Angles (geometric), normalization and conversion: Difference between revisions

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Petelomax (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring the hard way
Shuisman (talk | contribs)
Line 1,810: Line 1,810:
1000000.0000000 mils = 90.0000000 100.0000000 1600.0000000 1.5707963
1000000.0000000 mils = 90.0000000 100.0000000 1600.0000000 1.5707963
1000000.0000000 radians = 339.5130823 377.2367581 6035.7881302 5.9256211</pre>
1000000.0000000 radians = 339.5130823 377.2367581 6035.7881302 5.9256211</pre>

=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
<lang Mathematica>ClearAll[NormalizeAngle, NormalizeDegree, NormalizeGradian, NormalizeMil, NormalizeRadian]
NormalizeAngle[d_, full_] := Module[{a = d},
If[Abs[a/full] > 4,
a = a - Sign[a] full (Quotient[Abs[a], full] - 4)
While[a < -full, a += full];
While[a > full, a -= full];
ClearAll[Degree2Gradian, Degree2Mil, Degree2Radian, Gradian2Degree, Gradian2Mil, Gradian2Radian, Mil2Degree, Mil2Gradian, Mil2Radian, Radian2Degree, Radian2Gradian, Radian2Mil]
NormalizeDegree[d_] := NormalizeAngle[d, 360]
NormalizeGradian[d_] := NormalizeAngle[d, 400]
NormalizeMil[d_] := NormalizeAngle[d, 6400]
NormalizeRadian[d_] := NormalizeAngle[d, 2 Pi]
Degree2Gradian[d_] := d 400/360
Degree2Mil[d_] := d 6400/360
Degree2Radian[d_] := d Pi/180
Gradian2Degree[d_] := d 360/400
Gradian2Mil[d_] := d 6400/400
Gradian2Radian[d_] := d 2 Pi/400
Mil2Degree[d_] := d 360/6400
Mil2Gradian[d_] := d 400/6400
Mil2Radian[d_] := d 2 Pi/6400
Radian2Degree[d_] := d 180/Pi
Radian2Gradian[d_] := d 400/(2 Pi)
Radian2Mil[d_] := d 6400/(2 Pi)
MapThread[Construct, {{Degree2Gradian, Degree2Mil, Degree2Radian,
Gradian2Degree, Gradian2Mil, Gradian2Radian, Mil2Degree,
Mil2Gradian, Mil2Radian, Radian2Degree, Radian2Gradian,
Radian2Mil}, {-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 6.2831853, 16, 57.2957795, 359, 399,
6399, 1000000}}]</lang>
<pre>{-(20/9),-(160/9),0,9/10,32,0.098696,9/10,3.58099,(359 \[Pi])/3200,71820/\[Pi],1279800/\[Pi],3200000000/\[Pi]}</pre>
