Align columns: Difference between revisions

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SET exampletext=JOIN(new1,"$",new2,new3,new4,new5,new6,new7,new8,new9,new10,new11,new12)
Given $ a $ text $ file $ of $ many $ lines, $ where $ fields $ within $ a $ line$
are $ delineated $ by $ a $ single $ 'dollar' $ character, $ write $ a $ program $ $
that $ aligns $ each $ column $ of $ fields $ by $ ensuring $ that $ words $ in $ each$
column $ are $ separated $ by $ at $ least $ one $ space. $ $ $ $
Further, $ allow $ for $ each $ word $ in $ a $ column $ to $ be $ either $ left$
justified, $ right $ justified, $ or $ center $ justified $ within $ its $ column. $ $ $
=={{header|Unix Shell}}==