Algebraic data types: Difference between revisions

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In E, a pattern can be used almost anywhere a variable name can. Additionally, there are two operators used for pattern matching idioms: <codett>=~</codett> (returns success as a boolean, somewhat like Perl's <codett>=~</codett>), and <codett>switch</codett> (matches multiple patterns, like Haskell's <codett>case</codett>).
Both of those operators are defined in terms of the basic bind/match operation: <codett>def <var>pattern</var> exit <var>failure_handler</var> := <var>specimen</var></codett>
def balance(tree) {
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<codelang lang="haskell">
data Color = R | B
data Tree a = E | T Color (Tree a) a (Tree a)
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| otherwise = s
T _ a y b = ins s