Apply a callback to an array: Difference between revisions

Added Erlang Task
(Added Erlang Task)
Line 417:
io.format("squares3 : ~p~n", [squares3(Numbers)])
A list would be more commonly used in Erlang rather than an array.
<lang Erlang>
1> L = [1,2,3].
You can use lists:foreach/2 if you just want to apply the callback to each element of the list.
2> lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format("~w ",[X]) end, L).
1 2 3 ok
Or you can use lists:map/2 if you want to create a new list with the result of the callback on each element.
<lang Erlang>
3> lists:map(fun(X) -> X + 1 end, L).
Or you can use lists:foldl/3 if you want to accumulate the result of the callback on each element into one value.
<lang Erlang>
4> lists:foldl(fun(X, Sum) -> X + Sum end, 0, L).
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