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justified, right justified, or center justified within its column.
<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5
set text {Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
array set max {}
foreach line [split $text \n] {
set col 0
set thisline [split $line \$]
lappend words $thisline
foreach word $thisline {
set max([incr col]) [expr {[info exists max($col)]
? max($max($col), [string length $word])
: [string length $word]
proc justify {word position width} {
switch -exact -- $position {
left {
return [format "%-*s" $width $word]
center {
set lpadw [expr {($width - [string length $word])/2}]
return [format "%s%-*s" [string repeat " " $lpadw] [incr width -$lpadw] $word]
right {
return [format "%*s" $width $word]
foreach position {left center right} {
foreach thisline $words {
set col 0
set line ""
foreach word $thisline {
append line [justify $word $position $max([incr col])] " "
puts [string trimright $line]
puts ""
<pre>Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line
are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program
that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each
column are separated by at least one space.
Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left
justified, right justified, or center justified within its column.
Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line
are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program
that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each
column are separated by at least one space.
Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left
justified, right justified, or center justified within its column.
Given a text file of many lines, where fields within a line
are delineated by a single 'dollar' character, write a program
that aligns each column of fields by ensuring that words in each
column are separated by at least one space.
Further, allow for each word in a column to be either left
justified, right justified, or center justified within its column.</pre>
=={{header|Vedit macro language}}==