Animation: Difference between revisions

21,808 bytes added ,  1 year ago
add task to arm assembly raspberry pi
(Applesoft BASIC)
(add task to arm assembly raspberry pi)
Line 233:
60 R = PEEK (49152) < 128: FOR I = 1 TO 5:B = PEEK (49249) > 127: IF B < > BO THEN BO = B: IF B = 0 THEN D = - D
70 NEXT I,R:R = PEEK (49168)</lang>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI or android 32 bits with termux application */
/* program animLetter.s */
/* compile with as */
/* link with gcc and options -lX11 -L/usr/lpp/X11/lib */
/* REMARK: This program was written for android with the termux app.
It works very well on raspberry pi but in this case the memory access relocation instructions
can be simplified.
/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes */
.include "../"
/*Constantes */
.equ STDOUT, 1 @ Linux output console
.equ EXIT, 1 @ Linux syscall
.equ WRITE, 4 @ Linux syscall
/* constantes X11 */
.equ KeyPressed, 2
.equ ButtonPress, 4
.equ MotionNotify, 6
.equ EnterNotify, 7
.equ LeaveNotify, 8
.equ Expose, 12
.equ ClientMessage, 33
.equ KeyPressMask, 1
.equ ButtonPressMask, 4
.equ ButtonReleaseMask, 8
.equ ExposureMask, 1<<15
.equ StructureNotifyMask, 1<<17
.equ EnterWindowMask, 1<<4
.equ LeaveWindowMask, 1<<5
.equ ConfigureNotify, 22
.equ GCForeground, 1<<2
.equ GCFont, 1<<14
/* constantes program */
szWindowName: .asciz "Windows Raspberry"
szRetourligne: .asciz "\n"
szMessDebutPgm: .asciz "Program start. \n"
szMessErreur: .asciz "Server X not found.\n"
szMessErrfen: .asciz "Can not create window.\n"
szMessErreurX11: .asciz "Error call function X11. \n"
szMessErrGc: .asciz "Can not create graphics context.\n"
szMessErrFont: .asciz "Font not found.\n"
szTitreFenRed: .asciz "Pi"
szTexte1: .asciz "Hello world! "
.equ LGTEXTE1, . - szTexte1
szTexte2: .asciz "Press q for close window or clic X in system menu."
.equ LGTEXTE2, . - szTexte2
szLibDW: .asciz "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" @ special label for correct close error
szfontname: .asciz "-*-helvetica-bold-*-normal-*-12-*" @ for font test
szfontname2: .asciz "-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-13-*-*-*-*-*"
.align 4
stXGCValues: .int 0,0,0xFFA0A0A0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 @ for foreground color gris1
//stXGCValues: .int 0,0,0x00000000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 @ for foreground color black
stXGCValues1: .int 0,0,0x00FFFFFF,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 @ for foreground color white
stXGCValues2: .int 0,0,0x0000FF00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 @ for foreground color green
.align 4
ptDisplay: .skip 4 @ pointer display
ptEcranDef: .skip 4 @ pointer screen default
ptFenetre: .skip 4 @ pointer window
ptGC: .skip 4 @ pointer graphic context
ptGC1: .skip 4 @ pointer graphic context
ptFont: .skip 4 @ pointer font
key: .skip 4 @ key code
wmDeleteMessage: .skip 8 @ ident close message
event: .skip 400 @ TODO: event size ??
PrpNomFenetre: .skip 100 @ window name proprety
buffer: .skip 500
sbuffer1: .skip 500
iWhite: .skip 4 @ rgb code for white pixel
iBlack: .skip 4 @ rgb code for black pixel
iSens: .skip 4 @ direction of travel
/* -- Code section */
.global main
iOfWhite: .int iWhite - .
iOfBlack: .int iBlack - .
iOfszMessDebutPgm: .int szMessDebutPgm - .
iOfptDisplay: .int ptDisplay - .
iOfptEcranDef: .int ptEcranDef - .
iOfszLibDW: .int szLibDW - .
main: @ entry of program
adr r0,iOfszMessDebutPgm @
ldr r1,[r0]
add r0,r1
bl affichageMess @ display start message on console linux
/* attention r6 pointer display*/
/* attention r8 pointer graphic context 1 */
/* attention r9 ident window */
/* attention r10 pointer graphic context 2 */
mov r0,#0
bl XOpenDisplay @ open X server
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
beq erreurServeur
adr r2,iOfptDisplay
ldr r1,[r2]
add r1,r2
str r0,[r1] @ store display address
mov r6,r0 @ and in register r6
ldr r2,[r0,#+132] @ load default_screen
adr r1,iOfptEcranDef
ldr r3,[r1]
add r1,r3
str r2,[r1] @ store default_screen
mov r2,r0
ldr r0,[r2,#+140] @ load pointer screen list
ldr r5,[r0,#+52] @ load value white pixel
adr r4,iOfWhite @ and store in memory
ldr r3,[r4]
add r4,r3
str r5,[r4]
ldr r7,[r0,#+56] @ load value black pixel
adr r4,iOfBlack @ and store in memory
ldr r5,[r4]
add r4,r5
str r7,[r4]
ldr r4,[r0,#+28] @ load bits par pixel
ldr r1,[r0,#+8] @ load root windows
mov r0,r6 @ address display
mov r2,#0 @ window position X
mov r3,#0 @ window position Y
mov r8,#0 @ for stack alignement
push {r8}
push {r7} @ background = black pixel
push {r5} @ border = white pixel
mov r8,#2 @ border size
push {r8}
mov r8,#WINDOWHEIGHT @ height
push {r8}
mov r8,#WINDOWWIDTH @ width
push {r8}
bl XCreateSimpleWindow
add sp,#24 @ stack alignement 6 push (4 bytes * 6)
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
beq erreurF
adr r1,iOfptFenetre
ldr r3,[r1]
add r1,r3
str r0,[r1] @ store window address in memory
mov r9,r0 @ and in register r9
/* add window property */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
adr r2,iOfszWindowName @ window name
ldr r5,[r2]
add r2,r5
adr r3,iOfszTitreFenRed @ window name reduced
ldr r5,[r3]
add r3,r5
mov r4,#0
push {r4} @ parameters not use
push {r4}
push {r4}
push {r4}
bl XSetStandardProperties
add sp,sp,#16 @ stack alignement for 4 push
/* for correction window close error */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
adr r1,iOfszLibDW @ atom address
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
mov r2,#1 @ False créate atom if not exists
bl XInternAtom
cmp r0,#0 @ error X11 ?
blt erreurX11 @ Modif avril 22 pour android (ble pour raspberry)
adr r1,iOfwmDeleteMessage @ recept address
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
str r0,[r1]
mov r2,r1 @ return address
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
mov r3,#1 @ number of protocols
bl XSetWMProtocols
cmp r0,#0 @ error X11 ?
ble erreurX11
/* load font */
/* remark : see font list X11 on your system */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
bl loadFont
/* create graphic context */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
bl createContextGraphic
/* modif window background */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
ldr r2,iGris1 @ background color
bl XSetWindowBackground
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
ble erreurX11
/* OUF!! window display */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
bl XMapWindow
@ copy text in buffer
adr r0,iOfszTexte1 @ string address
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
adr r1,iOfsbuffer1 @ buffer address
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
mov r2,#0
1: @ loop copy character
ldrb r3,[r0,r2]
strb r3,[r1,r2]
cmp r3,#0
addne r2,r2,#1
bne 1b
/* Autorisations */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
ldr r2,iFenetreMask @ autorisation mask
bl XSelectInput
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
ble erreurX11
/* Events loop */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
bl XPending @ loading the number of events
cmp r0,#0
bne 2f @ a event is occurring
adr r3,iOfsbuffer1
ldr r5,[r3]
add r3,r5
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window ident
mov r2,r8 @ graphic context
bl animate @ string display and move
b 1b
mov r0,r6 @ display address
adr r1,iOfevent @ events address
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl XNextEvent @ event ?
adr r0,iOfevent
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
ldr r0,[r0] @ code event
cmp r0,#KeyPressed @ key ?
bne 2f
adr r0,iOfevent @ yes read key in buffer
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
adr r1,iOfbuffer
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
mov r2,#255
adr r3,iOfkey
ldr r5,[r3]
add r3,r5
mov r4,#0
push {r4} @ stack alignement
push {r4}
bl XLookupString
add sp,#8 @ stack alignement 2 push
cmp r0,#1 @ is character key ?
bne 2f
adr r0,iOfbuffer @ yes -> load first buffer character
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
ldrb r0,[r0]
cmp r0,#0x71 @ character q for quit
beq 5f @ yes -> end
b 4f
/* clic mouse button */
cmp r0,#ButtonPress @ clic mouse buton
bne 3f
adr r0,iOfevent
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
ldr r1,[r0,#+32] @ position X mouse clic
ldr r2,[r0,#+36] @ position Y
cmp r1,#50 @ test if position clic is on the screen string approx.
blt 4f
cmp r1,#150
bgt 4f
cmp r2,#80
blt 4f
cmp r2,#105
bgt 4f
adr r1,iOfiSens @ load direction
ldr r2,[r1]
add r1,r2
ldr r2,[r1]
cmp r2,#0 @ direction inversion
moveq r2,#1
movne r2,#0
str r2,[r1]
b 4f
cmp r0,#ClientMessage @ code for close window within error
bne 4f
adr r0,iOfevent
ldr r5,[r0]
add r0,r5
ldr r1,[r0,#+28] @ code message address
adr r2,iOfwmDeleteMessage @ equal code window créate ???
ldr r5,[r2]
add r2,r5
ldr r2,[r2]
cmp r1,r2
beq 5f @ yes -> end window
4: @ loop for other event
b 1b
iOfptFenetre: .int ptFenetre - .
iOfszWindowName: .int szWindowName - .
iOfszTitreFenRed: .int szTitreFenRed - .
/* Close window -> free ressources */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
adr r1,iOfptGC
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
ldr r1,[r1] @ load context graphic address
bl XFreeGC
mov r0,r6 @ display address
adr r1,iOfptGC1
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
ldr r1,[r1] @ load context graphic address
bl XFreeGC
cmp r0,#0
blt erreurX11
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r9 @ window address
bl XDestroyWindow
cmp r0,#0
blt erreurX11
mov r0,r6 @ display address
bl XCloseDisplay
cmp r0,#0
blt erreurX11
mov r0,#0 @ return code OK
b 100f
erreurF: @ create error window but possible not necessary. Display error by server
adr r1,iOfszMessErrfen
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1 @ return error code
b 100f
erreurGC: @ error create graphic context
adr r1,iOfszMessErrGc
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
erreurX11: @ erreur X11
adr r1,iOfszMessErreurX11
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
erreurServeur: @ error no found X11 server see doc putty and Xming
adr r1,iOfszMessErreur
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
b 100f
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r7, #EXIT
svc 0
iOfevent: .int event - .
iOfbuffer: .int buffer - .
iOfsbuffer1: .int sbuffer1 - .
iOfkey: .int key - .
iOfszMessErreurX11: .int szMessErreurX11 - .
iOfszMessErreur: .int szMessErreur - .
iOfszMessErrfen: .int szMessErrfen - .
iOfszTexte1: .int szTexte1 - .
iOfszTexte2: .int szTexte2 - .
iOfPrpNomFenetre: .int PrpNomFenetre - .
iOfwmDeleteMessage: .int wmDeleteMessage - .
iFenetreMask: .int KeyPressMask|ButtonPressMask|StructureNotifyMask
iGris1: .int 0xFFA0A0A0
iOfiSens: .int iSens - .
/* load font */
/* r0 contains display */
push {r1-r2,lr} @ save registers
adr r1,iOfszfontname @ font name
ldr r2,[r1]
add r1,r2
bl XLoadQueryFont
cmp r0,#0
beq 99f @ font not find
adr r1,iOfptFont
ldr r2,[r1]
add r1,r2
str r0,[r1]
mov r0,#0
b 100f
adr r1,iOfszMessErrFont
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
pop {r1-r2,pc} @ restaur registers
iOfszfontname: .int szfontname2 - .
iOfptFont: .int ptFont - .
iOfszMessErrFont: .int szMessErrFont - .
/* Context Graphic création */
/* r0 contains display */
/* r1 window address */
/* REMARKS : no standard use registers return GC1 in r8 and GC2 in r10 */
push {r1-r7,lr} @ save registers
/* create graphic context */
mov r6,r0 @ save display address
mov r7,r1 @ save window address
adr r3,iOfptFont @ font pointer
ldr r1,[r3]
add r3,r1
ldr r3,[r3]
ldr r4,[r3,#4] @ load font ident
adr r3,iOfstXGCValues2 @ green color in foreground
ldr r5,[r3]
add r3,r5 @ this parameter is used by XcreateGC
str r4,[r3,#60] @ store ident font in offset 60
mov r0,r4
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r7 @ window address
mov r2,#GCForeground|GCFont @ @ green color in foreground and font
bl XCreateGC
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
beq 99f
adr r1,iOfptGC
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
str r0,[r1] @ store address graphic context
mov r8,r0 @ and in r8
/* create 2 graphic context */
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r7 @ window address
mov r2,#GCForeground @ red color in Foreground
adr r3,iOfstXGCValues
ldr r5,[r3]
add r3,r5
bl XCreateGC
cmp r0,#0 @ error ?
beq erreurGC
adr r1,iOfptGC1
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
str r0,[r1] @ store address graphic context
mov r10,r0 @ and in r10
b 100f
99: @ create error
adr r1,iOfszMessErrGc
ldr r5,[r1]
add r1,r5
bl displayError
mov r0,#1
pop {r1-r7,pc} @ restaur registers
iOfszMessErrGc: .int szMessErrGc - .
iOfptGC: .int ptGC - .
iOfptGC1: .int ptGC1 - .
iOfstXGCValues: .int stXGCValues - .
iOfstXGCValues1: .int stXGCValues1 - .
iOfstXGCValues2: .int stXGCValues2 - .
/* animation */
/* r0 contains display */
/* r1 contains window ident */
/* r2 contains context graphic */
/* r3 string address */
push {r2-r9,lr} @ save registers
mov r5,r3 @ save string address
mov r6,r0 @ save display
mov r7,r1 @ save window
mov r8,r2 @ save GC
@ erase text in the windows
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r7 @ window ident
mov r2,r10 @ graphic context
mov r3,#50 @ position x
mov r4,#LGTEXTE1 - 1 @ string lenght
push {r4} @ stack alignement
push {r4} @ to stack parameter
push {r5} @ string address
mov r4,#100 @ position y
push {r4}
bl XDrawString
add sp,sp,#16 @ stack alignement (4 push)
mov r0,#LGTEXTE1 -2 @ string length
adr r1,iOfiSens @ load direction
ldr r2,[r1]
add r1,r2
ldr r2,[r1]
cmp r2,#0 @ test direction
bne 2f
ldrb r9,[r5,r0] @ last character
sub r1,r0,#1
1: @ loop to move character one position
ldrb r2,[r5,r1]
strb r2,[r5,r0]
sub r0,r0,#1
subs r1,r1,#1
bge 1b
add r1,r1,#1
strb r9,[r5,r1] @ last character -> first character
b 4f
ldrb r9,[r5] @ first character
mov r1,#1
sub r2,r1,#1
3: @ loop to move character
ldrb r3,[r5,r1]
strb r3,[r5,r2]
add r2,r2,#1
add r1,r1,#1
cmp r1,r0
ble 3b
strb r9,[r5,r2] @ first character -> last character
@ write text in the windows
mov r0,r6 @ display address
mov r1,r7 @ window ident
mov r2,r8 @ graphic context
mov r3,#50 @ position x
mov r4,#LGTEXTE1 - 1 @ string lenght
push {r4} @ stack alignement
push {r4} @ to stack parameter
push {r5} @ string address
mov r4,#100 @ position y
push {r4}
bl XDrawString
add sp,sp,#16 @ stack alignement (4 push)
mov r0,#20 @ timeout 5s approx.
bl delay
pop {r2-r9,pc} @ restaur registers
/* timeout */
/* r0 contains delay */
push {r1,lr} @ save registers
ldr r1,iCst30000000
mul r0,r1,r0
subs r0,r0,#1
bge 1b
pop {r1,pc} @ restaur registers
iCst30000000: .int 30000000
.include "../"
<lang AutoHotkey>SetTimer, Animate ; Timer runs every 250 ms.