Active Directory/Search for a user: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
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puts results[0][:sn] # ==> "Jackman"</lang>
puts results[0][:sn] # ==> "Jackman"</lang>

=={{header|Run BASIC}}==
<pre>This allows the client on the web to see their directory.
The user can click on any file or directory and this will give them the following options:
[upload] data from their computer to the server
[delete] data from their directory
[rename] files
[view] image files</pre>
<lang runbasic>' ---------------------------------------------
' Directory maintenance
' ---------------------------------------------
cr$ = chr$(13)
dirOf$ = "c:\*.*" ' get directory of

' -------------------------------------------
' Shell out directory
' -------------------------------------------

html "<table bgcolor=lightsteelblue><TR><TD id=wk></TD></TABLE>"
loc$ = strRep$(dirOf$,"*.*","")
x$ = shell$("dir ";dirOf$)

i = 1
while word$(x$,i,cr$) <> ""
a$ = word$(x$,i,cr$)
if trim$(a$) = "" then goto [next]
if left$(a$,1) = " " then goto [next]
if left$(a$,1) = cr$ then goto [next]
type$ = mid$(a$,26,3)
size$ = mid$(a$,30,9)
size$ = strRep$(size$,",","")
size = val(size$)
if type$ <> "DIR" and size = 0 then goto [next]
name$ = mid$(a$,40)
a$ = strRep$(a$,"<","[")
a$ = strRep$(a$,">","]")
html left$(a$,39)
link #ddir,name$, [doDir]
#ddir setkey(type$;"|";loc$;name$)
html "<BR>"
goto [next1]
print a$
i = i + 1
type$ = word$(EventKey$,1,"|")
name$ = word$(EventKey$,2,"|")

if type$ = "DIR" then
dirOf$ = name$;"\*.*"
goto [dirShell]
end if

html "<script> document.getElementById('wk').innerHTML = '"
nname$ = strRep$(name$,"\","\\")
html "What do you want to do with ";nname$;"<BR>"
button #dofile, "Upload",[upload]
button #dofile, "Delete",[delete]
button #rename, "Rename",[rename]
button #view, "View", [view]
html "';</script>"

kill name$
goto [dirShell]

nname$ = strRep$(name$,"\","/")
print "File:";nname$
nname$ = mid$(nname$,3)
html "<EMBED SRC=""..";nname$;""">"
print "<EMBED SRC=""..";nname$;""">"


print "Upload File:";name$
files #f, name$
if #f HASANSWER() = 0 then
print "File: ";name$;" not found"
end if

' -------------------------------------
' load data to directory
' -------------------------------------
OPEN name$ FOR binary AS #f
filedata$ = input$(#f, LOF(#f))
print filedata$

f$ = photoDir$;uploadId$
OPEN f$ FOR binary AS #f
PRINT #f, filedata$

' --------------------------------
' string replace rep str with
' --------------------------------
FUNCTION strRep$(strRep$,rep$,with$)
ln = len(rep$)
k = instr(strRep$,rep$)
while k
strRep$ = left$(strRep$,k - 1) + with$ + mid$(strRep$,k + ln)
k = instr(strRep$,rep$)
Output as seen by the client on the web
<pre> Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F42C-D87A

Directory of c:\
06/10/2009 02:42 PM 24 autoexec.bat
06/10/2009 02:42 PM 10 config.sys
01/30/2012 02:26 PM 206 csb.log
03/09/2012 10:00 AM [DIR] data
02/07/2012 07:48 AM 748,990,464 precise-desktop-i386.iso
03/20/2012 04:07 PM [DIR] Program Files
02/05/2012 05:09 PM [DIR] Python
03/19/2012 04:55 PM [DIR] rbp101
01/30/2012 02:26 PM 3,081 RHDSetup.log
01/30/2012 10:14 PM [DIR] Users
01/30/2012 02:35 PM [DIR] wamp
03/06/2012 04:00 AM [DIR] Windows
5 File(s) 748,993,785 bytes
7 Dir(s) 952,183,820,288 bytes free</pre>
