Amicable pairs: Difference between revisions

Add 8086 assembly
(Add 8080 Assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
Line 162:
17296 18416</pre>
=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm>LIMIT: equ 20000 ; Maximum value
cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
mov ax,final ; Set DS and ES to point just beyond the
mov cl,4 ; program. We're just going to assume MS-DOS
shr ax,cl ; gave us enough memory. (Generally the case,
inc ax ; a .COM gets a 64K segment and we need ~40K.)
mov cx,cs
add ax,cx
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
calc: mov ax,1 ; Calculate proper divisors for 2..20000
mov di,4 ; Initially, set each entry to 1.
mov cx,LIMIT-1 ; 2 to 20000 inclusive = 19999 entries
rep stosw
mov ax,2 ; AX = outer loop counter
mov cl,2
mov dx,LIMIT*2 ; Keep inner loop limit ready in DX
mov bp,LIMIT/2 ; And outer loop limit in BP
.outer: mov bx,ax ; BX = inner loop counter (multiplied by two)
shl bx,cl ; Each entry is 2 bytes wide
.inner: add [bx],ax ; divsum[BX/2] += AX
add bx,ax ; Advance to next entry
add bx,ax ; Twice, because each entry is 2 bytes wide
cmp bx,dx ; Are we there yet?
jbe .inner ; If not, keep going
inc ax
cmp ax,bp ; Is the outer loop done yet?
jbe .outer ; If not, keep going
show: mov dx,LIMIT ; Keep limit ready in DX
mov ax,2 ; AX = outer loop counter
mov si,4 ; SI = address for outer loop
.outer: mov cx,ax ; CX = inner loop counter
inc cx
mov di,cx ; DI = address for inner loop
shl di,1
mov bx,[si] ; Preload divsum[AX]
.inner: cmp cx,bx ; CX == divsum[AX]?
jne .next ; If not, the pair is not amicable
cmp ax,[di] ; AX == divsum[CX]?
jne .next ; If not, the pair is not amicable
push ax ; Keep the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push cx ; And CX twice because we need to print it
call prax ; Print the first number
pop ax
call prax ; And the second number
mov dx,nl ; And a newline
call pstr
pop dx ; Restore the registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
.next: inc di ; Increment inner loop variable and address
inc di ; Address twice because each entry has 2 bytes
inc cx
cmp cx,dx ; Are we done yet?
jbe .inner ; If not, keep going
inc si ; Increment outer loop variable and address
inc si ; Address twice because each entry has 2 bytes
inc ax
cmp ax,dx ; Are we done yet?
jbe .outer ; If not, keep going.
;;; Print the number in AX. Destroys AX, BX, CX, DX.
prax: mov cx,10 ; Divisor
mov bx,nbuf ; Buffer pointer
.digit: xor dx,dx
div cx ; Divide by 10 and extract digit
add dl,'0' ; Add ASCII 0 to digit
dec bx
mov [cs:bx],dl ; Store in string
test ax,ax ; Any more?
jnz .digit ; If so, keep going
mov dx,bx ; If not, print the result
;;; Print string from CS.
pstr: push ds ; Save DS
mov ax,cs ; Set DS to CS
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9 ; Print string using MS-DOS
int 21h
pop ds ; Restore DS
db '*****'
nbuf: db ' $'
nl: db 13,10,'$'
final: equ $</lang>
<pre>220 284
1184 1210
2620 2924
5020 5564
6232 6368
10744 10856
12285 14595
17296 18416</pre>
