Add a variable to a class instance at runtime: Difference between revisions

(+ F#/Omit)
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ELENA does not support adding a variablefield at run-time but it can be simulated with the help of a group object
<lang elena>#subjectdefine foosystem.
#class FieldContainerExtender
#field theValuetheObject.
#field theField.
#methodconstructor foo'setnew : anObject
theValuetheObject := anObject.
#method foo'get = theValuetheField.
#method set &foo : aValue
theField := aValue.
#method => theObject.
#symbol Programprogram =
#var anObject := 234.
// adding a field
anObject := Extender new:anObject &= FieldContainer.
anObject foo'set &foo:"bar".
'program'Outputconsole << anObject << ".foo=" << anObject foo.
'program'inputconsole getreadChar.
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