Animate a pendulum: Difference between revisions

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ooRexx does not have a portable GUI, but this version is similar to the Ada version and just prints out the coordinates of the end of the pendulum.
<lang ooRexx>
pendulum = .pendulum~new(10, 30)

before = .datetime~new
do 100 -- somewhat arbitrary loop count
call syssleep .2
now = .datetime~new
pendulum~update(now - before)
before = now
say " X:" pendulum~x " Y:" pendulum~y

::class pendulum
::method init
expose length theta x y velocity
use arg length, theta
x = rxcalcsin(theta) * length
y = rxcalccos(theta) * length
velocity = 0

::attribute x GET
::attribute y GET

::constant g -9.81 -- acceleration due to gravity

::method update
expose length theta x y velocity
use arg duration
acceleration = self~g / length * rxcalcsin(theta)
durationSeconds = duration~microseconds / 1000000
x = rxcalcsin(theta, length)
y = rxcalccos(theta, length)
velocity = velocity + acceleration * durationSeconds
theta = theta + velocity * durationSeconds

::requires rxmath library

