Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications: Difference between revisions

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Walterpachl (talk | contribs)
m →‎REXX version 2: tag correction
Bartj (talk | contribs)
Added Bracmat solution
Line 85: Line 85:
Deficient: 15043
Deficient: 15043

Two solutions are given. The first solution first decomposes the current number into a multiset of prime factors and then constructs the proper divisors. The second solution finds proper divisors by checking all candidates from 1 up to the square root of the given number. The first solution is a few times faster, because establishing the prime factors of a small enough number (less than 2^32 or less than 2^64, depending on the bitness of Bracmat) is fast.
<lang bracmat>( clk$:?t0
& ( multiples
= prime multiplicity
. !arg:(?prime.?multiplicity)
& !multiplicity:0
& 1
| !prime^!multiplicity*(.!multiplicity)
+ multiples$(!prime.-1+!multiplicity)
& ( P
= primeFactors prime exp poly S
. !arg^1/67:?primeFactors
& ( !primeFactors:?^1/67&0
| 1:?poly
& whl
' ( !primeFactors:%?prime^?exp*?primeFactors
& !poly*multiples$(!prime.67*!exp):?poly
& -1+!poly+1:?poly
& 1:?S
& ( !poly
: ?
+ (#%@?s*?&!S+!s:?S&~)
+ ?
| 1/2*!S
& 0:?deficient:?perfect:?abundant
& 0:?n
& whl
' ( 1+!n:~>20000:?n
& P$!n
: ( <!n&1+!deficient:?deficient
| !n&1+!perfect:?perfect
| >!n&1+!abundant:?abundant
& out$(deficient !deficient perfect !perfect abundant !abundant)
& clk$:?t1
& out$(flt$(!t1+-1*!t0,2) sec)
& clk$:?t2
& ( P
= f h S
. 0:?f
& 0:?S
& whl
' ( 1+!f:?f
& !f^2:~>!n
& ( !arg*!f^-1:~/:?g
& !S+!f:?S
& ( !g:~!f&!S+!g:?S
& 1/2*!S
& 0:?deficient:?perfect:?abundant
& 0:?n
& whl
' ( 1+!n:~>20000:?n
& P$!n
: ( <!n&1+!deficient:?deficient
| !n&1+!perfect:?perfect
| >!n&1+!abundant:?abundant
& out$(deficient !deficient perfect !perfect abundant !abundant)
& clk$:?t3
& out$(flt$(!t3+-1*!t2,2) sec)
<pre>deficient 15043 perfect 4 abundant 4953
4,27*10E0 sec
deficient 15043 perfect 4 abundant 4953
1,63*10E1 sec</pre>
