Algebraic data types: Difference between revisions

added standard ml
(added standard ml)
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<pre lang="OCaml" ocaml>
type color = R | B
type 'a tree = E | T of color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
(** val balance :: color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree -> 'a tree *)
let balance = function
| B, T (R, T (R,a,x,b), y, c), z, d
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| col, a, x, b -> T (col, a, x, b)
(** val insert :: 'a -> 'a tree -> 'a tree *)
let insert x s =
let rec ins = function
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| T (col,a,y,b) as s ->
if x < y then
balance (col, (ins a), y, b)
else if x > y then
balance (col, a, y, (ins b))
in let T (_,a,y,b) = ins s
in T (B,a,y,b)
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insert(X,S,t(b,A,Y,B)) :- ins(X,S,t(_,A,Y,B)).
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
<lang sml>
datatype color = R | B
datatype 'a tree = E | T of color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
(** val balance = fn : color * 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree -> 'a tree *)
fun balance (B, T (R, T (R,a,x,b), y, c), z, d) = T (R, T (B,a,x,b), y, T (B,c,z,d))
| balance (B, T (R, a, x, T (R,b,y,c)), z, d) = T (R, T (B,a,x,b), y, T (B,c,z,d))
| balance (B, a, x, T (R, T (R,b,y,c), z, d)) = T (R, T (B,a,x,b), y, T (B,c,z,d))
| balance (B, a, x, T (R, b, y, T (R,c,z,d))) = T (R, T (B,a,x,b), y, T (B,c,z,d))
| balance (col, a, x, b) = T (col, a, x, b)
(** val insert = fn : int -> int tree -> int tree *)
fun insert x s = let
fun ins E = T (R,E,x,E)
| ins (s as T (col,a,y,b)) =
if x < y then
balance (col, ins a, y, b)
else if x > y then
balance (col, a, y, ins b)
val T (_,a,y,b) = ins s
T (B,a,y,b)
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