Anagrams/Deranged anagrams: Difference between revisions

(→‎Faster Version: Python 2 -> Python 3; split logic to functions; used dict instead of list to keep "words' lengths--words" mapping)
Line 3,146:
<pre>10 excitation => intoxicate</pre>
<lang rust>//! Deranged anagrams
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::BufReader;
use std::io::BufRead;
use std::usize::MAX;
/// Get words from unix dictionary file
pub fn get_words() -> Result<Vec<String>, io::Error> {
let mut words = vec!();
// open file
let f = File::open("data/unixdict.txt")?;
// read line by line
let reader = BufReader::new(&f);
for line in reader.lines() {
/// Get the longest deranged anagram in the given list of word if any
pub fn longest_deranged(v: &mut Vec<String>) -> Option<(String,String)>{
// sort by length descending then by alphabetical order
v.sort_by(|s1, s2| {
let mut c = s2.len().cmp(&s1.len());
if c == Ordering::Equal {
c = s1.cmp(s2);
// keep all strings keyed by sorted characters (since anagrams have the same list of sorted characters)
let mut signatures : HashMap<Vec<char>, Vec<&String>> = HashMap::new();
// save on memory by only keeping in the map strings of the current processed length
let mut previous_length = MAX;
for s in v {
// length change, clear the map
if s.len()<previous_length {
previous_length = s.len();
// generate key as sorted characters
let mut sorted_chars = s.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let anagrams = signatures.entry(sorted_chars).or_insert(vec!());
// find if any anagram (string with the same sorted character vector) is deranged
if let Some(a) = anagrams.iter().filter(|anagram| is_deranged(anagram, s)).next(){
return Some(((*a).clone(), s.clone()));
/// check if two strings do NOT have the same character in the same position
pub fn is_deranged(s1: &String, s2: &String) -> bool {
// we zip the character iterators and check we find no position with the same two characters
s1.chars().zip(s2.chars()).filter(|(a,b)| a == b).next().is_none()
/// an example main method printing the results
fn main() {
let r = get_words();
match r {
Ok(mut v) => {
let od = longest_deranged(&mut v);
match od {
None => println!("No deranged anagrams found!"),
Some((s1,s2)) => println!("{} {}",s1,s2),
Err(e) => panic!("Could not read words: {}",e)
<pre>excitation intoxicate</pre>