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I m > n & sum_proper_divisors(m) == n
I m > n & sum_proper_divisors(m) == n

=={{header|8080 Assembly}}==
<lang 8080asm> org 100h
;;; Calculate proper divisors of 2..20000
lxi h,pdiv + 4 ; 2 bytes per entry
lxi d,19999 ; [2 .. 20000] means 19999 entries
lxi b,1 ; Initialize each entry to 1
init: mov m,c
inx h
mov m,b
inx h
dcx d
mov a,d
ora e
jnz init
lxi b,1 ; BC = outer loop variable
iouter: inx b
lxi h,-10001 ; Are we there yet?
dad b
jc idone ; If so, we've calculated all of them
mov h,b
mov l,c
dad h
xchg ; DE = inner loop variable
iinner: push d ; save DE
dad h ; calculate *pdiv[DE]
lxi d,pdiv
dad d
mov e,m ; DE = pdiv[DE]
inx h
mov d,m
xchg ; pdiv[DE] += BC
dad b
xchg ; store it back
mov m,d
dcx h
mov m,e
pop h ; restore DE (into HL)
dad b ; add BC
lxi d,-20001 ; are we there yet?
dad d
jc iouter ; then continue with outer loop
lxi d,20001 ; otherwise continue with inner loop
dad d
jmp iinner
idone: lxi b,1 ; BC = outer loop variable
touter: inx b
lxi h,-20001 ; Are we there yet?
dad b
rc ; If so, stop
mov d,b ; DE = outer loop variable
mov e,c
tinner: inx d
lxi h,-20001 ; Are we there yet?
dad d
jc touter ; If so continue with outer loop
push d ; Store the variables
push b
mov h,b ; find *pdiv[BC]
mov l,c
dad b
lxi b,pdiv
dad b
mov a,m ; Compare low byte (to E)
cmp e
jnz tnext1 ; Not equal = not amicable
inx h
mov a,m
cmp d ; Compare high byte (to B)
jnz tnext1 ; Not equal = not amicable
pop b ; Restore BC
xchg ; find *pdiv[DE]
dad h
lxi d,pdiv
dad d
mov a,m ; Compare low byte (to C)
cmp c
jnz tnext2 ; Not equal = not amicable
inx h
mov a,m ; Compare high byte (to B)
cmp b
jnz tnext2 ; Not equal = not amicable
pop d ; Restore DE
push d ; Save them both on the stack again
push b
push d
mov h,b ; Print the first number
mov l,c
call prhl
pop h ; And the second number
call prhl
lxi d,nl ; And a newline
mvi c,9
call 5
tnext1: pop b ; Restore B
tnext2: pop d ; Restore D
jmp tinner ; Continue
;;; Print the number in HL
prhl: lxi d,nbuf ; Store buffer pointer on stack
push d
lxi b,-10 ; Divisor
pdgt: lxi d,-1 ; Quotient
pdivlp: inx d
dad b
jc pdivlp
mvi a,'0'+10 ; Make ASCII digit
add l
pop h ; Store in output buffer
dcx h
mov m,a
push h
xchg ; Keep going with rest of number
mov a,h ; if not zero
ora l
jnz pdgt
mvi c,9 ; CP/M call to print string
pop d ; Get buffer pointer
jmp 5
db '*****'
nbuf: db ' $'
nl: db 13,10,'$'
pdiv: equ $ ; base</lang>
<pre>220 284
1184 1210
2620 2924
5020 5564
6232 6368
10744 10856
12285 14595
17296 18416</pre>
