Anadromes: Difference between revisions

Line 484:
│sallets │stellas │
Constructing a very large dictionary (i.e. JSON object) would be time-consuming
and would require quite a lot of memory, so this implementation takes advantage of jq's `bsearch` for binary search.
It also confines the search to "words" that begin with a lower-case letter.
The result is the same listing of 17 words as found elsewhere on this page.
< words.txt jq -nrR '
def rev: explode | reverse | implode;
| select(length > 6 and
(.[:1] | . >= "a" and
. <= "z" and
. <= .[-1:] )) ] as $words
| $words[]
| rev as $reverse
| select(. < $reverse and ($words | bsearch($reverse) > -1))
| . + " <=> " + $reverse
