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<lang Nim>
# A* search algorithm.

from algorithm import reverse
import sets
import strformat
import tables

const Infinity = 1_000_000_000

type Cell = tuple[row, col: int]

Barriers = [(2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 6), (4, 6), (5, 6),
(5, 5), (5, 4), (5, 3), (5, 2), (4, 2), (3, 2)].toHashSet
Moves = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1)]


iterator neighbors(cell: Cell): Cell =
## Yield the neighbors of "cell".
for move in Moves:
let next = (row: cell.row + move[0], col: cell.col + move[1])
if next.row in 0..7 and next.col in 0..7:
yield next


func d(current, neighbor: Cell): int =
## Return the cost for the move from "current" to "neighbor".
if neighbor in Barriers: 100 else: 1


func h(cell, goal: Cell): int =
## Compute the heuristic cost for a move form the cell to the goal.
## We use the Chebychev distance as appropriate for this kind of move.
max(abs(goal.row - cell.row), abs(goal.col - cell.col))


func reconstructedPath(cameFrom: Table[Cell, Cell]; current: Cell): seq[Cell] =
## Return the shortest path from the start to the goal.
var cell = current
result = @[cell]
while cell in cameFrom:
cell = cameFrom[cell]


func search(start, goal: Cell): tuple[path: seq[Cell], cost: int] =
## Search the shortest path from "start" to "goal" using A* algorithm.
## Return the path and the cost.

var openSet = [start].toHashSet()
var visited: HashSet[Cell]
var cameFrom: Table[Cell, Cell]
var gScore, fScore: Table[Cell, int]
gscore[start] = 0
fScore[start] = h(start, goal)

while openSet.len != 0:

# Find cell in "openset" with minimal "fScore".
var current: Cell
var minScore = Infinity
for cell in openSet:
let score = fScore.getOrDefault(cell, Infinity)
if score < minScore:
current = cell
minScore = score

if current == goal:
# Return the path and cost.
return (reconstructedPath(cameFrom, current), fScore[goal])


# Update scores for neighbors.
for neighbor in current.neighbors():
if neighbor in visited:
# Already processed.
let tentative = gScore[current] + d(current, neighbor)
if tentative < gScore.getOrDefault(neighbor, Infinity):
cameFrom[neighbor]= current
gScore[neighbor] = tentative
fScore[neighbor] = tentative + h(neighbor, goal)
if neighbor notin openSet:


proc drawBoard(path: seq[Cell]) =
## Draw the board and the path.

func `$`(cell: Cell): string =
## Return the Unicode string to use for a cell.
if cell in Barriers: "██" else: (if cell in path: " *" else: " ·")

echo "████████████████████"
for row in 0..7:
for col in 0..7:
stdout.write((row, col))
echo "████████████████████"
echo '\n'


proc printSolution(path: seq[Cell]; cost: int) =
## Print the solution.
stdout.write(&"Path: ({path[0].row}, {path[0].col})")
for idx in 1..path.high:
let cell = path[idx]
stdout.write(&" → ({cell.row}, {cell.col})")
stdout.write(&"\nCost: {cost}\n")
echo '\n'


let (path, cost) = search((0, 0), (7, 7))
if cost == 0:
echo "No solution found"
printSolution(path, cost)

Path: (0, 0) → (1, 1) → (2, 2) → (3, 1) → (4, 1) → (5, 1) → (6, 2) → (7, 3) → (7, 4) → (6, 5) → (7, 6) → (7, 7)
Cost: 11

██ * · · · · · · ·██
██ · * · · · · · ·██
██ · · * ·██████ ·██
██ · *██ · · ·██ ·██
██ · *██ · · ·██ ·██
██ · *██████████ ·██
██ · · * · · * · ·██
██ · · · * * · * *██
