A* search algorithm: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Phix}}: added syntax colouring the hard way)
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Cost: 11
The simplest standalone FIFO priority queue is implemented after Sleator and Tarjan in Louis Wasserman's ''"Playing with Priority Queues"''[https://themonadreader.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/issue16.pdf].
<lang haskell>{-# language DeriveFoldable #-}
module PQueue where
data PQueue a = EmptyQueue
| Node (Int, a) (PQueue a) (PQueue a)
deriving (Show, Foldable)
instance Ord a => Semigroup (PQueue a) where
h1@(Node (w1, x1) l1 r1) <> h2@(Node (w2, x2) l2 r2)
| w1 < w2 = Node (w1, x1) (h2 <> r1) l1
| otherwise = Node (w2, x2) (h1 <> r2) l2
EmptyQueue <> h = h
h <> EmptyQueue = h
entry :: Ord a => a -> Int -> PQueue a
entry x w = Node (w, x) EmptyQueue EmptyQueue
enque :: Ord a => PQueue a -> a -> Int -> PQueue a
enque q x w = if x `notElem` q
then entry x w <> q
else q
deque :: Ord a => PQueue a -> Maybe (a, PQueue a)
deque q = case q of
EmptyQueue -> Nothing
Node (_, x) l r -> Just (x, l <> r)</lang>
The simple graph combinators:
<lang haskell>import PQueue
import Data.Map (Map(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (unfoldr)
newtype Graph n = Graph { links :: n -> Map n Int }
grid :: Int -> Int -> Graph (Int,Int)
grid a b = Graph $ \(x,y) ->
let links = [((x+dx,y+dy), dx*dx+dy*dy)
| dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1]
, not (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
, 0 <= x+dx && x+dx <= a
, 0 <= y+dy && y+dy <= b]
in Map.fromList links
withHole :: (Foldable t, Ord n) => Graph n -> t n -> Graph n
withHole (Graph g) ns = Graph $ \x ->
if x `elem` ns
then Map.empty
else foldr Map.delete (g x) ns </lang>
Finally, the search algorythm, as given in Wikipedia.
<lang haskell>get :: (Ord k, Bounded a) => Map k a -> k -> a
get m x = Map.findWithDefault maxBound x m
set :: Ord k => Map k a -> k -> a -> Map k a
set m k x = Map.insert k x m
data AstarData n = SetData { cameFrom :: Map n n
, gScore :: Map n Int
, openSet :: PQueue n }
:: Ord n => Graph n -> (n -> n -> Int) -> n -> n -> [n]
findPath (Graph links) metric start goal = loop a0
a0 = SetData
{ cameFrom = mempty
, gScore = Map.singleton start 0
, openSet = entry start (h start) }
h = metric goal
dist = get . links
loop a = case deque (openSet a) of
Nothing -> []
Just (current, q') -> if current == goal
then getPath (cameFrom a)
else loop a'
a' = Map.foldlWithKey go a { openSet = q' } neighbours
neighbours = links current
go a n _ =
let g = get $ gScore a
trial_Score = g current + dist current n
in if trial_Score >= g n
then a
else SetData
( set (cameFrom a) n current )
( set (gScore a) n trial_Score )
( openSet a `enque` n $ trial_Score + h n )
getPath m = reverse $ goal : unfoldr go goal
where go n = (\x -> (x,x)) <$> Map.lookup n m</lang>
<lang haskell>distL1 (x,y) (a,b) = max (abs $ x-a) (abs $ y-b)
main = let
g = grid 9 9 `withHole` wall
wall = [ (2,4),(2,5),(2,6),(3,6)
, (4,6),(5,6),(5,5),(5,4)
, (5,3),(5,2),(3,2),(4,2) ]
path = shortestPath g distL1 (1,1) (7,7)
picture = [ [ case (i,j) of
p | p `elem` path -> '*'
| p `elem` wall -> '#'
| otherwise -> ' '
| i <- [0..8] ]
| j <- [0..8] ]
in do
print path
mapM_ putStrLn picture
putStrLn $ "Path score: " <> show (length path) </lang>
<pre>λ> main
# #*
# #*
Path score: 11</pre>