Align columns: Difference between revisions

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# Consecutive space characters produced adjacent to the end of lines are insignificant for the purposes of the task.
# Output text will be viewed in a mono-spaced font.
<lang ABAP>report z_align no standard page header.
data: lt_strings type standard table of string,
lv_strings type string.
append: 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$' to lt_strings,
'are$delineated$by$a$single$''dollar''$character,$write$a$program' to lt_strings,
'that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$' to lt_strings,
'column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.' to lt_strings,
'Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$' to lt_strings,
'justified,$right$justified,$or$center$justified$within$its$column.' to lt_strings.
types ty_strings type standard table of string.
perform align_col using 'LEFT' lt_strings.
perform align_col using 'RIGHT' lt_strings.
perform align_col using 'CENTER' lt_strings.
form align_col using iv_just type string iv_strings type ty_strings.
constants: c_del value '$'.
data: lv_string type string,
lt_strings type table of string,
lt_tables like table of lt_strings,
lv_first type string,
lv_second type string,
lv_longest type i value 0,
lv_off type i value 0,
lv_len type i.
" Loop through the supplied text. It is expected at the input is a table of strings, with each
" entry in the table representing a new line of the input.
loop at iv_strings into lv_string.
" Split the current line at the delimiter.
split lv_string at c_del into lv_first lv_second.
" Loop through the line splitting at every delimiter.
append lv_first to lt_strings.
lv_len = strlen( lv_first ).
" Check if the length of the new string is greater than the currently stored length.
if lv_len > lv_longest.
lv_longest = lv_len.
if lv_second na c_del.
" Check if the string is longer than the recorded maximum.
lv_len = strlen( lv_second ).
if lv_len > lv_longest.
lv_longest = lv_len.
append lv_second to lt_strings.
split lv_second at c_del into lv_first lv_second.
append lt_strings to lt_tables.
clear lt_strings.
" Loop through each line of input.
loop at lt_tables into lt_strings.
" Loop through each word in the line (Separated by specified delimiter).
loop at lt_strings into lv_string.
lv_off = ( sy-tabix - 1 ) * ( lv_longest + 2 ).
case iv_just.
when 'LEFT'.
write : at (lv_longest) lv_string left-justified.
when 'RIGHT'.
write at (lv_longest) lv_string right-justified.
when 'CENTER'.
write at (lv_longest) lv_string centered.
sy-linno = sy-linno - 1.
<pre style="height:15ex;overflow:scroll">
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