Abbreviations, automatic: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Picat}}: Adding Picat)
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4 djadomingu djaluna djamars djarason djaweps djabièrnè djasabra
4 djadomingu djaluna djamars djarason djaweps djabièrnè djasabra
2 Killachau Atichau Quoyllurchau Illapachau Chaskachau Kuychichau Intichau</pre>
2 Killachau Atichau Quoyllurchau Illapachau Chaskachau Kuychichau Intichau</pre>

<lang vb>
sub print(s) wscript.stdout.writeline s :end sub

set d=createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set fso=createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")

const fn="weekdays_ansi.txt"
sfn= Left(sfn, InStrRev(sfn, "\"))
set f=fso.opentextfile(sfn & fn,1)

while not f.atendofstream
if s=vbNullString then
print " "
a=split(trim(s)," ")
for abrlen=1 to 14
for wd=0 to 6
if d.exists(k) then
exit for
d.add k,""
end if
next 'wd
if wd>6 then exit for
next 'abrlen
b=right(" " & abrlen,2)
for wd=0 to 6
b=b &" "& left(a(wd),abrlen)
print b
end if
wend 'line

2 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2 So Ma Di Wo Do Vr Sa
4 E_dj E_hë E_ma E_më E_en E_pr E_sh
2 Eh Se Ma Er Ha Ar Ke
5 Al_Ah Al_It Al_Th Al_Ar Al_Ka Al_Go Al_Sa
4 Guir Yerg Yere Tcho Hink Ourp Shap
2 do ll ma mi xu vi sá
2 Ba Bi Çk Üç DÖ Be Al
6 Igande Astele Astear Asteaz Ostegu Ostira Larunb
4 Robi Shom Mong Budh BRih Shuk Shon
2 Ne Po Ut Sr Cx Pe Su
5 Disul Dilun Dimeu Dimer Diria Digwe Disad
2 ne po vt sr ch pe sa
12 sing_kei_yah sing_kei_yat sing_kei_yee sing_kei_saa sing_kei_sie sing_kei_ng sing_kei_luk
4 Dium Dill Dima Dime Dijo Dive Diss
15 Dzeenkk-eh Dzeehn_kk-ehreh Dzeehn_kk-ehreh Tah_neesee_dzee Deehn_ghee_dzee Tl-oowey_tts-el Dzeentt-ahzee
6 dy_Sul dy_Lun dy_Meu dy_Mer dy_You dy_Gwe dy_Sad
2 Di Le Ma Mè Je Va Sa
2 ne po ut sr cx pe su
2 ne po út st c^ pá so
2 So Mo Ti Wa TO Fe Sa
2 s0 ma ti on to fr l0
2 zo ma di wo do vr za
2 Di Lu Ma Me ^J Ve Sa
1 p e t k n r l


=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==