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(Add Rust implementation from the rust-rosetta GitHub repository.)
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(displayln (send active output))
(displayln (send active output))

<lang rust>#![feature(mpsc_select)]

extern crate num;
extern crate schedule_recv;

use num::traits::Zero;
use num::Float;
use schedule_recv::periodic_ms;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use std::ops::Mul;
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, SendError, Sender};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

pub type Actor<S> = Sender<Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send>>;
pub type ActorResult<S> = Result<(), SendError<Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send>>>;

/// Rust supports both shared-memory and actor models of concurrency, and the `Integrator` utilizes
/// both. We use an `Actor` to send the `Integrator` new functions, while we use a `Mutex`
/// (shared-memory concurrency) to hold the result of the integration.
/// Note that these are not the only options here--there are many, many ways you can deal with
/// concurrent access. But when in doubt, a plain old `Mutex` is often a good bet. For example,
/// this might look like a good situation for a `RwLock`--after all, there's no reason for a read
/// in the main task to block writes. Unfortunately, unless you have significantly more reads than
/// writes (which is certainly not the case here), a `Mutex` will usually outperform a `RwLock`.
pub struct Integrator<S: 'static, T: Send> {
input: Actor<S>,
output: Arc<Mutex<T>>,

/// In Rust, time durations are strongly typed. This is usually exactly what you want, but for a
/// problem like this--where the integrated value has unusual (unspecified?) units--it can actually
/// be a bit tricky. Right now, `Duration`s can only be multiplied or divided by `i32`s, so in
/// order to be able to actually do math with them we say that the type parameter `S` (the result
/// of the function being integrated) must yield `T` (the type of the integrated value) when
/// multiplied by `f64`. We could possibly replace `f64` with a generic as well, but it would make
/// things a bit more complex.
impl<S, T> Integrator<S, T>
S: Mul<f64, Output = T> + Float + Zero,
T: 'static + Clone + Send + Float,
pub fn new(frequency: u32) -> Integrator<S, T> {
// We create a pipe allowing functions to be sent from tx (the sending end) to input (the
// receiving end). In order to change the function we are integrating from the task in
// which the Integrator lives, we simply send the function through tx.
let (tx, input) = mpsc::channel();
// The easiest way to do shared-memory concurrency in Rust is to use atomic reference
// counting, or Arc, around a synchronized type (like Mutex<T>). Arc gives you a guarantee
// that memory will not be freed as long as there is at least one reference to it.
// It is similar to C++'s shared_ptr, but it is guaranteed to be safe and is never
// incremented unless explicitly cloned (by default, it is moved).
let s: Arc<Mutex<T>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Zero::zero()));
let integrator = Integrator {
input: tx,
// Here is the aforementioned clone. We have to do it before s enters the closure,
// because once that happens it is moved into the closure (and later, the new task) and
// becomes inaccessible to the outside world.
output: Arc::clone(&s),
thread::spawn(move || -> () {
// The frequency is how often we want to "tick" as we update our integrated total. In
// Rust, timers can yield Receivers that are periodically notified with an empty
// message (where the period is the frequency). This is useful because it lets us wait
// on either a tick or another type of message (in this case, a request to change the
// function we are integrating).
let periodic = periodic_ms(frequency);
let mut t = 0;
let mut k: Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send> = Box::new(|_| Zero::zero());
let mut k_0: S = Zero::zero();
loop {
// Here's the selection we talked about above. Note that we are careful to call
// the *non*-failing function, recv(), here. The reason we do this is because
// recv() will return Err when the sending end of a channel is dropped. While
// this is unlikely to happen for the timer (so again, you could argue for failure
// there), it's normal behavior for the sending end of input to be dropped, since
// it just happens when the Integrator falls out of scope. So we handle it cleanly
// and break out of the loop, rather than failing.
select! {
res = periodic.recv() => match res {
Ok(_) => {
t += frequency;
let k_1: S = k(t);
// Rust Mutexes are a bit different from Mutexes in many other
// languages, in that the protected data is actually encapsulated by
// the Mutex. The reason for this is that Rust is actually capable of
// enforcing (via its borrow checker) the invariant that the contents
// of a Mutex may only be read when you have acquired its lock. This
// is enforced by way of a MutexGuard, the return value of lock(),
// which implements some special traits (Deref and DerefMut) that allow
// access to the inner element "through" the guard. The element so
// acquired has a lifetime bounded by that of the MutexGuard, the
// MutexGuard can only be acquired by taking a lock, and the only way
// to release the lock is by letting the MutexGuard fall out of scope,
// so it's impossible to access the data incorrectly. There are some
// additional subtleties around the actual implementation, but that's
// the basic idea.
let mut s = s.lock().unwrap();
*s = *s + (k_1 + k_0) * (f64::from(frequency) / 2.);
k_0 = k_1;
Err(_) => break,
res = input.recv() => match res {
Ok(k_new) => k = k_new,
Err(_) => break,

pub fn input(&self, k: Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send>) -> ActorResult<S> {
// The meat of the work is done in the other thread, so to set the
// input we just send along the Sender we set earlier...

pub fn output(&self) -> T {
// ...and to read the input, we simply acquire a lock on the output Mutex and return a
// copy. Why do we have to copy it? Because, as mentioned above, Rust won't let us
// retain access to the interior of the Mutex unless we have possession of its lock. There
// are ways and circumstances in which one can avoid this (e.g. by using atomic types) but
// a copy is a perfectly reasonable solution as well, and a lot easier to reason about :)

/// This function is fairly straightforward. We create the integrator, set its input function k(t)
/// to 2pi * f * t, and then wait as described in the Rosetta stone problem.
fn integrate() -> f64 {
let object = Integrator::new(10);
.input(Box::new(|t: u32| {
let two_seconds_ms = 2 * 1000;
let f = 1. / f64::from(two_seconds_ms);
(2. * PI * f * f64::from(t)).sin()
.expect("Failed to set input");
object.input(Box::new(|_| 0.)).expect("Failed to set input");

fn main() {
println!("{}", integrate());

/// Will fail on a heavily loaded machine
fn solution() {
// We should just be able to call integrate, but can't represent the closure properly due to
// rust-lang/rust issue #17060 if we make frequency or period a variable.
// FIXME(pythonesque): When unboxed closures are fixed, fix integrate() to take two arguments.
let object = Integrator::new(10);
.input(Box::new(|t: u32| {
let two_seconds_ms = 2 * 1000;
let f = 1. / (two_seconds_ms / 10) as f64;
(2. * PI * f * t as f64).sin()
.expect("Failed to set input");
object.input(Box::new(|_| 0.)).expect("Failed to set input");
assert_eq!(object.output() as u32, 0)