Abelian sandpile model: Difference between revisions

Add Ada version
(Add Ada version)
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<syntaxhighlight lang="ada>
pragma Ada_2022;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Abelian_Sandpile is
type Grid_2D is array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Natural;
procedure Write_PPM (Grid : Grid_2D; Filename : String) is
PPM_File : File_Type;
Create (PPM_File, Out_File, Filename);
Put_Line (PPM_File, "P3");
Put_Line (PPM_File, Grid'Length (1)'Image & Grid'Length (2)'Image);
Put_Line (PPM_File, "7");
for Y in 1 .. Grid'Length (2) loop
for X in 1 .. Grid'Length (1) loop
case Grid (X, Y) is
when 0 => Put_Line (PPM_File, "0 0 0"); -- black
when 1 => Put_Line (PPM_File, "0 7 0"); -- green
when 2 => Put_Line (PPM_File, "7 0 7"); -- lilac
when 3 => Put_Line (PPM_File, "7 7 0"); -- yellow
when others => Put_Line (PPM_File, "0 0 7"); -- blue, shouldn't happen
end case;
end loop;
end loop;
Close (PPM_File);
end Write_PPM;
if Argument_Count /= 2 then
Put_Line ("Error: Must specify <Sandpile Height> <Grid Size>");
Initial_Height : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Argument (1));
Grid_Size : constant Positive := Positive'Value (Argument (2));
Sandpile : Grid_2D (1 .. Grid_Size, 1 .. Grid_Size) := [others => [others => 0]];
More_To_Do : Boolean := True;
Overspill : Natural;
Sandpile (Grid_Size / 2, Grid_Size / 2) := Initial_Height;
while More_To_Do loop
More_To_Do := False;
for X in 1 .. Grid_Size loop
for Y in 1 .. Grid_Size loop
if Sandpile (X, Y) >= 4 then
Overspill := Sandpile (X, Y) / 4;
Sandpile (X, Y) := @ mod 4;
More_To_Do := True;
if X > 1 then
Sandpile (X - 1, Y) := @ + Overspill;
end if;
if Y > 1 then
Sandpile (X, Y - 1) := @ + Overspill;
end if;
if X < Grid_Size then
Sandpile (X + 1, Y) := @ + Overspill;
end if;
if Y < Grid_Size then
Sandpile (X, Y + 1) := @ + Overspill;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end loop;
if Grid_Size < 16 then Put_Line (Sandpile'Image); end if;
Write_PPM (Sandpile, "sandpile.ppm");
end if;
end Abelian_Sandpile;
The program produces a text dump of the grid for size < 16, and always
emits a `sandpile.ppm` graphics file.
[[File:Ada sandpile 555555 600.png|thumb|Output of ./abeliian_sandpile 555555 600 converted to PNG]]
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