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(My solution in Common Lisp)
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Path cost 11: (0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 2) (0, 3) (0, 4) (1, 5) (2, 6) (3, 6) (4, 6) (5, 6) (6, 7) (7, 7)
Path cost 11: (0, 0) (0, 1) (0, 2) (0, 3) (0, 4) (1, 5) (2, 6) (3, 6) (4, 6) (5, 6) (6, 7) (7, 7)

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==

<lang lisp>;; * Using external libraries with quicklisp
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload '("pileup" "iterate")))

;; * The package definition
(defpackage :a*-search
(:use :common-lisp :pileup :iterate))
(in-package :a*-search)

;; * The data
(defvar *size* 8
"The size of the area.")

;; I will use simple conses for the positions and directions.
(defvar *barriers*
'((2 . 4) (2 . 5) (2 . 6) (3 . 6) (4 . 6) (5 . 6) (5 . 5) (5 . 4) (5 . 3) (5 . 2)
(4 . 2) (3 . 2))
"The position of the barriers in (X Y) pairs, starting with (0 0) at the lower
left corner.")

(defvar *barrier-cost* 100 "The costs of a barrier field.")

(defvar *directions* '((0 . -1) (0 . 1) (1 . 0) (-1 . 0) (-1 . -1) (1 . 1))
"The possible directions left, right, up, down and diagonally.")

;; * Tha data structure for the node in the search graph
(defstruct (node (:constructor node))
(pos (cons 0 0) :type cons)
(path nil)
(cost 0 :type fixnum) ; The costs so far
(f-value 0 :type fixnum) ; The value for the heuristics

;; * The functions

;; ** Printing the final path
(defun print-path (path start end &optional (barriers *barriers*)
&aux (size (+ 2 *size*)))
"Prints the area with the BARRIERS."
;; The upper boarder
(format t "~v@{~A~:*~}~%" size "█")
;; The actual area
;; The lines
(iter (for y from (1- *size*) downto 0)
(format t "█")
;; The columns
(iter (for x from 0 below *size*)
(format t "~A"
(cond ((member (cons y x) barriers :test #'equal) "█")
((equal (cons y x) start) "●")
((equal (cons y x) end) "◆")
((Member (cons y x) path :test #'equal) "▪")
(t " "))))
;; The last column and jump to the next line
(format t "█~%"))
;; The lower boarder
(format t "~v@{~A~:*~}~%" size "█")
(for position in path)
(format t "(~D,~D)" (car position) (cdr position))
(finally (terpri))))

;; ** Generating the next positions
;; *** Check if a position is possible
(defun valid-position-p (position)
"Returns T if POSITION is a valid position."
(let ((x (car position))
(y (cdr position))
(max (1- *size*)))
(and (<= 0 x max)
(<= 0 y max))))

;; *** Move from the current position in direction
(defun move (position direction)
"Returns a new position after moving from POSITION in DIRECTION assuming only
valid positions."
(let ((x (car position))
(y (cdr position))
(dx (car direction))
(dy (cdr direction)))
(cons (+ x dx) (+ y dy))))

;; *** Generate the possible next positions
(defun next-positions (current-position)
"Returns a list of conses with possible next positions."
(remove-if-not #'valid-position-p
(mapcar (lambda (d) (move current-position d)) *directions*)))

;; ** The heuristics
(defun distance (current-position goal)
"Returns the Manhattan distance from CURRENT-POSITION to GOAL."
(+ (abs (- (car goal) (car current-position)))
(abs (- (cdr goal) (cdr current-position)))))

;; ** The A+ search
(defun a* (start goal heuristics next &optional (information 0))
"Returns the shortest path from START to GOAL using HEURISTICS, generating the
next nodes using NEXT."
(let ((visited (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
(flet ((pick-next-node (queue)
;; Get the next node from the queue
(heap-pop queue))
(expand-node (node queue)
;; Expand the next possible nodes from node and add them to the
;; queue if not already visited.
(with costs = (node-cost node))
(for position in (funcall next (node-pos node)))
(for cost = (1+ costs))
(for f-value = (+ cost (funcall heuristics position goal)
(if (member position *barriers* :test #'equal)
;; Check if this state was already looked at
(unless (gethash position visited))
;; Insert the next node into the queue
(node :pos position :path (cons position (node-path node))
:cost cost :f-value f-value)

;; The actual A* search
;; The priority queue
(with queue = (make-heap #'<= :name "queue" :size 1000 :key #'node-f-value))
(with initial-cost = (funcall heuristics start goal))
(initially (heap-insert (node :pos start :path (list start) :cost 0
:f-value initial-cost)
(for counter from 1)
(for current-node = (pick-next-node queue))
(for current-position = (node-pos current-node))
;; Output some information each counter or nothing if information
;; equals 0.
(when (and (not (zerop information))
(zerop (mod counter information)))
(format t "~Dth Node, heap size: ~D, current costs: ~D~%"
counter (heap-count queue)
(node-cost current-node)))
;; If the target is not reached continue
(until (equalp current-position goal))
;; Add the current state to the hash of visited states
(setf (gethash current-node visited) t)
;; Expand the current node and continue
(expand-node current-node queue)
(finally (return (values (nreverse (node-path current-node))
(node-cost current-node)

;; ** The main function
(defun search-path (&key (start '(0 . 0)) (goal '(7 . 7)) (heuristics #'distance))
"Searches the shortest path from START to GOAL using HEURISTICS."
(multiple-value-bind (path cost steps)
(a* start goal heuristics #'next-positions 0)
(format t "Found the shortest path from Start (●) to Goal (◆) in ~D steps with cost: ~D~%" steps cost)
(print-path path start goal)))</lang>

<pre>A*-SEARCH> (search-path)
Found the shortest path in 323 steps with cost: 11
█ ▪▪▪▪◆█
█ ▪ █
█ ▪█████ █
█ ▪█ █ █
█ ▪█ █ █
█ ▪ ███ █
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█● █