Arbitrary-precision integers (included): Difference between revisions

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Langurmonkey (talk | contribs)
Richlove (talk | contribs)
Line 1,022:
println["Length=" + length[as] + ", " + left[as,20] + "..." + right[as,20]]</syntaxhighlight>
This prints <CODE>Length=183231, 62060698786608744707...92256259918212890625</CODE>
Translated from c
Thanks Ken
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
Requires FutureBasic 7.0.27 or later
Uses GMP for Multiple Precision Arithmetic
Install GMP using terminal and Homebrew command, "brew install gmp"
before running this app in FutureBasic.
Homebrew available here,
void local fn GMPoutput
CFURLRef desktopURL = fn FileManagerURLForDirectory( NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask )
CFURLRef url = fn URLByAppendingPathComponent( desktopURL, @"gmp-output.m" )
CFStringRef gmpStr = ¬
@"#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>\n¬
#import <gmp.h>\n¬
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {\n¬
@autoreleasepool {\n¬
mpz_t a;\n¬
mpz_init_set_ui(a, 5);\n¬
mpz_pow_ui(a, a, 1 << 18);\n¬
size_t len = mpz_sizeinbase(a, 10);\n¬
printf(\" GMP says the size is: %zu\\n\", len);\n¬
char *s = mpz_get_str(0, 10, a);\n¬
size_t trueLen = strlen(s);\n¬
printf(\"Confirmed. The size is %zu\\n\", trueLen);\n¬
printf(\"Digits: %.20s…%s\\n\", s, s + trueLen - 20);\n¬
return 0;\n¬
fn StringWriteToURL( gmpStr, url, YES, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NULL ) // Create gmp-output.m on desktop
end fn
fn GMPoutput
unix @"clang -o ~/Desktop/GMP_output ~/Desktop/gmp-output.m -lgmp -fobjc-arc" // Create GMP_output on desktop
unix @"~/Desktop/GMP_output > ~/Desktop/gmp-output.txt" // Create gmp-output.txt on desktop
unix @"open ~/Desktop/gmp-output.txt" // Open gmp-output.txt to show results
unix @"rm ~/Desktop/GMP_output" : unix @"rm ~/Desktop/gmp-output.m" // Remove GMP_output and gmp-output.m from desktop
GMP says the size is: 183231
Confirmed. The size is 183231
Digits: 62060698786608744707…92256259918212890625