Animation: Difference between revisions

18,155 bytes added ,  1 year ago
add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi
(add task to arm assembly raspberry pi)
(add task to aarch64 assembly raspberry pi)
Line 13:
When the user clicks on the (windowed) text, it should reverse its direction.
=={{header|AArch64 Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits <br> or android 64 bits with application Termux }}
<lang AArch64 Assembly>
/* Programme assembleur ARM Raspberry ou Android */
/* programme animletter64.s */
/* REMARK: This program was written for android with the termux app.
It works very well on raspberry pi but in this case the memory access relocation instructions
can be simplified.
For simplicity, this program does not use X11 structure definitions.
/* Constantes file */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/
.include "../"
/* constantes X11 */
.equ KeyPressed, 2
.equ ButtonPress, 4
.equ MotionNotify, 6
.equ EnterNotify, 7
.equ LeaveNotify, 8
.equ Expose, 12
.equ ClientMessage, 33
.equ KeyPressMask, 1
.equ ButtonPressMask, 4
.equ ButtonReleaseMask, 8
.equ ExposureMask, 1<<15
.equ StructureNotifyMask, 1<<17
.equ EnterWindowMask, 1<<4
.equ LeaveWindowMask, 1<<5
.equ ConfigureNotify, 22
.equ GCForeground, 1<<2
.equ GCBackground, 1<<3
.equ GCLine_width, 1<<4
.equ GCLine_style, 1<<5
.equ GCFont, 1<<14
.equ CWBackPixel, 1<<1
.equ CWBorderPixel, 1<<3
.equ CWEventMask, 1<<11
.equ CWX, 1<<0
.equ CWY, 1<<1
.equ CWWidth, 1<<2
.equ CWHeight, 1<<3
.equ CWBorderWidth, 1<<4
.equ CWSibling, 1<<5
.equ CWStackMode, 1<<6
/* constantes program */
/* initialized datas */
szWindowName: .asciz "Windows Raspberry"
szRetourLigne: .asciz "\n"
szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program start. \n"
szMessFinPgm: .asciz "Program end OK.\n"
szMessErreur: .asciz "Server X not found.\n"
szMessErrfen: .asciz "Can not create window.\n"
szMessErreurX11: .asciz "Error call function X11. \n"
szMessErrGc: .asciz "Can not create graphics context.\n"
szTitreFenRed: .asciz "Pi"
szTexte1: .asciz "Hello world! "
.equ LGTEXTE1, . - szTexte1
szLibDW: .asciz "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" // special label for correct close error
.align 8
stXGCValues: .quad 0,0,0xFFA0A0A0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // for foreground color gris1
//stXGCValues: .quad 0,0,0x00000000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // for foreground color black
stXGCValues1: .quad 0,0,0x00FFFFFF,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // for foreground color white
stXGCValues2: .quad 0,0,0x0000FF00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 // for foreground color green
/* no initialized datas */
.align 8
sZoneConv: .skip 24
qDisplay: .skip 8 // Display address
qEcran: .skip 8 // Screen address
ptGC1: .skip 8 // Graphic Context pointer
qSens: .skip 8 // direction
qKey: .skip 8 // touch value
wmDeleteMessage: .skip 8 // ident close message
stEvent: .skip 400 // event structure
sBuffer: .skip 80
sbuffer1: .skip 80
/* code section */
.global main
main: // programm entry
adr x0,qOfszMessDebutPgm
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
/* Attention x28 display address
x27 window ident
x26 ident GC1
x24 ident GC2
mov x0,#0 // open X server
bl XOpenDisplay
cbz x0,99f // no X server ?
adr x1,qOfqDisplay // ok
ldr x2,[x1]
add x2,x2,x1
str x0,[x2] // store DISPLAY address
mov x28,x0 // and register 28
ldr x2,[x0,264] // load screen address in display structure
adr x3,qOfqEcran
ldr x1,[x3]
add x1,x1,x3
str x2,[x1] // store default_screen
mov x2,x0
ldr x0,[x2,#232] // screens list address
ldr x5,[x0,#+88] // white pixel
ldr x3,[x0,#+96] // black pixel
ldr x4,[x0,#+56] // bits par pixel
ldr x1,[x0,#+16] // root windows
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x2,#10 // position X
mov x3,#20 // position Y
mov x4,WINDOWWIDTH // width
mov x5,WINDOWHEIGHT // height
mov x6,1 // bordure width
mov x7,0 // pixel bordure = black
ldr x8,qGris1 // background color
str x8,[sp,-16]! // by stack parameter
bl XCreateSimpleWindow
add sp,sp,16 // stack alignement (one parameter)
cbz x0,98f // create error ?
mov x27,x0 // save ident window
/* add window property */
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window address
adr x2,qOfszWindowName // window name
ldr x5,[x2]
add x2,x2,x5
adr x3,qOfszTitreFenRed // window name reduced
ldr x5,[x3]
add x3,x3,x5
mov x4,#0 // parameters not use
mov x5,#0
mov x6,#0
mov x7,#0
bl XSetStandardProperties
/* for correction window close error */
mov x0,x28 // display address
adr x1,qOfszLibDW // atom address
ldr x5,[x1]
add x1,x1,x5
mov x2,#1 // False créate atom if not exists
bl XInternAtom
cmp x0,#0 // error X11 ?
ble 97f // Modif avril 22 pour android (ble pour raspberry)
adr x1,qOfwmDeleteMessage // recept address
ldr x5,[x1]
add x1,x1,x5
str x0,[x1]
mov x2,x1 // return address
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window address
mov x3,#1 // number of protocols
bl XSetWMProtocols
cmp x0,#0 // error X11 ?
ble 97f
mov x0,x28 // Display address
mov x1,x27 // window ident
bl creationGC
/* window display on screen */
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window ident
bl XMapWindow
// authorization of seizures
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window ident
ldr x2,qSaisieMask // autorizations mask
bl XSelectInput
adr x0,qOfszTexte1 // string address
ldr x4,[x0]
add x0,x0,x4
adr x1,qOfsbuffer1 // buffer address
ldr x4,[x1]
add x1,x1,x4
mov x2,#0
1: // loop copy character
ldrb w3,[x0,x2]
strb w3,[x1,x2]
cmp x3,#0
beq 2f
add x2,x2,#1
b 1b
/* Events loop */
mov x0,x28 // display address
bl XPending // loading the number of events
cmp x0,#0
bne 4f // a event is occurring
adr x3,qOfsbuffer1
ldr x5,[x3]
add x3,x3,x5
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window ident
mov x2,x26 // graphic context
bl animate // string display and move
b 3b // and loop
mov x0,x28 // adresse du display
adr x1,qOfstEvent // adresse structure evenements
ldr x2,[x1]
add x1,x1,x2
mov x25,x1 // save adresse structure evenement
bl XNextEvent
ldr w0,[x25] // code évenement
cmp x0,#KeyPressed // appui touche ?
bne 5f
// cas d'une touche
mov x0,x25
adr x1,qOfsBuffer // adresse buffer
ldr x2,[x1]
add x1,x1,x2
mov x2,#255
adr x3,qOfqKey // adresse zone clé
ldr x4,[x3]
add x3,x3,x4
mov x4,#0
bl XLookupString // recup touche dans buffer
cmp x0,#1 // touche caractères ?
bne 6f
adr x0,qOfsBuffer // adresse du buffer
ldr x2,[x0]
add x0,x0,x2
ldrb w0,[x0] // charge le 1er caractère du buffer
cmp w0,#0x71 // caractere q ?
beq 7f // oui -> fin
b 6f
/* clic mouse button */
cmp x0,ButtonPress // clic mouse buton
bne 51f
adr x0,qOfstEvent
ldr x5,[x0]
add x0,x0,x5
ldr w1,[x0,#+64] // position X mouse clic
ldr w2,[x0,#+68] // position Y
mov x0,x1
mov x0,x2
cmp x1,#50 // test if position clic is on the screen string approx.
blt 6f
cmp x1,#150
bgt 6f
cmp x2,#80
blt 6f
cmp x2,#105
bgt 6f
adr x1,qOfqSens // load direction
ldr x2,[x1]
add x1,x1,x2
ldr x2,[x1]
cmp x2,#0 // direction inversion
cset x2,eq
str x2,[x1]
b 6f
cmp x0,#ClientMessage // code for close window within error
bne 6f
adr x0,qOfstEvent
ldr x5,[x0]
add x0,x0,x5
ldr x1,[x0,#+56] // code message address
adr x2,qOfwmDeleteMessage // equal code window créate ???
ldr x5,[x2]
add x2,x2,x5
ldr x2,[x2]
cmp x1,x2
beq 7f // yes -> end window
b 3b // else events loop
7: // end program
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x24
bl XFreeGC // liberation GC1
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x26
bl XFreeGC // liberation GC2
mov x0,x28 // display address
mov x1,x27 // window ident
bl XDestroyWindow
mov x0,x28 // display address
bl XCloseDisplay // connexion X11Server Close
adr x0,qOfszMessFinPgm
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
b 100f
adr x0,qOfszMessErreurX11 // X11 error
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
b 100f
98: // erreur creation fenêtre mais ne sert peut être à rien car erreur directe X11
adr x0,qOfszMessErrfen
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
b 100f
99: // erreur car pas de serveur X
adr x0,qOfszMessErreur
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
b 100f
100: // fin standard du programme
mov x0,0 // code retour
mov x8,EXIT // system call "Exit"
svc #0
qOfszMessDebutPgm: .quad szMessDebutPgm - .
qOfszMessFinPgm: .quad szMessFinPgm - .
qOfszRetourLigne: .quad szRetourLigne - .
qOfqDisplay: .quad qDisplay - .
qGris: .quad 0xF0F0F0F0
qGris1: .quad 0xFFA0A0A0
qOfszMessErreur: .quad szMessErreur - .
qOfszMessErrfen: .quad szMessErrfen - .
qOfszMessErreurX11: .quad szMessErreurX11 - .
qOfwmDeleteMessage: .quad wmDeleteMessage - .
qOfszLibDW: .quad szLibDW - .
qOfszTitreFenRed: .quad szTitreFenRed - .
qOfszWindowName: .quad szWindowName - .
qOfstEvent: .quad stEvent - .
qOfqEcran: .quad qEcran - .
qOfsBuffer: .quad sBuffer - .
qOfsbuffer1: .quad sbuffer1 - .
qOfqKey: .quad qKey - .
qSaisieMask: .quad StructureNotifyMask|ExposureMask|KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask
qOfszTexte1: .quad szTexte1 - .
/* Context Graphic création ***/
/* x0 Display */
/* x1 window */
/* CAUTION : not standard use registers : return ident GC in x24 and x26 !! */
stp x20,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x21,x22,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x20,x0
mov x21,x1
// Context Graphic création
adr x3,qOfstXGCValues2 // green color in foreground
ldr x5,[x3]
add x3,x3,x5 // this parameter is used by XcreateGC
str x4,[x3,#120] // store ident font in offset 120
mov x0,x20 // display address
mov x1,x21 // window ident
mov x2,#GCForeground // green color in foreground and font
bl XCreateGC
cmp x0,#0
beq 99f // création not OK
adr x1,qOfptGC1 // store ident graphic context
ldr x2,[x1]
add x1,x1,x2
str x0,[x1]
mov x26,x0
// création contexte 2
adr x3,qOfstXGCValues // gris1 color in foreground
ldr x5,[x3]
add x3,x3,x5 // this parameter is used by XcreateGC
mov x0,x20 // display address
mov x1,x21 // window ident
mov x2,#GCForeground // gris1 foreground
bl XCreateGC
cmp x0,#0
beq 99f // création not OK
mov x24,x0
b 100f
99: // erreur création GC
adr x0,qOfszMessErreurGC
ldr x1,[x0]
add x0,x0,x1
bl affichageMess
mov x0,#0
ldp x21,x22,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x20,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
qGcmask1: .quad GCForeground|GCBackground
qOfszMessErreurGC: .quad szMessErrGc - .
qOfptGC1: .quad ptGC1 - .
qOfstXGCValues: .quad stXGCValues - .
qOfstXGCValues1: .quad stXGCValues1 - .
qOfstXGCValues2: .quad stXGCValues2 - .
/* animate letters */
/* x0 contains display address */
/* x1 window ident */
/* x2 graphic context */
/* x3 string address */
stp x20,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
stp x21,x22,[sp,-16]! // save registres
mov x20,x3 // save string address
mov x21,x0 // save display
mov x22,x1 // save window
mov x23,x2 // save GC
mov x0,x2
// erase text in the windows
mov x0,x21 // display address
mov x1,x22 // window ident
mov x2,x24 // graphic context
mov x3,#50 // position x
mov x4,#100 // position Y
mov x5,x20 // string address
mov x6,#LGTEXTE1 - 1 // string lenght
bl XDrawString
mov x0,#LGTEXTE1 -2 // string length
adr x1,qOfqSens // load direction
ldr x2,[x1]
add x1,x1,x2
ldr x2,[x1]
cmp x2,#0 // test direction
bne 2f
ldrb w9,[x20,x0] // last character
sub x1,x0,#1
1: // loop to move character one position
ldrb w2,[x20,x1]
strb w2,[x20,x0]
sub x0,x0,#1
subs x1,x1,#1
bge 1b
add x1,x1,#1
strb w9,[x20,x1] // last character -> first character
b 4f
ldrb w9,[x20] // first character
mov x1,#1
sub x2,x1,#1
3: // loop to move character
ldrb w3,[x20,x1]
strb w3,[x20,x2]
add x2,x2,#1
add x1,x1,#1
cmp x1,x0
ble 3b
strb w9,[x20,x2] // first character -> last character
// display text in the windows
mov x0,x21 // display address
mov x1,x22 // window ident
mov x2,x23 // graphic context
mov x3,#50 // position x
mov x4,#100 // position Y
mov x5,x20 // string address
mov x6,#LGTEXTE1 - 1 // string lenght
bl XDrawString
mov x0,#20 // timeout 5s approx.
bl delay
ldp x21,x22,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ldp x20,lr,[sp],16 // restaur des 2 registres
ret // retour adresse lr x30
qOfqSens: .quad qSens - .
/* timeout */
/* x0 contains delay */
stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]! // save registres
ldr x1,qCst50000000
mul x0,x1,x0
subs x0,x0,#1
bge 1b
ldp x1,lr,[sp],16 // restaur registers
qCst50000000: .quad 50000000
/* File Include fonctions */
/* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */
.include "../"