Apéry's constant: Difference between revisions

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<small>Last digit of the 1000 terms line is 2 under pwa/p2js...</small><br>
As per Wren, you can verify or completely replace all this with mpfr_zeta_ui(w,3) <small>[on desktop/Phix only, not supported under pwa/p2js]</small>
<syntaxhighlight lang="Python">
from sympy import zeta, factorial
from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
# Set the desired precision
getcontext().prec = 120
def my_sympy_format_to_decimal(sympy_result):
return Decimal(str(sympy_result.evalf(getcontext().prec)))
def print_apery_constant(description, value):
# Apéry's constant via SymPy's zeta function
zeta_3_str = str(zeta(3).evalf(getcontext().prec))
zeta_3_decimal = Decimal(zeta_3_str)
print_apery_constant("Apéry's constant via SymPy's zeta", zeta_3_decimal)
# Apéry's constant via Riemann summation of 1/(k cubed)
def apery_r(nterms=1_000):
total = sum(Decimal('1') / Decimal(k) ** 3 for k in range(1, nterms + 1))
return total
print_apery_constant("Apéry's constant via reciprocal cubes", apery_r())
# Apéry's constant via Markov's summation
def apery_m(nterms=158):
total = Decimal(2.5) * sum(
(Decimal(1) if k % 2 != 0 else Decimal(-1)) *
my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(k) ** 2) /
my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(2*k) * (k ** 3) )
for k in range(1, nterms + 1)
return total
print_apery_constant("Apéry's constant via Markov's summation", apery_m())
# Apéry's constant via Wedeniwski's summation
def apery_w(nterms=20):
total = Decimal('1') / Decimal('24') * sum(
(Decimal('1') if k % 2 == 0 else Decimal('-1')) *
my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(2 * k + 1)) ** 3 *
my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(2 * k)) ** 3 *
my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(k)) ** 3 *
(Decimal('126392') * Decimal(k) ** 5 +
Decimal('412708') * Decimal(k) ** 4 +
Decimal('531578') * Decimal(k) ** 3 +
Decimal('336367') * Decimal(k) ** 2 +
Decimal('104000') * Decimal(k) +
Decimal('12463')) /
(my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(3 * k + 2)) * my_sympy_format_to_decimal(factorial(4 * k + 3)) ** 3)
for k in range(0, nterms + 1)
return total
print_apery_constant("Apéry's constant via Wedeniwski's summation", apery_w())
Apéry's constant via SymPy's zeta:
Apéry's constant via reciprocal cubes:
Apéry's constant via Markov's summation:
Apéry's constant via Wedeniwski's summation: