A* search algorithm: Difference between revisions

Add an entry for PowerShell
(Add an entry for PowerShell)
Line 1,441:
<lang powershell>function CreateGrid($h, $w, $fill) {
$grid = 0..($h - 1) | ForEach-Object { , (, $fill * $w) }
return $grid
function EstimateCost($a, $b) {
$xd = [Math]::Abs($a.Item1 - $b.Item1)
$yd = [Math]::Abs($a.Item2 - $b.Item2)
return [Math]::Max($xd, $yd)
function AStar($costs, $start, $goal) {
# ValueTuples can be used to index a Hashtable:
$start = [ValueTuple]::Create($start[0], $start[1])
$goal = [ValueTuple]::Create($goal[0], $goal[1])
$rows = $costs.Length
$cols = $costs[0].Length
$cameFrom = CreateGrid $rows $cols $null
$openSet = @{$start = (EstimateCost $start $goal), 0}
$closedSet = @{}
while ($openSet.Count -gt 0) {
# find the value in openSet with the lowest fScore
$curFScore = [int]::MaxValue
foreach ($p in $openSet.Keys) {
$fScore, $gScore = $openSet[$p]
if ($fScore -lt $curFScore) {
$curFScore = $fScore
$curGScore = $gScore
$cur = $p
if ($cur -eq $goal) {
$totalCost = $curGScore
$closedSet.Add($cur, 0)
$r, $c = $cur.Item1, $cur.Item2
# iterate over each cell in the 3x3 neighborhood
foreach ($i in [Math]::Max($r - 1, 0)..[Math]::Min($r + 1, $rows - 1)) {
foreach ($j in [Math]::Max($c - 1, 0)..[Math]::Min($c + 1, $cols - 1)) {
$neighbor = [ValueTuple]::Create($i, $j)
if ($closedSet.ContainsKey($neighbor)) { continue }
$newGScore = $curGScore + $costs[$i][$j]
$newFScore = $newGScore + (EstimateCost $neighbor $goal)
if (-not $openSet.ContainsKey($neighbor)) {
$openSet[$neighbor] = $newFScore, $newGScore
else {
$fs, $gs = $openSet[$neighbor]
if ($newGScore -ge $gs) { continue }
$cameFrom[$i][$j] = $cur
# Walk back from the goal
$route = @(, ($goal.Item1, $goal.Item2))
$cur = $goal
while ($cur -ne $start) {
$cur = $cameFrom[$cur.Item1][$cur.Item2]
$route += , ($cur.Item1, $cur.Item2)
return $route, $totalCost
$grid = CreateGrid 8 8 1
$grid[2][4] = 100
$grid[2][5] = 100
$grid[2][6] = 100
$grid[3][6] = 100
$grid[4][6] = 100
$grid[5][6] = 100
$grid[5][5] = 100
$grid[5][4] = 100
$grid[5][3] = 100
$grid[5][2] = 100
$grid[4][2] = 100
$grid[3][2] = 100
$route, $cost = AStar $grid (0, 0) (7, 7)
$displayGrid = CreateGrid 8 8 '.'
foreach ($i in 0..7) {
foreach ($j in 0..7) {
if ($grid[$i][$j] -gt 1) {
$displayGrid[$i][$j] = '#'
foreach ($step in $route) {
$displayGrid[$step[0]][$step[1]] = 'x'
Write-Output ($displayGrid | ForEach-Object { $_ -join '' })
Write-Output "Cost: $cost"
$routeString = ($route | ForEach-Object { "($($_[0]), $($_[1]))" }) -join ', '
Write-Output "Route: $routeString"</lang>
Cost: 11
Route: (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 2), (7, 3), (6, 4), (7, 5), (6, 6), (7, 7)
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