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(add task to arm assembly raspberry pi)
Line 601: Line 601:
<lang applescript>{{"abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"}, {"alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"}, {"angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"}, {"caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"}, {"elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"}, {"evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"}}</lang>
<lang applescript>{{"abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"}, {"alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"}, {"angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"}, {"caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"}, {"elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"}, {"evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"}}</lang>
=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
{{works with|as|Raspberry Pi <br> or android 32 bits with application Termux}}
<lang ARM Assembly>
/* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */
/* program anagram.s */

/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file
see task Include a file language arm assembly
for the routine affichageMess conversion10
see at end of this program the instruction include */
/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */
/* Constantes */
.include "../"
.equ MAXI, 40000
.equ BUFFERSIZE, 300000
.equ READ, 3 @ system call
.equ OPEN, 5 @ system call
.equ CLOSE, 6 @ system call
.equ O_RDWR, 0x0002 @ open for reading and writing

/* Initialized data */
szFileName: .asciz "./listword.txt"
szMessErreur: .asciz "FILE ERROR."
szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n"
szMessSpace: .asciz " "

ptBuffer1: .int sBuffer1
/* UnInitialized data */
ptTabBuffer: .skip 4 * MAXI
ptTabAna: .skip 4 * MAXI
tbiCptAna: .skip 4 * MAXI
iNBword: .skip 4
sBuffer: .skip BUFFERSIZE
sBuffer1: .skip BUFFERSIZE

/* code section */
.global main
main: @ entry of program
mov r4,#0 @ loop indice
ldr r0,iAdrszFileName @ file name
mov r1,#O_RDWR @ flags
mov r2,#0 @ mode
mov r7,#OPEN @
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error open
ble 99f
mov r8,r0 @ FD save Fd
ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
ldr r2,iSizeBuf @ buffersize
mov r7, #READ
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error read ?
blt 99f
mov r5,r0 @ save size read bytes
ldr r4,iAdrsBuffer @ buffer address
ldr r0,iAdrsBuffer @ start word address
mov r2,#0
mov r1,#0 @ word length
cmp r2,r5
bge 2f
ldrb r3,[r4,r2]
cmp r3,#0xD @ end word ?
addne r1,r1,#1 @ increment word length
addne r2,r2,#1 @ increment indice
bne 1b @ and loop
mov r3,#0
strb r3,[r4,r2] @ store final zero
bl anaWord @ sort word letters
add r2,r2,#2 @ jump OD and 0A
add r0,r4,r2 @ new address begin word
mov r1,#0 @ init length
b 1b @ and loop
mov r3,#0 @ last word
strb r3,[r4,r2]
bl anaWord
mov r0,r8 @ file Fd
mov r7, #CLOSE
svc 0
cmp r0,#0 @ error close ?
blt 99f
ldr r0,iAdrptTabAna @ address sorted string area
mov r1,#0 @ first indice
ldr r2,iAdriNBword
ldr r2,[r2] @ last indice
ldr r3,iAdrptTabBuffer @ address sorted string area
bl triRapide @ quick sort
ldr r4,iAdrptTabAna @ address sorted string area
ldr r7,iAdrptTabBuffer @ address sorted string area
ldr r10,iAdrtbiCptAna @ address counter occurences
mov r9,r2 @ size word array
mov r8,#0 @ indice first occurence
ldr r3,[r4,r8,lsl #2] @ load first value
mov r2,#1 @ loop indice
mov r6,#0 @ counter
mov r12,#0 @ counter value max
ldr r5,[r4,r2,lsl #2] @ load next value
mov r0,r3
mov r1,r5
bl comparStrings
cmp r0,#0 @ sorted strings equal ?
bne 4f
add r6,r6,#1 @ yes increment counter
b 5f
4: @ no
str r6,[r10,r8,lsl #2] @ store counter in first occurence
cmp r6,r12 @ counter > value max
movgt r12,r6 @ yes counter -> value max
mov r6,#0 @ raz counter
mov r8,r2 @ init index first occurence
mov r3,r5 @ init value first occurence
add r2,r2,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r2,r9 @ end word array ?
blt 3b @ no -> loop
mov r2,#0 @ raz indice
6: @ display loop
ldr r6,[r10,r2,lsl #2] @ load counter
cmp r6,r12 @ equal to max value ?
bne 8f
ldr r0,[r7,r2,lsl #2] @ load address first word
bl affichageMess
add r3,r2,#1 @ increment new indixe
mov r4,#0 @ counter
ldr r0,iAdrszMessSpace
bl affichageMess
ldr r0,[r7,r3,lsl #2] @ load address other word
bl affichageMess
add r3,r3,#1 @ increment indice
add r4,r4,#1 @ increment counter
cmp r4,r6 @ max value ?
blt 7b @ no loop
ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
bl affichageMess
add r2,r2,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r2,r9 @ maxi ?
blt 6b @ no -> loop
b 100f
99: @ display error
ldr r1,iAdrszMessErreur
bl displayError
100: @ standard end of the program
mov r0, #0 @ return code
mov r7, #EXIT @ request to exit program
svc #0 @ perform the system call
iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn
iAdrszFileName: .int szFileName
iAdrszMessErreur: .int szMessErreur
iAdrsBuffer: .int sBuffer
iSizeBuf: .int BUFFERSIZE
iAdrszMessSpace: .int szMessSpace
iAdrtbiCptAna: .int tbiCptAna
/* analizing word */
/* r0 word address */
/* r1 word length */
push {r1-r6,lr}
mov r5,r0
mov r6,r1
ldr r1,iAdrptTabBuffer
ldr r2,iAdriNBword
ldr r3,[r2]
str r0,[r1,r3,lsl #2]
ldr r1,iAdrptTabAna
ldr r4,iAdrptBuffer1
ldr r0,[r4]
add r6,r6,r0
add r6,r6,#1
str r6,[r4]
str r0,[r1,r3,lsl #2]
add r3,r3,#1
str r3,[r2]
mov r1,r0
mov r0,r5
bl triLetters @ sort word letters
mov r2,#0
pop {r1-r6,pc}
iAdrptTabBuffer: .int ptTabBuffer
iAdrptTabAna: .int ptTabAna
iAdriNBword: .int iNBword
iAdrptBuffer1: .int ptBuffer1
/* sort word letters */
/* r0 address begin word */
/* r1 address recept array */
push {r1-r7,lr}
mov r2,#0
ldrb r3,[r0,r2] @ load letter
cmp r3,#0 @ end word ?
beq 6f
cmp r2,#0 @ first letter ?
bne 2f
strb r3,[r1,r2] @ yes store in first position
add r2,r2,#1 @ increment indice
b 1b @ and loop
mov r4,#0
3: @ begin loop to search insertion position
ldrb r5,[r1,r4] @ load letter
cmp r3,r5 @ compare
blt 4f @ to low -> insertion
add r4,r4,#1 @ increment indice
cmp r4,r2 @ compare to letters number in place
blt 3b @ search loop
strb r3,[r1,r2] @ else store in last position
add r2,r2,#1
b 1b @ and loop
4: @ move first letters in one position
sub r6,r2,#1 @ start indice
ldrb r5,[r1,r6] @ load letter
add r7,r6,#1 @ store indice - 1
strb r5,[r1,r7] @ store letter
sub r6,r6,#1 @ decrement indice
cmp r6,r4 @ end ?
bge 5b @ no loop
strb r3,[r1,r4] @ else store letter in free position
add r2,r2,#1
b 1b @ and loop
mov r3,#0 @ final zéro
strb r3,[r1,r2]
pop {r1-r7,pc}
/* Appel récursif Tri Rapide quicksort */
/* r0 contains the address of table */
/* r1 contains index of first item */
/* r2 contains the number of elements > 0 */
/* r3 contains the address of table 2 */
push {r2-r6,lr} @ save registers
mov r6,r3
sub r2,#1 @ last item index
cmp r1,r2 @ first > last ?
bge 100f @ yes -> end
mov r4,r0 @ save r0
mov r5,r2 @ save r2
mov r3,r6
bl partition1 @ cutting into 2 parts
mov r2,r0 @ index partition
mov r0,r4 @ table address
bl triRapide @ sort lower part
mov r0,r4 @ table address
add r1,r2,#1 @ index begin = index partition + 1
add r2,r5,#1 @ number of elements
bl triRapide @ sort higter part
100: @ end function
pop {r2-r6,lr} @ restaur registers
bx lr @ return

/* Partition table elements */
/* r0 contains the address of table */
/* r1 contains index of first item */
/* r2 contains index of last item */
/* r3 contains the address of table 2 */
push {r1-r12,lr} @ save registers
mov r8,r0 @ save address table 2
mov r9,r1
ldr r10,[r8,r2,lsl #2] @ load string address last index
mov r4,r9 @ init with first index
mov r5,r9 @ init with first index
1: @ begin loop
ldr r6,[r8,r5,lsl #2] @ load string address
mov r0,r6
mov r1,r10
bl comparStrings
cmp r0,#0
ldrlt r7,[r8,r4,lsl #2] @ if < swap value table
strlt r6,[r8,r4,lsl #2]
strlt r7,[r8,r5,lsl #2]
ldrlt r7,[r3,r4,lsl #2] @ swap array 2
ldrlt r12,[r3,r5,lsl #2]
strlt r7,[r3,r5,lsl #2]
strlt r12,[r3,r4,lsl #2]
addlt r4,#1 @ and increment index 1
add r5,#1 @ increment index 2
cmp r5,r2 @ end ?
blt 1b @ no -> loop
ldr r7,[r8,r4,lsl #2] @ swap value
str r10,[r8,r4,lsl #2]
str r7,[r8,r2,lsl #2]
ldr r7,[r3,r4,lsl #2] @ swap array 2
ldr r12,[r3,r2,lsl #2]
str r7,[r3,r2,lsl #2]
str r12,[r3,r4,lsl #2]
mov r0,r4 @ return index partition
pop {r1-r12,lr}
bx lr
/* Strings case sensitive comparisons */
/* r0 et r1 contains the address of strings */
/* return 0 in r0 if equals */
/* return -1 if string r0 < string r1 */
/* return 1 if string r0 > string r1 */
push {r1-r4} @ save des registres
mov r2,#0 @ counter
ldrb r3,[r0,r2] @ byte string 1
ldrb r4,[r1,r2] @ byte string 2
cmp r3,r4
movlt r0,#-1 @ small
movgt r0,#1 @ greather
bne 100f @ not equals
cmp r3,#0 @ 0 end string
moveq r0,#0 @ equals
beq 100f @ end string
add r2,r2,#1 @ else add 1 in counter
b 1b @ and loop
pop {r1-r4}
bx lr

.include "../"
bale able bela abel elba
cater carte crate caret trace
galen glean angle lange angel
regal glare alger lager large
lena lane lean elan neal
veil levi live vile evil
Following code should work for AHK 1.0.* and 1.1* versions:
Following code should work for AHK 1.0.* and 1.1* versions: