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<lang HicEst>DLG(Edit=A, DNum, MIn=-1000, MAx=1000, E=B, DN, MI=-1000, MA=1000)
WRITE(Messagebox, Name) A, B, "Sum = ", A+B</lang>
This being my first hope program, and having no clue how to (have hope) read from stdin,
I installed hope (but not hopeless) from https://github.com/dmbaturin/hope,
read the Byte magazine article from 1980s which is a recast of the tutorial found in the github archive.
Congratulations, the program worked on my first attempt.
$ cd lib
$ ../src/hope
>: dec add : num # num -> num;
>: --- add(a,b) <= a + b;
>: add(3,99)
>: ^d
>> 102 : num