Anonymous recursion: Difference between revisions

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Note that <code>arguments.callee</code> will not be available in ES5 Strict mode.
Using a [[Y combinator]].
<lang lua>
local function Y(x) return (function (f) return f(f) end)(function(y) return x(function(z) return y(y)(z) end) end) end
return Y(function(fibs)
return function(n)
return n < 2 and 1 or fibs(n - 1) + fibs(n - 2)
using a metatable (also achieves memoization)
<lang lua>
return setmetatable({1,1},{__index = function(self, n)
self[n] = self[n-1] + self[n-2]
return self[n]
Anonymous user