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<syntaxhighlight lang="future basic">
begin globals
ptr gwordsPtr
uint32 gfilen
end globals
local fn loadDict
window 1, @"Anadromes",(0,0,209,502)
CFURLRef url = fn URLWithString( @"file:///Applications/FutureBasic/words.txt" )
if ( url )
open "I", 1, url
gfilen = lof( 1 )
gwordsPtr = fn malloc( gfilen )
read file 1, gwordsPtr, gfilen
end if
end fn
local fn anadromes
uint32 r, i, top, bot, med, count = 0
CFStringRef string = lcase(fn StringWithBytes( gwordsPtr, gfilen, NSASCIIStringEncoding ))
CFArrayRef array = fn StringComponentsSeparatedByString( string, @"\n" )
: array = fn arraySortedarrayUsingSelector( array, @"caseInsensitiveCompare:" )
for r = 0 to len(array)-1
if len( array[r] ) < 7 then continue
string = @""
for i = 0 to len(array[r]) - 1
string = fn StringByAppendingString( mid( array[r],i,1 ), string )
if fn StringIsEqual( array[r], string ) then continue
bot = r+1 : top = len( array )-1
while ( top - bot ) > 1
med = ( bot + top )>>1
select fn StringCompare( string, array[med] )
case NSOrderedAscending : top = med
case NSOrderedDescending : bot = med
case else : count++
print ,count,array[r];left( @" ",9-len(string) );string
end select
end fn
fn loadDict
CFTimeInterval t = fn CACurrentMediaTime
fn anadromes
printf @"\t\t%.3f secs",fn CACurrentMediaTime - t
[[File:32 Anadromes.png]]