Abstract type: Difference between revisions

1,566 bytes added ,  10 years ago
Added Standard ML section
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(Added Standard ML section)
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When integrating with Java, traits without implementation appear as interfaces.
=={{header|Standard ML}}==
Standard ML does not have any built-in support for object-oriented programming.
Instead it supports abstraction through a module system. Every module has a signature
describing the types and values that can be accessed from outside a module.
The act of giving a signature to a module is called ascription. There are two type of ascription:
Transparent (written <tt>:</tt) and opaque (written <tt>:></tt>). If a structure is ascribed transparently,
none of the types are abstract. If it is ascribed opaquely, all types are abstract by default, but can be specified
explicitly in the signature, in which case they are not abstract.
Here is an example signature for a queue data structure:
<lang sml>signature QUEUE = sig
type 'a queue
val empty : 'a queue
val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option
Because we did not specify an implementation for <tt>'a queue</tt>, the type
will be abstract if we use opaque ascription. Instead we could create a version of the signature which specifies the type,
in which case it will never be abstract:
<lang sml>signature LIST_QUEUE = sig
type 'a queue = 'a list
val empty : 'a queue
val enqueue : 'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue
val dequeue : 'a queue -> ('a * 'a queue) option
Then say we have a structure ListQueue which implements queues as lists. If we write <tt>ListQueue :> QUEUE</tt>
then the queue type will be abstract, but if we write <tt>ListQueue : QUEUE</tt> or <tt>ListQueue : LIST_QUEUE</tt> it won't.
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