Anadromes: Difference between revisions

4,624 bytes added ,  2 years ago
Added Algol 68
(Added AppleScript.)
(Added Algol 68)
Line 18:
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Reads the words from standard input, stopping when a word = ZZZ is found (which is the last word in words.txt).<br>
Unfortunately, Algol 68G doesn't like an array of STRINGs with more than 300 000 elements, even though it allows INT arrays to have millions - at least under Windows<br>
(I haven't tried it with Linux).<br>
So you will need to use another compiler under Windows.<br>
As in the Wren sample, the words are quicksorted so binary searching can be used to find the reversed words.
<lang algol68>BEGIN # find some anadromes: words that whwn reversed are also words #
# in-place quick sort an array of strings #
PROC s quicksort = ( REF[]STRING a, INT lb, ub )VOID:
IF ub > lb
# more than one element, so must sort #
INT left := lb;
INT right := ub;
# choosing the middle element of the array as the pivot #
STRING pivot := a[ left + ( ( right + 1 ) - left ) OVER 2 ];
WHILE IF left <= ub THEN a[ left ] < pivot ELSE FALSE FI
left +:= 1
WHILE IF right >= lb THEN a[ right ] > pivot ELSE FALSE FI
right -:= 1
left <= right
STRING t := a[ left ];
a[ left ] := a[ right ];
a[ right ] := t;
left +:= 1;
right -:= 1
s quicksort( a, lb, right );
s quicksort( a, left, ub )
FI # s quicksort # ;
# returns TRUE if item is in list, FALSE otherwise #
# - based on the iterative routine in the binary search task #
PROC contains = ( []STRING list, STRING item, INT lb, ub )BOOL:
INT low := lb,
INT high := ub;
WHILE low < high DO
INT mid = ( low + high ) OVER 2;
IF list[ mid ] > item THEN high := mid - 1
ELIF list[ mid ] < item THEN low := mid + 1
ELSE low := high := mid
list[ low ] = item
END # contains # ;
[ 1 : 500 000 ]STRING words;
INT t count := 0;
INT w count := 0;
INT max length := 0;
BOOL at eof := FALSE;
WHILE NOT at eof
STRING word;
read( ( word, newline ) );
at eof := word = "ZZZ";
t count +:= 1;
INT w length := 1 + ( UPB word - LWB word );
IF w length > 6 THEN
w count +:= 1;
words[ w count ] := word;
IF w length > max length THEN max length := w length FI
print( ( "read ", whole( t count, 0 ), " words, "
, "the longest is ", whole( max length, 0 ), " characters"
, newline
, " ", whole( w count, 0 ), " words are longer than 6 characters"
, newline, newline
s quicksort( words, 1, w count ); # sort the words for binary search #
print( ( "The following anadromes are present:", newline, newline ) );
INT a count := 0;
FOR i TO w count DO
STRING word = words[ i ];
STRING reverse word := "";
FOR w pos FROM LWB word TO UPB word DO word[ w pos ] +=: reverse word OD;
IF word < reverse word THEN
IF contains( words, reverse word, 1, w count ) THEN
# have an anadromic pair #
INT w length = 1 + ( UPB words[ i ] - LWB words[ i ] );
FOR c TO 10 - w length DO print( ( " " ) ) OD;
print( ( words[ i ], " :: ", reverse word, newline ) );
a count +:= 1
print( ( newline, "Found ", whole( a count, 0 ), " anadromes", newline ) )
read 466551 words, the longest is 45 characters
387537 words are longer than 6 characters
The following anadromes are present:
amaroid :: diorama
degener :: reneged
deifier :: reified
deliver :: reviled
dessert :: tressed
desserts :: stressed
deviler :: relived
dioramas :: samaroid
gateman :: nametag
leveler :: relevel
pat-pat :: tap-tap
redrawer :: rewarder
reknits :: stinker
relever :: reveler
reliver :: reviler
revotes :: setover
sallets :: stellas
Found 17 anadromes
