeln("1/a=" <& complex(1.0) / a digits 5);
# negation
writeln("-a=" <& -a digits 5);
end func;</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">var a = 1:1 # Complex(1, 1)
var b = 3.14159:1.25 # Complex(3.14159, 1.25)
[ a + b, # addition
a * b, # multiplication
-a, # negation
a.inv, # multiplicative inverse
a.conj, # complex conjugate
a.abs, # abs
a.sqrt, # sqrt, # real, # imaginary
].each { |c| say c }</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="slate">[| a b |
a: 1 + 1 i.
b: Pi + 1.2 i.
print: a + b.
print: a * b.
print: a / b.
print: a reciprocal.
print: a conjugated.
print: a abs.
print: a negated.
{{works with|GNU Smalltalk}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">PackageLoader fileInPackage: 'Complex'.
|a b|
a := 1 + 1 i.
b := 3.14159 + 1.2 i.
(a + b) displayNl.
(a * b) displayNl.
(a / b) displayNl.
a reciprocal displayNl.
a conjugate displayNl.
a abs displayNl.
a real displayNl.
a imaginary displayNl.
a negated displayNl.</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|Smalltalk/X}}
Complex is already in the basic class library. Multiples of imaginary are created by sending an "i" message to a number, which can be added to another number. Thus 5i => (0+5i), 1+(1/3)I => (1+1/3i) and (1.0+2i) => (1.0+2i). Notice that the real and imaginary components can be arbitrary integers, fractions or floating point numbers. And the results will be exact (i.e. have fractions or integer) if possible.
<syntaxhighlight lang="smalltalk">
|a b|
a := 1 + 1i.
b := 3.14159 + 1.2i.
Transcript show:'a => '; showCR:a.
Transcript show:'b => '; showCR:b.
Transcript show:'a+b => '; showCR:(a + b).
Transcript show:'a-b => '; showCR:(a - b).
Transcript show:'a*b => '; showCR:(a * b).
Transcript show:'a/b => '; showCR:(a / b).
Transcript show:'a reciprocal => '; showCR:a reciprocal.
Transcript show:'a conjugated => '; showCR:a conjugated.
Transcript show:'a abs => '; showCR:a abs.
Transcript show:'a real => '; showCR:a real.
Transcript show:'a imaginary => '; showCR:a imaginary.
Transcript show:'a negated => '; showCR:a negated.
Transcript show:'a sqrt => '; showCR:a sqrt.
a2 := (1/2) + 1i.
b2 := (2/3) + 2i.
Transcript show:'a2+b2 => '; showCR:(a2 + b2).
Transcript show:'a2-b2 => '; showCR:(a2 - b2).
Transcript show:'a2*b2 => '; showCR:(a2 * b2).
Transcript show:'a2/b2 => '; showCR:(a2 / b2).
Transcript show:'a2 reciprocal => '; showCR:a2 reciprocal.</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>a => (1+1i)
b => (3.14159+1.2i)
a+b => (4.14159+2.2i)
a-b => (-2.14159-0.2i)
a*b => (1.94159+4.34159i)
a/b => (0.383885788269082+0.171676461306887i)
a reciprocal => ((1/2)-(1/2)i)
a conjugated => (1-1i)
a abs => 1.4142135623731
a real => 1
a imaginary => 1
a negated => (-1-1i)
a sqrt => (1.09868411346781+0.455089860562227i)
a2+b2 => ((7/6)+3i)
a2-b2 => ((-1/6)-1i)
a2*b2 => ((-5/3)+(5/3)i)
a2/b2 => ((21/40)-(3/40)i)
a2 reciprocal => ((2/5)-(4/5)i)</pre>
=={{header|smart BASIC}}==
<b>Original author unknown {:o(</b>
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">' complex numbers are native for "smart BASIC"
' all math operations and functions work with complex numbers
' example of solving quadratic equation with complex roots
' x^2+2x+5=0
a=1 ! b=2 ! c=5
print x1,x2
' gives output
-1+2i -1-2i</syntaxhighlight>
{{works with|Macro Spitbol}}
{{works with|Snobol4+}}
{{works with|CSnobol}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="snobol4">* # Define complex datatype
* # Addition
define('addx(x1,x2)a,b,c,d') :(addx_end)
addx a = r(x1); b = i(x1); c = r(x2); d = i(x2)
addx = complex(a + c, b + d) :(return)
* # Multiplication
define('multx(x1,x2)a,b,c,d') :(multx_end)
multx a = r(x1); b = i(x1); c = r(x2); d = i(x2)
multx = complex(a * c - b * d, b * c + a * d) :(return)
* # Negation
define('negx(x)') :(negx_end)
negx negx = complex(-r(x), -i(x)) :(return)
* # Inverse
define('invx(x)d') :(invx_end)
invx d = (r(x) * r(x)) + (i(x) * i(x))
invx = complex(1.0 * r(x) / d, 1.0 * -i(x) / d) :(return)
* # Print compex number: a+bi / a-bi
define('printx(x)sign') :(printx_end)
printx sign = ge(i(x),0) '+'
printx = r(x) sign i(x) 'i' :(return)
* # Test and display
a = complex(1,1)
b = complex(3.14159, 1.2)
output = printx( addx(a,b) )
output = printx( multx(a,b) )
output = printx( negx(a) ) ', ' printx( negx(b) )
output = printx( invx(a) ) ', ' printx( invx(b) )
-1-1i, -3.14159-1.2i
0.5-0.5i, 0.277781125-0.106104663i</pre>
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="standard ml">
(* Signature for complex numbers *)
signature COMPLEX = sig
type num
val complex : real * real -> num
val negative : num -> num
val plus : num -> num -> num
val minus : num -> num -> num
val times : num -> num -> num
val invert : num -> num
val print_number : num -> unit
(* Actual implementation *)
structure Complex :> COMPLEX = struct
type num = real * real
fun complex (a, b) = (a, b)
fun negative (a, b) = (Real.~a, Real.~b)
fun plus (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (Real.+ (a1, a2), Real.+(b1, b2))
fun minus i1 i2 = plus i1 (negative i2)
fun times (a1, b1) (a2, b2)= (Real.*(a1, a2) - Real.*(b1, b2), Real.*(a1, b2) + Real.*(a2, b1))
fun invert (a, b) =
val denom = a * a + b * b
(a / denom, ~b / denom)
fun print_number (a, b) =
print (Real.toString(a) ^ " + " ^ Real.toString(b) ^ "i\n")
val i1 = Complex.complex(1.0,2.0); (* 1 + 2i *)
val i2 = Complex.complex(3.0,4.0); (* 3 + 4i *)
Complex.print_number(Complex.negative(i1)); (* -1 - 2i *)
Complex.print_number( i1 i2); (* 4 + 6i *)
Complex.print_number(Complex.minus i2 i1); (* 2 + 2i *)
Complex.print_number(Complex.times i1 i2); (* -5 + 10i *)
Complex.print_number(Complex.invert i1); (* 1/5 - 2i/5 *)
<syntaxhighlight lang="stata">mata
2 + 3i
-5 + 3i
9 + 3i
-14 - 21i
-.285714286 - .428571429i
-2 - 3i
.153846154 - .230769231i
2 - 3i
-7.31511009 + 1.04274366i
1.28247468 + .982793723i
{{works with|Swift | 2.0 }}
Use a struct to create a complex number type in Swift. Math Operations can be added using operator overloading
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">
public struct Complex {
public let real : Double
public let imaginary : Double
public init(real inReal:Double, imaginary inImaginary:Double) {
real = inReal
imaginary = inImaginary
public static var i : Complex = Complex(real:0, imaginary: 1)
public static var zero : Complex = Complex(real: 0, imaginary: 0)
public var negate : Complex {
return Complex(real: -real, imaginary: -imaginary)
public var invert : Complex {
let d = (real*real + imaginary*imaginary)
return Complex(real: real/d, imaginary: -imaginary/d)
public var conjugate : Complex {
return Complex(real: real, imaginary: -imaginary)
public func + (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex {
return Complex(real: left.real+right.real, imaginary: left.imaginary+right.imaginary)
public func * (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex {
return Complex(real: left.real*right.real - left.imaginary*right.imaginary,
imaginary: left.real*right.imaginary+left.imaginary*right.real)
public prefix func - (right:Complex) -> Complex {
return right.negate
// Checking equality is almost necessary for a struct of this type to be useful
extension Complex : Equatable {}
public func == (left:Complex, right:Complex) -> Bool {
return left.real == right.real && left.imaginary == right.imaginary
Make the Complex Number struct printable and easier to debug by adding making it conform to CustomStringConvertible
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">
extension Complex : CustomStringConvertible {
public var description : String {
guard real != 0 || imaginary != 0 else { return "0" }
let rs : String = real != 0 ? "\(real)" : ""
let iS : String
let sign : String
let iSpace = real != 0 ? " " : ""
switch imaginary {
case let i where i < 0:
sign = "-"
iS = i == -1 ? "i" : "\(-i)i"
case let i where i > 0:
sign = real != 0 ? "+" : ""
iS = i == 1 ? "i" : "\(i)i"
sign = ""
iS = ""
return "\(rs)\(iSpace)\(sign)\(iSpace)\(iS)"
Explicitly support subtraction and division
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">
public func - (left:Complex, right:Complex) -> Complex {
return left + -right
public func / (divident:Complex, divisor:Complex) -> Complex {
let rc = divisor.conjugate
let num = divident * rc
let den = divisor * rc
return Complex(real: num.real/den.real, imaginary: num.imaginary/den.real)
<syntaxhighlight lang="tcl">package require math::complexnumbers
namespace import math::complexnumbers::*
set a [complex 1 1]
set b [complex 3.14159 1.2]
puts [tostring [+ $a $b]] ;# ==> 4.14159+2.2i
puts [tostring [* $a $b]] ;# ==> 1.94159+4.34159i
puts [tostring [pow $a [complex -1 0]]] ;# ==> 0.5-0.4999999999999999i
puts [tostring [- $a]] ;# ==> -1.0-i</syntaxhighlight>
=={{header|TI-83 BASIC}}==
TI-83 BASIC has built in complex number support; the normal arithmetic operators + - * / are used.
The method complex numbers are displayed can be chosen in the "MODE" menu.<br />
Real: Does not show complex numbers, gives an error if a number is imaginary.<br />
a+bi: The classic display for imaginary numbers with the real and imaginary components<br />
re^Θi: Displays imaginary numbers in Polar Coordinates.
=={{header|TI-89 BASIC}}==
TI-89 BASIC has built-in complex number support; the normal arithmetic operators + - * / are used.
:Character set note: the symbol for the imaginary unit is not the normal "i" but a different character (Unicode: U+F02F "<span style="font-family: 'TI Uni';"></span>" (private use area); this character should display with the "TI Uni" font). Also, U+3013 EN DASH “<span style="font-family: 'TI Uni';">–</span>”, displayed on the TI as a superscript minus, is used for the minus sign on numbers, distinct from ASCII "-" used for subtraction.
The choice of examples here is {{trans|Common Lisp}}.
<!--lang ti89b--><pre style="font-family: 'TI Uni';">■ √(–1) 
■ ^2 —1
■  + 1 1 + 
■ (1+) * 2 2 + 2*
■ (1+) (2) —2 + 2*
■ —(1+) —1 - 
■ 1/(2) —1 - 
■ real(1 + 2) 1
■ imag(1 + 2) 2</pre>
Complex numbers can also be entered and displayed in polar form. (This example shows input in polar form while the complex display mode is rectangular and the angle mode is radians).
<!--lang ti89b--><pre style="font-family: 'TI Uni';">■ (1∠π/4)
√(2)/2 + √(2)/2*</pre>
Note that the parentheses around ∠ notation are required. It has a related use in vectors: (1∠π/4) is a complex number, [1,∠π/4] is a vector in two dimensions in polar notation, and [(1∠π/4)] is a complex number in a vector.
Takes advantage of Unicon's operator overloading extension and Unicon's Complex class. Negation is not supported by the Complex class.
<syntaxhighlight lang="unicon">import math
procedure main()
write("c1: ",(c1 := Complex(1.5,3)).toString())
write("c2: ",(c2 := Complex(1.5,1.5)).toString())
write("+: ",(c1+c2).toString())
write("-: ",(c1-c2).toString())
write("*: ",(c1*c2).toString())
write("/: ",(c1/c2).toString())
write("additive inverse: ",c1.addInverse().toString())
write("multiplicative inverse: ",c1.multInverse().toString())
write("conjugate of (4,-3i): ",Complex(4,-3).conjugate().toString())
<pre>c1: (1.5,3i)
c2: (1.5,1.5i)
+: (3.0,4.5i)
-: (0.0,1.5i)
*: (-2.25,6.75i)
/: (1.5,0.5i)
additive inverse: (-1.5,-3i)
multiplicative inverse: (0.1333333333333333,-0.2666666666666667i)
conjugate of (4,-3i): (4,3i)</pre>
=={{header|UNIX Shell}}==
{{works with|ksh93}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">typeset -T Complex_t=(
float real=0
float imag=0
function to_s {
print -- "${_.real} + ${_.imag} i"
function dup {
nameref other=$1
_=( real=${other.real} imag=${other.imag} )
function add {
typeset varname
for varname; do
nameref other=$varname
(( _.real += other.real ))
(( _.imag += other.imag ))
function negate {
(( _.real *= -1 ))
(( _.imag *= -1 ))
function conjugate {
(( _.imag *= -1 ))
function multiply {
typeset varname
for varname; do
nameref other=$varname
float a=${_.real} b=${_.imag} c=${other.real} d=${other.imag}
(( _.real = a*c - b*d ))
(( _.imag = b*c + a*d ))
function inverse {
if (( _.real == 0 && _.imag == 0 )); then
print -u2 "division by zero"
return 1
float denom=$(( _.real*_.real + _.imag*_.imag ))
(( _.real = _.real / denom ))
(( _.imag = -1 * _.imag / denom ))
Complex_t a=(real=1 imag=1)
a.to_s # 1 + 1 i
Complex_t b=(real=3.14159 imag=1.2)
b.to_s # 3.14159 + 1.2 i
Complex_t c
c.add a b
c.to_s # 4.14159 + 2.2 i
c.to_s # -4.14159 + -2.2 i
c.to_s # -4.14159 + 2.2 i
c.dup a
c.multiply b
c.to_s # 1.94159 + 4.34159 i
Complex_t d=(real=2 imag=1)
d.to_s # 0.4 + -0.2 i</syntaxhighlight>
Complex numbers are a primitive type that can be parsed in
fixed or exponential formats, with either i or j notation as shown.
The usual complex arithmetic and transcendental functions are callable
using the syntax libname..funcname or a recognizable truncation (e.g.,
c..add or ..csin). Real operands are promoted to complex.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ursala">u = 3.785e+00-1.969e+00i
v = 9.545e-01-3.305e+00j
#cast %jL
examples =
complex..add (u,v),
complex..mul (u,v),
complex..sub (0.,u),
complex..div (1.,v)></syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="vba">
Public Type Complex
re As Double
im As Double
End Type
Function CAdd(a As Complex, b As Complex) As Complex = + = +
End Function
Function CSub(a As Complex, b As Complex) As Complex = - = -
End Function
Function CMult(a As Complex, b As Complex) As Complex = ( * - ( * = ( * + ( *
End Function
Function CConj(a As Complex) As Complex = =
End Function
Function CNeg(a As Complex) As Complex = =
End Function
Function CInv(a As Complex) As Complex = / ( * + * = / ( * + *
End Function
Function CDiv(a As Complex, b As Complex) As Complex
CDiv = CMult(a, CInv(b))
End Function
Function CAbs(a As Complex) As Double
CAbs = Math.Sqr( * + *
End Function
Function CSqr(a As Complex) As Complex = Math.Sqr(( + Math.Sqr( * + * / 2) = Math.Sgn( * Math.Sqr(( + Math.Sqr( * + * / 2)
End Function
Function CPrint(a As Complex) As String
If > 0 Then
Sep = "+"
Sep = ""
End If
CPrint = & Sep & & "i"
End Function
Sub ShowComplexCalc()
Dim a As Complex
Dim b As Complex
Dim c As Complex = 1.5 = 3 = 1.5 = 1.5
Debug.Print "a = " & CPrint(a)
Debug.Print "b = " & CPrint(b)
c = CAdd(a, b)
Debug.Print "a + b = " & CPrint(c)
c = CSub(a, b)
Debug.Print "a - b = " & CPrint(c)
c = CMult(a, b)
Debug.Print "a * b = " & CPrint(c)
c = CConj(a)
Debug.Print "Conj(a) = " & CPrint(c)
c = CNeg(a)
Debug.Print "-a = " & CPrint(c)
c = CInv(a)
Debug.Print "Inv(a) = " & CPrint(c)
c = CDiv(a, b)
Debug.Print "a / b = " & CPrint(c)
Debug.Print "Abs(a) = " & CAbs(a)
c = CSqr(a)
Debug.Print "Sqrt(a) = " & CPrint(c)
End Sub
a = 1.5+3i
b = 1.5+1.5i
a + b = 3+4.5i
a - b = 0+1.5i
a * b = -2.25+6.75i
Conj(a) = 1.5-3i
-a = -1.5-3i
Inv(a) = 0.133333333333333-0.266666666666667i
a / b = 1.5+0.5i
Abs(a) = 3.35410196624968
Sqrt(a) = 1.55789954205168+0.962834868045836i
=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="v (vlang)">import math.complex
fn main() {
a := complex.complex(1, 1)
b := complex.complex(3.14159, 1.25)
println("a: $a")
println("b: $b")
println("a + b: ${a+b}")
println("a * b: ${a*b}")
println("-a: ${a.addinv()}")
println("1 / a: ${complex.complex(1,0)/a}")
println("a̅: ${a.conjugate()}")
<pre>a: 1.000000+1.000000i
b: 3.141590+1.250000i
a + b: 4.141590+2.250000i
a * b: 1.891590+4.391590i
-a: -1.000000-1.000000i
1 / a: 0.500000-0.500000i
a̅: 1.000000-1.000000i
<syntaxhighlight lang="wortel">@class Complex {
&[r i] @: {
^r || r 0
^i || i 0
^m +@sq^r @sq^i
add &o @new Complex[+ ^r o.r + ^i o.i]
mul &o @new Complex[-* ^r o.r * ^i o.i +* ^r o.i * ^i o.r]
neg &^ @new Complex[@-^r @-^i]
inv &^ @new Complex[/ ^r ^m / @-^i ^m]
toString &^?{
=^i 0 "{^r}"
=^r 0 "{^i}i"
>^i 0 "{^r} + {^i}i"
"{^r} - {@-^i}i"
@vars {
a @new Complex[5 3]
b @new Complex[4 3N]
@each &x !console.log x [
"({a}) + ({b}) = {!a.add b}"
"({a}) * ({b}) = {!a.mul b}"
"-1 * ({b}) = {b.neg.}"
"({a}) - ({b}) = {!a.add b.neg.}"
"1 / ({b}) = {b.inv.}"
"({!a.mul b}) / ({b}) = {`!.mul b.inv. !a.mul b}"
<pre>(5 + 3i) + (4 - 3i) = 9
(5 + 3i) * (4 - 3i) = 29 - 3i
-1 * (4 - 3i) = -4 + 3i
(5 + 3i) - (4 - 3i) = 1 + 6i
1 / (4 - 3i) = 0.16 + 0.12i
(29 - 3i) / (4 - 3i) = 5 + 3i</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./complex" for Complex
var x =, 3)
var y =, 2)
System.print("x = %(x)")
System.print("y = %(y)")
System.print("x + y = %(x + y)")
System.print("x - y = %(x - y)")
System.print("x * y = %(x * y)")
System.print("x / y = %(x / y)")
System.print("-x = %(-x)")
System.print("1 / x = %(x.inverse)")
System.print("x* = %(x.conj)")</syntaxhighlight>
x = 1 + 3i
y = 5 + 2i
x + y = 6 + 5i
x - y = -4 + 1i
x * y = -1 + 17i
x / y = 0.37931034482759 + 0.44827586206897i
-x = -1 - 3i
1 / x = 0.1 - 0.3i
x* = 1 - 3i
<syntaxhighlight lang="xpl0">include c:\cxpl\codes;
func real CAdd(A, B, C); \Return complex sum of two complex numbers
real A, B, C;
[C(0):= A(0) + B(0);
C(1):= A(1) + B(1);
return C;
func real CMul(A, B, C); \Return complex product of two complex numbers
real A, B, C;
[C(0):= A(0)*B(0) - A(1)*B(1);
C(1):= A(1)*B(0) + A(0)*B(1);
return C;
func real CNeg(A, C); \Return negative of a complex number
real A, C;
[C(0):= -A(0);
C(1):= -A(1);
return C;
func real CInv(A, C); \Return inversion (reciprical) of complex number
real A, C;
real D;
[D:= sq(A(0)) + sq(A(1));
C(0):= A(0)/D;
return C;
func real Conj(A, C); \Return conjugate of a complex number
real A, C;
[C(0):= A(0);
return C;
proc COut(D, A); \Output a complex number to specified device
int D; real A;
[RlOut(D, A(0));
Text(D, if A(1)>=0.0 then " +" else " -");
RlOut(D, abs(A(1)));
ChOut(D, ^i);
real U, V, W(2);
U:= [1.0, 1.0];
V:= [3.14, 1.2];
COut(0, CAdd(U,V,W)); CrLf(0);
COut(0, CMul(U,V,W)); CrLf(0);
COut(0, CNeg(U,W)); CrLf(0);
COut(0, CInv(U,W)); CrLf(0);
COut(0, Conj(U,W)); CrLf(0);
4.14 + 2.20i
1.94 + 4.34i
-1.00 - 1.00i
0.50 - 0.50i
1.00 - 1.00i
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem CADDI/CADDR addition of complex numbers Z1 + Z2 with Z1 = a1 + b1 *i Z2 = a2 + b2*i
rem CADDI returns imaginary part and CADDR the real part
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
export sub caddi( a1 , b1 , a2 , b2)
return (b1 + b2)
end sub
export sub caddr( a1 , b1 , a2 , b2)
return (a1 + a2)
end sub
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem CDIVI/CDIVR division of complex numbers Z1 / Z2 with Z1 = r + s *i Z2 = t + u*i
rem CDIVI returns imaginary part and CDIVR the real part
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
export sub cdivi(r,s,t,u)
return ((s*t- u*r) / (t^2 + u^2))
end sub
export sub cdivr( r , s , t , u)
return ((r*t- s*u) / (t^2 + u^2))
end sub
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem CMULI/CMULR multiplication of complex numbers Z1 * Z2, with Z1 = r + s *i Z2 = t + u*i
rem CMULI returns imaginary part and CMULR the real part
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
export sub cmuli( r , s , t , u)
return (r * u + s * t)
end sub
export sub cmulr( r , s , t , u)
return (r * t - s * u)
end sub
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
rem CSUBI/CSUBR subtraction of complex numbers Z1 - Z2 with Z1 = a1 + b1 *i Z2 = a2 + b2*i
rem CSUBI returns imaginary part and CSUBR the real part
rem ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
export sub csubi( a1 , b1 , a2 , b2)
return (b1 - b2)
end sub
export sub csubr( a1 , b1 , a2 , b2)
return (a1 - a2)
end sub
if (peek$("library") = "main") then
print "Example: Z1 + Z2 with Z1 = 3 +2i , Z2 = 1-3i: Z1 + Z2 = 4 -1i"
print caddr(3,2,1,-2), "/", caddi(3,2,1,-3) // 4/-1
end if</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="zkl">var [const] GSL=Import("zklGSL"); // libGSL (GNU Scientific Library)
(GSL.Z(3,4) + GSL.Z(1,2)).println(); // (4.00+6.00i)
(GSL.Z(3,4) - GSL.Z(1,2)).println(); // (2.00+2.00i)
(GSL.Z(3,4) * GSL.Z(1,2)).println(); // (-5.00+10.00i)
(GSL.Z(3,4) / GSL.Z(1,2)).println(); // (2.20-0.40i)
(GSL.Z(1,0) / GSL.Z(1,1)).println(); // (0.50-0.50i) // inversion
(-GSL.Z(3,4)).println(); // (-3.00-4.00i)
GSL.Z(3,4).conjugate().println(); // (3.00-4.00i)</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="zonnon">
module Numbers;
Complex = record
re,im: real;
end Complex;
operator {public} "+" (a,b: Complex): Complex;
r: Complex;
begin := +; := +;
return r
end "+";
operator {public} "-" (a,b: Complex): Complex;
r: Complex;
begin := -; := -;
return r
end "-";
operator {public} "*" (a,b: Complex): Complex;
r: Complex;
begin :=* -*; :=* +*;
return r
end "*";
operator {public} "/" (a,b: Complex): Complex;
r: Complex;
d: real;
d := * + *; := ( * + *; := ( * - *;
return r
end "/";
operator {public} "-" (a: Complex): Complex;
begin := -1 *;
return a
end "-";
operator {public} "~" (a: Complex): Complex;
d: real;
c: Complex;
d := * + *; :=; := (-1.0 *;
return c
end "~";
end Numbers.
module Main;
import Numbers;
a,b,c: Numbers.Complex;
procedure Writeln(c: Numbers.Complex);
end Writeln;
procedure NewComplex(x,y: real): Numbers.Complex;
public Imag(){this(0,0)}//default values to 0...force of habit
public Imag(double r, double i){real = r; imag = i;}
r: Numbers.Complex;
begin := x; := y;
return r
end NewComplex;
public static Imag add(Imag a, Imag b){
a := NewComplex(1.5,3.0);
return new Imag(a.real + b.real, a.imag + b.imag);
b := NewComplex(1.0,1.0);
Writeln(a + b);
Writeln(a - b);
Writeln(a * b);
Writeln(a / b);
end Main.
( 2,5 ; 4 i)
( ,5 ; 2 i)
(-1,5 ; 4,5 i)
(2,25 ; ,75 i)
( 1,5 ; -3 i)
( ,5 ; -,5 i)
=={{header|ZX Spectrum Basic}}==
public static Imag mult(Imag a, Imag b){
{{trans|BBC BASIC}}
//FOIL of (a+bi)(c+di) with i*i = -1
<syntaxhighlight lang="zxbasic">5 LET complex=2: LET r=1: LET i=2
return new Imag(a.real * b.real - a.imag * b.imag, a.real * b.imag + a.imag * b.real);
10 DIM a(complex): LET a(r)=1.0: LET a(i)=1.0
20 DIM b(complex): LET b(r)=PI: LET b(i)=1.2
30 DIM o(complex)
40 REM add
50 LET o(r)=a(r)+b(r)
60 LET o(i)=a(i)+b(i)
70 PRINT "Result of addition is:": GO SUB 1000
80 REM mult
90 LET o(r)=a(r)*b(r)-a(i)*b(i)
100 LET o(i)=a(i)*b(r)+a(r)*b(i)
110 PRINT "Result of multiplication is:": GO SUB 1000
120 REM neg
130 LET o(r)=-a(r)
140 LET o(i)=-a(i)
150 PRINT "Result of negation is:": GO SUB 1000
160 LET denom=a(r)^2+a(i)^2
170 LET o(r)=a(r)/denom
180 LET o(i)=-a(i)/denom
190 PRINT "Result of inversion is:": GO SUB 1000
200 STOP
1000 IF o(i)>=0 THEN PRINT o(r);" + ";o(i);"i": RETURN
1010 PRINT o(r);" - ";-o(i);"i": RETURN
<pre>Result of addition is:
4.1415927 + 2.2i
Result of multiplication is:
1.9415927 + 4.3415927i
Result of negation is:
-1 - 1i
Result of inversion is:
0.5 - 0.5i</pre>
{{omit from|M4}}
public static Imag invert(Imag a){
//1/(a+bi) * (a-bi)/(a-bi) = 1/(a+bi) but it's more workable
double denom = a.real * a.real - a.imag * a.imag;
return new Imag(a.real/denom, a.imag/denom);
