Anaprimes: Difference between revisions

Added Algol 68
m (→‎{{header|Free Pascal}}: now using anagram permutation of GO to speed up.)
(Added Algol 68)
Line 31:
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
If running this with Algol 68G, a large heap size must be reuested on the command line with, e.g.: <code>-heap 512M</code> for version 2 under Windows. On TIO.RUN, it wanted <code>-heap=512M</code>
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
BEGIN # find some anaprimes: groups of primes that have the same digits and #
# so are anagrams #
INT max prime = 10 000 000; # maximum number we will consider #
[ 0 : max prime ]BOOL prime; # sieve the primes to max prime #
prime[ 0 ] := prime[ 1 ] := FALSE;
prime[ 2 ] := TRUE;
FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := TRUE OD;
FOR i FROM 4 BY 2 TO UPB prime DO prime[ i ] := FALSE OD;
FOR i FROM 3 BY 2 TO ENTIER sqrt( UPB prime ) DO
IF prime[ i ] THEN
FOR s FROM i * i BY i + i TO UPB prime DO prime[ s ] := FALSE OD
# construct a table of ordered digits of primes #
# pd[ i ] 0 if no prime with its digits in order = i, #
# > 0 if there is a group of primes with ordered digits = i #
# pd[ i ] is then the final prime in the group #
# < 0 if there is a group of primes with ordered digits = i #
# ABS pd[ i ] is then the next prime in the group #
# if i is not itself prime, the final element in the chain will #
# be 0 #
[ 0 : max prime ]INT pd; FOR i FROM LWB pd TO UPB pd DO pd[ i ] := 0 OD;
FOR p FROM UPB prime BY -1 TO LWB prime DO
IF prime[ p ] THEN
# have a prime - order its digits #
[ 0 : 9 ]INT d count; FOR i FROM 0 TO 9 DO d count[ i ] := 0 OD;
INT v := p;
WHILE d count[ v MOD 10 ] +:= 1;
( v OVERAB 10 ) > 0
# get the digits in descending order, so e.g.: 103 yields 310 #
INT ordered digits := 0;
FOR i FROM 9 BY -1 TO 0 DO
FOR n TO d count[ i ] DO
ordered digits *:= 10 +:= i
IF pd[ ordered digits ] /= 0 THEN
# there was a previous prime with these digits #
pd[ p ] := - pd[ ordered digits ]
pd[ ordered digits ] := p
# display information about the groups #
INT p10 := 10;
WHILE p10 < max prime DO
# find the groups in p10..p10*10 #
INT min element := 0;
INT max element := 0;
INT group count := 0;
INT group length := 0;
INT length count := 0;
INT range end = ( p10 * 10 ) - 1;
FOR g FROM p10 TO range end DO
IF pd[ g ] < 0 THEN
# a group starts here #
group count +:= 1;
INT this max := ABS pd[ g ];
INT this length := 2;
WHILE pd[ this max ] < 0 DO
INT prev max := this max;
this max := ABS pd[ this max ];
this length +:= 1;
pd[ prev max ] := 0
IF this length > group length THEN
# found a longer group #
IF pd[ this max ] > 0 THEN
min element := pd[ this max ]
min element := g
max element := this max;
group length := this length;
length count := 1
ELIF this length = group length THEN
# have another group of the same length #
length count +:= 1
print( ( "Anaprime groups in ", whole( p10, 0 )
, "..", whole( range end, 0 )
, ": ", whole( group count, 0 )
, "; "
, IF group count = length count
THEN "all"
ELSE whole( length count, 0 )
, IF length count = 1
THEN " has"
ELSE " have"
, " maximum length(", whole( group length, 0 )
, "), first: ", whole( min element, 0 )
, IF group length = 2
THEN ", "
ELSE ", ... "
, whole( max element, 0 )
, newline
p10 *:= 10
Anaprime groups in 10..99: 4; all have maximum length(2), first: 13, 31
Anaprime groups in 100..999: 42; 3 have maximum length(4), first: 149, ... 941
Anaprime groups in 1000..9999: 261; 2 have maximum length(11), first: 1237, ... 7321
Anaprime groups in 10000..99999: 1006; 1 has maximum length(39), first: 13789, ... 98731
Anaprime groups in 100000..999999: 2868; 1 has maximum length(148), first: 123479, ... 974213
Anaprime groups in 1000000..9999999: 6973; 1 has maximum length(731), first: 1235789, ... 9875321
