Align columns: Difference between revisions

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(Added Common Lisp.)
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=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
<lang lisp>(defun nonempty (seq)
(position-if (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) t) seq))
(defun split (delim seq)
"Splits seq on delim into a list of subsequences. Trailing empty
subsequences are removed."
((f (seq &aux (pos (position delim seq)))
(if pos
(subseq seq 0 pos)
(f (subseq seq (1+ pos))))
(list seq))))
((list (f seq))
(end (position-if #'nonempty list :from-end t)))
(subseq list 0 (1+ end)))))
(defun lengthen (list minlen filler-elem &aux (len (length list)))
"Destructively pads list with filler-elem up to minlen."
(if (< len minlen)
(nconc list (make-list
(- minlen len) :initial-element filler-elem))
(defun align-columns (text &key (align :left) &aux
(fmtmod (case align
(:left "@")
(:right ":")
(:center "@:")
(t (error "Invalid alignment."))))
(fields (mapcar
(lambda (line) (split #\$ line))
(split #\Newline text)))
(mostcols (loop for l in fields maximize (length l)))
(setf fields (mapcar
(lambda (l) (lengthen l mostcols ""))
(setf widest (loop
for col below (length (first fields))
collect (loop
for row in fields maximize (length (elt row col)))))
(format nil
(with-output-to-string (s)
(princ "~{~{" s)
(dolist (w widest)
(format s "~~~d~a<~~a~~>" (1+ w) fmtmod))
(princ "~}~%~}" s))