ASCII art diagram converter: Difference between revisions

Tcl implementation added
(→‎{{header|Racket}}: noise regarding 24/32/64 bit words)
(Tcl implementation added)
Line 592:
Nothing much to see... all tests pass
This is a nice task to illustrate a couple of important concepts in Tcl:
* using [ dict]ionaries, taking advantage of their ordering properties
* the [ binary] command
* using (semi-)structured text as part of your source code
In this implementation, '''parse''' produces a dictionary from names to bit-lengths. '''encode''' and '''decode''' use these to produce appropriate binary format strings, and then do what they say on the tin. As implemented, this is limited to unsigned numeric values in fields. Supporting unsigned values, strings and enums would require parsing a more complex annotation than only the ASCII art packet structure, but ought not take much more code.
<lang Tcl>
namespace eval asciipacket {
proc assert {expr} { ;# for "static" assertions that throw nice errors
if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $expr]]} {
raise {ASSERT ERROR} "{$expr} {[subst -noc $expr]}"
proc b2h {data} { ;# format a binary string in hex digits
binary scan $data H* hex; set hex
proc parse {s} {
set result {} ;# we will return a dictionary
set s [string trim $s] ;# remove whitespace
set s [split $s \n] ;# split into lines
set s [lmap x $s {string trim $x}] ;# trim whitespace from each line
set s [lassign $s border0] ;# pop off top border row
;# calculate chars per row, chars per bit
set rowlen [llength [string map {+ \ } $border0]]
set bitlen [expr {([string length $border0] - 1) / $rowlen}]
assert {$bitlen * $rowlen + 1 == [string length $border0]}
foreach {row border} $s {
assert {$border eq $border0}
set row [string trim $row |]
foreach field [split $row |] {
set len [string length |$field]
assert {$len % $bitlen == 0}
set name [string trim $field]
set nbits [expr {$len / $bitlen}]
assert {![dict exists $result $name]}
dict set result $name $nbits
return $result
proc encode {schema values} {
set bincodes {1 B 8 c 16 S 32 W} ;# see binary(n)
set binfmt "" ;# format string
set binargs "" ;# positional args
dict for {name bitlen} $schema {
set val [dict get $values $name]
if {[dict exists $bincodes $bitlen]} {
set fmt "[dict get $bincodes $bitlen]"
} else {
set val [format %0${bitlen}b $val]
set fmt "B${bitlen}"
append binfmt $fmt
lappend binargs $val
binary format $binfmt {*}$binargs
proc decode {schema data} {
set result {} ;# we will return a dict
set bincodes {1 B 8 c 16 S 32 W} ;# see binary(n)
set binfmt "" ;# format string
set binargs "" ;# positional args
dict for {name bitlen} $schema {
if {[dict exists $bincodes $bitlen]} {
set fmt "[dict get $bincodes $bitlen]u" ;# note unsigned
} else {
set fmt "B${bitlen}"
append binfmt $fmt
lappend binargs $name
binary scan $data $binfmt {*}$binargs
foreach _ $binargs {
dict set result $_ [set $_]
return $result
And here is how to use it with the original test data:
<lang Tcl>
proc test {} {
set header {
| ID |
|QR| Opcode |AA|TC|RD|RA| Z | RCODE |
set schema [asciipacket::parse $header]
set values {
ID 0xcafe
QR 1
Opcode 5
AA 1
TC 0
RD 0
RA 1
Z 4
QDCOUNT 0x00a5
ANCOUNT 0x0a50
NSCOUNT 0xa500
ARCOUNT 0x500a
set pkt [asciipacket::encode $schema $values]
puts "encoded packet (hex): [asciipacket::b2h $pkt]"
array set decoded [asciipacket::decode $schema $pkt]
parray decoded
encoded packet (hex): cafe805080000080808000a50a50a500500a
decoded(AA) = 1
decoded(ANCOUNT) = 2640
decoded(ARCOUNT) = 20490
decoded(ID) = 51966
decoded(NSCOUNT) = 42240
decoded(Opcode) = 0101
decoded(QDCOUNT) = 165
decoded(QR) = 1
decoded(RA) = 1
decoded(RCODE) = 1000
decoded(RD) = 0
decoded(TC) = 0
decoded(Z) = 100
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