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A very close/straightforward implementation of the Wikipedia speudocode.

<lang ocaml>
module IntPairs =
type t = int * int
let compare (x0,y0) (x1,y1) =
match Stdlib.compare x0 x1 with
| 0 -> Stdlib.compare y0 y1
| c -> c

module PairsMap = Map.Make(IntPairs)
module PairsSet = Set.Make(IntPairs)

let find_path start goal board =
let max_y = Array.length board in
let max_x = Array.length board.(0) in

let get_neighbors (x, y) =
let moves = [(0, 1); (0, -1); (1, 0); (-1, 0);
(1, 1); (1, -1); (-1, 1); (-1, -1)] in
let ms = List.map (fun (_x, _y) -> x+_x, y+_y) moves in
let ms = List.filter (fun (x, y) ->
x >= 0 && x < max_x && y >= 0 && y < max_y
&& board.(y).(x) <> 0
) ms in
let h (x0, y0) (x1, y1) =
abs (x0 - x1) + abs (y0 - y1)
let openSet = PairsSet.add start PairsSet.empty in
let closedSet = PairsSet.empty in

let fScore = PairsMap.add start (h goal start) PairsMap.empty in
let gScore = PairsMap.add start 0 PairsMap.empty in

let cameFrom = PairsMap.empty in

let reconstruct_path cameFrom current =
let rec aux acc current =
let from = PairsMap.find current cameFrom in
if from = start then (from::acc)
else aux (from::acc) from
aux [current] current
let d current neighbor =
let x, y = neighbor in
let g gScore cell =
match PairsMap.find_opt cell gScore with
| Some v -> v | None -> max_int

let rec _find_path (openSet, closedSet, fScore, gScore, cameFrom) =
if PairsSet.is_empty openSet then None else
let current =
PairsSet.fold (fun p1 p2 ->
if p2 = (-1, -1) then p1 else
let s1 = PairsMap.find p1 fScore
and s2 = PairsMap.find p2 fScore in
if s1 < s2 then p1 else p2
) openSet (-1, -1)
if current = goal then Some (reconstruct_path cameFrom current) else
let openSet = PairsSet.remove current openSet in
let closedSet = PairsSet.add current closedSet in
let neighbors = get_neighbors current in
neighbors |>
(fun ((openSet, closedSet, fScore, gScore, cameFrom) as v) neighbor ->
if PairsSet.mem neighbor closedSet then (v) else
let tentative_gScore = (g gScore current) + (d current neighbor) in
if tentative_gScore < (g gScore neighbor) then
let cameFrom = PairsMap.add neighbor current cameFrom in
let gScore = PairsMap.add neighbor tentative_gScore gScore in
let f = (g gScore neighbor) + (h neighbor goal) in
let fScore = PairsMap.add neighbor f fScore in
let openSet =
if not (PairsSet.mem neighbor openSet)
then PairsSet.add neighbor openSet else openSet
(openSet, closedSet, fScore, gScore, cameFrom)
else (v)
) (openSet, closedSet, fScore, gScore, cameFrom)
|> _find_path
_find_path (openSet, closedSet, fScore, gScore, cameFrom)

let () =
let board = [|
[| 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; 0; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 1; |];
[| 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; |];
|] in
let start = (0, 0) in
let goal = (7, 7) in

let dim_x = Array.length board.(0) in
let dim_y = Array.length board in

let r = find_path start goal board in

match r with
| None -> failwith "path not found"
| Some p ->
List.iter (fun (x, y) -> Printf.printf " (%d, %d)\n" x y) p;
print_newline ();
let _board =
Array.init dim_y (fun y ->
Array.init dim_x (fun x ->
if board.(y).(x) = 0 then '#' else '.'))
List.iter (fun (x, y) -> _board.(y).(x) <- '*') p;

Array.iter (fun line ->
Array.iter (fun c ->
Printf.printf " %c" c;
) line;
print_newline ()
) _board;
print_newline ()</lang>


<pre> (0, 0)
(1, 1)
(2, 2)
(2, 3)
(1, 4)
(1, 5)
(1, 6)
(2, 7)
(3, 7)
(4, 7)
(5, 7)
(6, 7)
(7, 7)

* . . . . . . .
. * . . . . . .
. . * # # # . .
. . * . . # . .
. * # . . # . .
. * # . . # . .
. * # # # # . .
. . * * * * * *