99 bottles of beer: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|UNIX Shell}}: Tweak Bourne Shell to output complete verses. Add C Shell.)
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An inspection of the generated executable proves that it indeed contains the complete text of the song in one block.
An inspection of the generated executable proves that it indeed contains the complete text of the song in one block.

===The bottled version===
WYSIWYG (with correct plurals and can buy some more):<lang c> int b= 99,u=1;
char * d[ 16 ];
char y[]= "#:o"
"ttle/ of:eer"
"_ a_Go<o5st>"
"=1rou7_17 _<"
"h;_ m?_nd_ o"
"n_085wall_ b"
"_e _ t_ss it"
" \060.@, 9$";
# define xor ^=
#define or(x,z) else\
&& !(c = 0) && (c =! z));
int p(char*x){char *s = x \
; unsigned char c; for ( d[
c = 0]=y; ! x && (d[c + 1]=
strchr( s = d[c], '_')); *(
d[++c]++)= 0); for (x = s?:
x; (c = *s++); c?putchar(c)
:0) {if (! (((c xor 48) & ~
0xf) && (c xor 48 ))) p( d[
c ]), c = 0; or ('$', p (b-
99 ? ".\n":".") && p (b- 99
? x : "")) or( '\x40', c &&
p(d[!!b--+2])) or('/', c &&
p (b ^1 ? "s" : "")) or( '\
\043', b++ ? p("So6"+--b) :
! printf ( "%d" , b? -- b :
(b += 99 ) ) ) or ('S', !(
++u % 3 ) * 32 + 78) or('.'
,puts("" ".")) } return c;}
int main() {return p(0);}</lang>
