99 bottles of beer: Difference between revisions

m (→‎GUI: Should have used libheaders)
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Uses a non-commutative operator to construct a narrative expression of 99-bottles song.
<d>module nbottles ;
import std.string ;
import std.stdio ;
alias Exception NoMoreBottlesLeft ;
enum { // role
None = 0x0, // normal for OP and Term
Taker = 0x1, // for OP that minus one bottlesLeft
Viewer = 0x2, // for Term display bottlesLeft
NewLine = 0x4, // for Term that sending a newline to IO
class XP {
static string[] ones = ["","one","two","three","four",
"five","six","seven","eight","nine"] ;
static string[] tens = ["", "ten", "twenty","thirty","fourty",
"fifty","sixty","seventy","eighty","ninty"] ;
static string[] teens = ["","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen",
"fifteen","sixteen","seventeen","eighteen","nineteen"] ;
static private int bottlesLeft = 99 ;
static bool opCall() {
if (bottlesLeft == 0)
throw new NoMoreBottlesLeft("") ;
return true ;
static string Cap(string s) {
return toupper(s[0..1]) ~ s[1..$] ;
static string num2word(int i) {
if (i == 0)
return "No more" ;
//return std.string.toString(i) ;
string[2] digits ;
int numTen = i / 10 ;
int numOne = i % 10 ;
if(i == 10)
digits[1] = tens[1] ;
else if(numTen == 0)
digits[1] = ones[numOne] ;
else if(numTen == 1)
digits[1] = teens[numOne] ;
else {
digits[0] = tens[numTen] ;
digits[1] = ones[numOne] ;
return Cap(strip(join(digits," "))) ;
static string getBottles() {
string num = num2word(bottlesLeft) ;
string pural = (bottlesLeft != 1) ? "s" : "";
return num ~ " bottle" ~ pural ;
string words ;
int role ;
this (string w, int r) { words = w, role = r ; }
string getWord() {
string postfix = " ";
string word ;
if (words is null)
return "" ;
word = words ;
if (role & Viewer)
word = getBottles ;
if (role & NewLine)
postfix = "\n" ;
return word ~ postfix ;
alias XP A_drunker_sings_a_song ;
class Term : XP {
this (string w = null, int r = None) { super(w, r) ; }
class OP : XP {
this (string w = null, int r = None) { super(w, r) ; }
OP opDiv_r(Term t) {
if(role & Taker)
A_drunker_sings_a_song.bottlesLeft-- ;
writef(t.getWord) ;
writef(getWord) ;
return this ;
Term opDiv(Term t) {
writef(t.getWord) ;
return new Term ;
void main() {
Term N_bottles = new Term("", Viewer) ;
OP of = new OP("of") ;
Term beer = new Term("beer") ;
OP on = new OP("on") ;
Term the_wall = new Term("the wall", NewLine) ;
Term beer_ = new Term("beer", NewLine) ;
Term Take = new Term("Take") ;
OP one = new OP("one", Taker) ;
Term down = new Term("down,") ;
Term pass = new Term("pass") ;
OP it = new OP("it") ;
Term around = new Term("around", NewLine) ;
Term the_wall_ = new Term("the wall\n", NewLine) ;
for(; A_drunker_sings_a_song();
N_bottles/of/beer_ ,
Take/one/down, pass/it/around,
) {}
} catch (NoMoreBottlesLeft e) {
writefln("Go buy more beer!") ;