Align columns: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Clojure}}: replaced code with shorter version
(→‎version 3: Note: This version adds boxes around columns of output.)
(→‎{{header|Clojure}}: replaced code with shorter version)
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<lang Clojure>
(defnns rosettacode.align-columns
(ns align (:userequire [clojure.contrib.fcasestring :as str]))
(def data "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
; Returns the list of words between $ characters in string.
(defn split [string]
(let [[before after] (split-with (partial not= \$) string)]
(if (empty? after)
`(~(apply str before))
(cons (apply str before) (split (rest after))))))
(def table (map #(str/split #"\$" %) (str/split-lines data)))
(defn find-widths [lst-of-lines]
(let [all-widths (map (fn [line] (map count line)) lst-of-lines)]
(let [field-count (apply max (map count all-widths))]
(let [all-widths (map #(take field-count (concat % (repeat 0))) all-widths)]
(apply map max all-widths)))))
(defn col-width [n table] (reduce max (map #(try (count (nth % n))
(defn pad [lst-of-lst filler]
(catch Exception _ 0))
(let [max-size (apply max (map count lst-of-lst))]
(map #(take max-size (concat % (repeat filler))) lst-of-lst)))
(defn spaces [n] (apply str (/repeat cntn " ")))
(defn add-padding
"if the string is too big turncate it, else return a string with padding"
[string width justification]
(if (>= (count string) width) (str/take width string)
(let [pad-len (int (- width (count string))) ;we don't want rationals
half-pad-len (int (/ pad-len 2))]
(case justjustification
:right (print (str (spaces diffpad-len) wrd " ")string)
:left (print (str wrdstring (spaces (inc diff))pad-len))
(print:center (str (spaces lhshalf-pad-len) wrdstring (spaces (inc- rhspad-len half-pad-len)))))))
(defn readaligned-all [in-stream]table
"get the width of each column, then generate a new table with propper padding for eath item"
(map split (line-seq in-stream)))
([table justification]
(let [col-widths (map #(+ 2 (col-width % table)) (range (count(first table))))]
(fn [row] (map #(add-padding %1 %2 justification) row col-widths))
(defn half [x]print-table
[(quot x 2) (+ (mod x 2) (quot x 2))])
(do (println)
(print (str/join "" (flatten (interleave table (repeat "\n")))))))
(defn spaces [cnt]
(apply str (repeat cnt " ")))
(defn do-print [just widths line]
(if (empty? widths)
(let [wid (first widths) wrd (first line)]
(let [diff (- wid (count wrd))]
(case just
:left (print (str wrd (spaces (inc diff))))
:right (print (str (spaces diff) wrd " "))
:centre (let [[lhs rhs] (half diff)]
(print (str (spaces lhs) wrd (spaces (inc rhs)))))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.)))
(recur just (rest widths) (rest line))))))
(defn align-columns
; Default is left-justified alignment of standard input
([] (align-columns :left *in*))
([just] (align-columns just *in*))
([just in-stream]
(let [data (read-all in-stream)]
(let [widths (find-widths data) data (pad data "")]
(doseq [line data] (do-print just widths line))))))
(print-table (aligned-table table :center))
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