Angle difference between two bearings: Difference between revisions

Ada solution to Angle difference between two bearings
m (→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Replaced (if then else) with guards)
(Ada solution to Angle difference between two bearings)
Line 147:
1174.84 -154146.66 -161.50
60175.77 42213.07 37.30
Ada does not provide a built-in mod function for floating point types. This program supplies one.
<lang Ada>
-- Angle difference between two bearings
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Bearing_Angles is
type Real is digits 8;
Package Real_Io is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO(Real);
use Real_IO;
type Angles is record
B1 : Real;
B2 : Real;
end record;
type Angle_Arr is array(Positive range <>) of Angles;
function fmod(Left, Right : Real) return Real is
Result : Real;
Result := Left - Right*Real'Truncation(Left / Right);
return Result;
end fmod;
The_Angles : Angle_Arr := ((20.0,45.0),(-45.0, 45.0), (-85.0, 90.0),
(-95.0, 90.0), (-14.0, 125.0), (29.4803, -88.6381),
(-78.3251, -159.036),
(-70099.74233810938, 29840.67437876723),
(-165313.6666297357, 33693.9894517456),
(1174.8380510598456, -154146.66490124757),
(60175.77306795546, 42213.07192354373));
Diff : Real;
for A of The_Angles loop
Diff := fmod(A.b2 - A.b1, 360.0);
If Diff < -180.0 then
Diff := Diff + 360.0;
elsif Diff > 180.0 then
Diff := Diff - 360.0;
end if;
Put("Difference between ");
Put(Item => A.B2, Fore => 7, Aft => 4, Exp => 0);
Put(" and ");
Put(Item => A.B1, Fore => 7, Aft => 4, Exp => 0);
Put(" is ");
Put(Item => Diff, Fore => 4, Aft => 4, Exp => 0);
end loop;
end Bearing_Angles;
Difference between 45.0000 and 20.0000 is 25.0000
Difference between 45.0000 and -45.0000 is 90.0000
Difference between 90.0000 and -85.0000 is 175.0000
Difference between 90.0000 and -95.0000 is -175.0000
Difference between 125.0000 and -14.0000 is 139.0000
Difference between -88.6381 and 29.4803 is -118.1184
Difference between -159.0360 and -78.3251 is -80.7109
Difference between 29840.6744 and -70099.7423 is -139.5833
Difference between 33693.9895 and -165313.6666 is -72.3439
Difference between -154146.6649 and 1174.8381 is -161.5030
Difference between 42213.0719 and 60175.7731 is 37.2989
