Anagrams: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|11l}}: `sorted(String)` now returns `String`, not `Array`)
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This first example is a hybrid using FB's native dynamic global array combined with Core Foundation functions:
This first example is a hybrid using FB's native dynamic global array combined with Core Foundation functions:
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
include "ConsoleWindow"
include "NSLog.incl"

local fn Dictionary as CFArrayRef
def tab 9
CFURLRef url = fn URLFileURLWithPath( @"/usr/share/dict/words" )
CFStringRef string = fn StringWithContentsOfURL( url, NSUTF8StringEncoding, NULL )
end fn = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( string, @"\n" )

local fn IsAnagram( wrd1 as CFStringRef, wrd2 as CFStringRef ) as BOOL
begin globals
NSUInteger i
dim dynamic gDictionary(_maxLong) as Str255
BOOL result = NO
end globals

if ( len(wrd1) != len(wrd2) ) then exit fn
local fn IsAnagram( word1 as Str31, word2 as Str31 ) as Boolean
if ( fn StringCompare( wrd1, wrd2 ) == NSOrderedSame ) then exit fn
dim as long i, j, h, q
CFMutableArrayRef mutArr1 = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity(0) : CFMutableArrayRef mutArr2 = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity(0)
dim as Boolean result
for i = 0 to len(wrd1) - 1

MutableArrayAddObject( mutArr1, fn StringWithFormat( @"%C", fn StringCharacterAtIndex( wrd1, i ) ) )
if word1[0] != word2[0] then result = _false : exit fn
MutableArrayAddObject( mutArr2, fn StringWithFormat( @"%C", fn StringCharacterAtIndex( wrd2, i ) ) )

for i = 0 to word1[0]
h = 0 : q = 0
for j = 0 to word1[0]
if word1[i] == word1[j] then h++
if word1[i] == word2[j] then q++
SortDescriptorRef sd = fn SortDescriptorWithKeyAndSelector( NULL, YES, @"caseInsensitiveCompare:" )
if h != q then result = _false : exit fn
if ( fn ArrayIsEqual( fn ArraySortedArrayUsingDescriptors( mutArr1, @[sd] ), fn ArraySortedArrayUsingDescriptors( mutArr2, @[sd] ) ) ) then result = YES
result = _true
end fn = result
end fn = result

void local fn FindAnagramsInDictionary( wd as CFStringRef, dict as CFArrayRef )
local fn LoadDictionaryToArray
CFStringRef string, temp
dim as CFURLRef url
CFMutableArrayRef words = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity(0)
dim as CFArrayRef arr
dim as CFStringRef temp, cfStr
for temp in dict
if ( fn IsAnagram( lcase( wd ), temp ) ) then MutableArrayAddObject( words, temp )
dim as CFIndex elements
dim as Handle h
string = fn ArrayComponentsJoinedByString( words, @", " )
dim as Str255 s
NSLogSetTextColor( fn ColorText ) : NSLog( @"Anagrams for %@:", lcase(wd) )
dim as long fileLen, i
NSLogSetTextColor( fn ColorSystemBlue ) : NSLog(@"%@\n",string)

kill dynamic gDictionary
url = fn CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath( _kCFAllocatorDefault, @"/usr/share/dict/words", _kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, _false )
open "i", 2, url
fileLen = lof(2, 1)
h = fn NewHandleClear( fileLen )
if ( h )
read file 2, [h], fileLen
cfStr = fn CFStringCreateWithBytes( _kCFAllocatorDefault, #[h], fn GetHandleSize(h), _kCFStringEncodingMacRoman, _false )
if ( cfStr )
arr = fn CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings( _kCFAllocatorDefault, cfStr, @"\n" )
CFRelease( cfStr )
elements = fn CFArrayGetCount( arr )
for i = 0 to elements - 1
temp = fn CFArrayGetValueAtIndex( arr, i )
fn CFStringGetPascalString( temp, @s, 256, _kCFStringEncodingMacRoman )
gDictionary(i) = s
CFRelease( arr )
end if
fn DisposeH( h )
end if
close #2
CFRelease( url )
end fn
end fn

void local fn DoIt
local fn FindAnagrams( whichWord as Str31 )
CFArrayRef dictionary = fn Dictionary
dim as long elements, i

print "Anagrams for "; UCase$(whichWord); ":",
CFStringRef string
elements = fn DynamicNextElement( dynamic( gDictionary ) )
CFArrayRef words = @[@"bade",@"abet",@"beast",@"tuba",@"mace",@"scare",@"marine",@"antler",@"spare",@"leading",@"alerted",@"allergy",@"research",@"hustle",@"oriental",@"creationism",@"resistance",@"mountaineer"]
for i = 0 to elements - 1
for string in words
if ( len( gDictionary(i) ) == whichWord[0] )
fn FindAnagramsInDictionary( string, dictionary )
if ( fn IsAnagram( whichWord, gDictionary(i) ) == _true )
print gDictionary(i),
end if
end if
end fn
end fn

fn DoIt
fn LoadDictionaryToArray

fn FindAnagrams( "bade" )
fn FindAnagrams( "abet" )
fn FindAnagrams( "beast" )
fn FindAnagrams( "tuba" )
fn FindAnagrams( "mace" )
fn FindAnagrams( "scare" )
fn FindAnagrams( "marine" )
fn FindAnagrams( "antler" )
fn FindAnagrams( "spare" )
fn FindAnagrams( "leading" )
fn FindAnagrams( "alerted" )
fn FindAnagrams( "allergy" )
fn FindAnagrams( "research")
fn FindAnagrams( "hustle" )
fn FindAnagrams( "oriental")
def tab 3
fn FindAnagrams( "creationism" )
fn FindAnagrams( "resistance" )
fn FindAnagrams( "mountaineer" )